ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense Review
Anti-Aging Creams

ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense Review

We’re not sure why, but Dr. Zein Obagi has decided to create a second skincare line. First there was just Obagi.  Now there’s Obagi and ZO.

The price ranges are similar, which makes the decision even more difficult to understand.  Maybe the good doctor just wanted to make a fresh start, with a chance to experiment with new formulas without tarnishing the reputation of his well received Obagi products.

One of the first products we heard about from the line is ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense.  This serum is chock full of first string anti-aging ingredients, and it promises to repair damaged skin cells while protecting against future damage.

It boosts collagen production, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, and improves the tone and texture of the skin.  The most consistent comment we found in ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense reviews is that skin’s texture becomes smooth, soft, and supple.

ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense ReviewZO Ossential Daily Power Defense Ingredients and How They Work

As we mentioned above, ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense has got several good ingredients:

  • Retinol to encourage skin cell turnover so your skin is always fresh and new.
  • DNA Repairing Enzymes to fight against oxidative damage and even out skin tone.
  • Vitamin E and herbal Antioxidants to fight against the free radical damage caused by time and exposure to the sun and environment.
  • Peptides to build collagen to firm up and smooth out skin.

You’re directed to use ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense in the morning, after cleansing and before moisturizing.

ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense Pros and Cons

It’s always helpful to compare what’s good and bad about a product.  That way, you’ll have a real good idea about whether or not it’s something you want to buy.

Advantages of ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense

  • It’s full of great anti-aging ingredients.
  • Almost every ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense review we saw mentioned that the texture of their skin was much improved.
  • It’s made by a dermatologist familiar with all sorts of leading edge technology.
  • The pump bottle will keep the ingredients stable.

Disadvantages of ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense

  • It’s expensive.
  • You’ll most likely need to use a moisturizer on top.
  • Its’ got a few ingredients (botanical herbs) that may be irritating to sensitive skin.
  • Contains parabens and pthalates just like the Obagi line

Where to Buy

You can buy ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense at Nordstrom if you want to test it out at the counter before committing to buy.  Otherwise, you’ve got a few online options like the ZO website and Amazon.  The 1.7 ounce pump retails for $125.


I’d say there’s plenty of benefit to be had by using ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense.  The idea that it really may be able to significantly improve the texture of your skin is really intriguing.

Given how expensive it is, your best bet would be to try it out at the counter to make sure it doesn’t irritate your skin.  If you don’t have any problems after a day or so, we’d recommend using ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense in your fight against aging.

However, if you have an issue with parabens (preservatives) and pthalates (fragrances) in your beauty products, you should be aware that this line does contain them.

Read about our Top Wrinkle Creams

Have You Used ZO Ossential Daily Power Defense?  Leave Your Review Below!

User Questions and Answers

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User Questions and Answers

Q: Should a 10% vitamin C product be put on before ossential daily power defence. I have been using a 10% vitamin C, then ossential daily power followed by a 30 sunblock. -Diane

A: Diane, I love Vitamin C serums, your routine sounds great. How do you like the Zo product? Rachel

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Q: How many times a day do you use daily power Defense -Pamela

A: Pamela, you could use up to twice a day, am and pm.

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Q: Is DPD safe to use during pregnancy? -Dwan

A: Hi Dwan, I think retinol is one of those ingredients you should avoid when pregnant and the ZO Essential has it as an ingredient. You could ask your Dr. to be sure, but I would opt for natural, non-toxic beauty care while you're pregnant since your skin absorbs it, why risk it? Check out my review of the Beautycounter Countermatch moisturizer, it's an awesome product and Beautycounter is a very safe line. They also have some fabulous facial oils as well. Good luck! Rachel

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Q: I recently started using the Obagi power Defense after recommendation after having laser resurfacing on my face. I realised that since I’ve been using this my skin has being breaking out in spots and the texture is awful. Is this normal? Or shall I discontinue using it - pretty annoying as I got laser resurfacing to tackle my acne scars after the treatment skin looked amazing.then I started using the power defence and have full blown spots . Please help -Saira

A: Hi Saira, I sure hope you are completely healed from the laser because the Power Defense has retinol which is a highly active ingredient. I don't do well with retinol either, it can make your skin sensitive and you have to be very careful not to get sun. It doesn't work for everyone. Maybe try the opposite, something completely gentle and nourishing with no active ingredients for now while your skin recovers. Beautycounter Nourishing Day Cream is amazing and doesn't contain any active ingredients or AHA's, or anything toxic like Parabens or phthalates (check the label of the Obagi for anything that ends with Paraben.... Sounds like you're just doing too much too soon with the retinol, I would take a gentle approach. Good luck! Rachel

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Q: Is there a product similar to ZO Obagi Daily Defense. One that is less expensive? -Elle

A: Hi Elle, yes these Zo products are very expensive, overpriced a bit in my opinion. I much prefer Image Skincare as a medical grade skincare line. The Vital C Serum is a fantastic antioxidant serum that seriously every woman should own...it's my favorite Image product. You can shop Image Skincare here on Amazon if you'd like to take a look at their products. I would only use their official page - there are other places that sell fakes... The Image Ageless serum is also fantastic if you do well with glycolic, it really does a great job with exfoliating and cell renewal. But the Vital C Serum would be a good replacement for the Obagi. Thanks! Rachel

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Rachel Vrabel

Rachel is Chief Editor of Women’s Blog Talk and writes reviews across the spectrum of anti-aging, health and beauty. She has an English degree from USF and worked in finance for 15 years before establishing this website in 2011. She loves having a place she can share her inspiration for health and beauty and continue to help others! She lives in South Florida with her husband and her hobbies include beach volleyball, HIIT training and combing the beach for sea glass and shells.


  • Jouda

    Bonjour, j ai acheté tous les produits ZO pour le visage, mais comment l’utiliser, je ne comprends pas l’ anglais. Que dois-je faire ?

  • JoAnn Francis

    blogs are a great way of giving knowledge unless you blog about something that the research was not done. you need to research why dr obagi is no longer affiliated with nuderm and why he created zo. Dr. Obagi’s science works when all steps are done that are necessary to achieve optimum results. in which with proper protocol you would never need a moisturizer. anyone wanting proper protocol for skin health can feel free to visit my website and call me. I have been working with Dr.Obagi and his science for 18 years. it is truly amazing. i always say you would not buy a car with only 3 tires and expect it to work.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      JoAnn, thanks for your comment. I did receive your email and it appears I seem to be lacking a lot of good info on the Zo line in this review. I didn’t know that Dr. Obagi left Obagi Medical because they didn’t want to change the formulas to his standards. So the Zo line in fact is Dr. Obagi’s latest and greatest in skin care once he branched out on his own. And when I pull up an ingredients list of this product, I do not see parables on the list, or added synthetic fragrance, which is great. This is not a line I’ve ever tried personally, but it’s definitely one I would like to try. Thanks again for clearing up some of the facts. Rachel~WomensBlogTalk.com

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