Becoming a Pruvit Promoter – What you Should Know Before Joining!
Becoming a Pruvit Promoter
Being a Pruvit promoter since 2015 has been an incredible journey! Promoting the world’s best exogenous ketones supplement is a very rewarding venture.
Pruvit launched the first ever exogenous ketones supplement to the market in Oct. 2015 and I became a customer in Nov. 2015.
One drink and I was hooked; the only flavor they had then was the original Orange Dream flavor. We are surely spoiled now with the buffet of flavors!
After seeing some fat loss and feeling energized, I quickly turned promoter after experiencing the power of this drink!

Be sure and read my Pruvit testimonial and review of ketones here.
I was actually skeptical at first since I’d never heard of exogenous ketones, but become a Pruvit promoter has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
To become a Pruvit promoter, it costs $37 for the annual promoter membership fee and there’s no minimum purchase.
By joining you’ll have 5 different links to share and can send people to your own website identical to my Pruvit website.
Often, all it takes is a social media share of your Pruvit links to Facebook to start piquing interest!
Fat loss is sometimes a big reason people are drawn to Pruvit’s Keto-OS, but oftentimes why they continue to drink it is HOW THEY FEEL.
Pruvit is an MLM – Isn’t that a Pyramid Scheme?
I actually love this question, and I have many rebuttals to dispel the misinformation some people have on the MLM structure.
An MLM can be a very effective business model, especially when it comes to ketones. Pruvit has coined the the term “Community Based Marketing.”

In Pruvit’s case, Community Based Marketing is beneficial since not many people know much about ketones and ketosis, and Pruvit leads with education.
Imagine if a jar of Pruvit’s Keto//OS was sitting on the shelf in GNC. Do you think the kid behind the counter would be knowledgeable about it, along with the other 1,000 products on the shelves?
Probably not, in fact he’d probably confuse it with “raspberry ketones” which is something completely different than exogenous ketones.
Some MLM’s can be considered schemes when the focus is on the recruitment of other promoters, and being forced to buy large promoter packs.
Pruvit does not do this, you can market the way you want and you’re not required to make a large up-front purchase.
Most people do buy promoter packs if they’re ready to share ketones however, and it can work to your advantage if you choose to do it that way.
Should you Buy An Experience Promoter Pack?
If you’re a go-getter and you’d like to be able to offer 5 or 10 day experiences and have a leg-up to building your business more quickly, this where purchasing an Experience Pack makes sense for a brand new Pruvit promoter.
There are also some financial perks when you come out of the gate with a NAT Experience Pack.
An experience pack is a 200 serving pack that is a mix of flavors, here are my two faves for getting started:
- NAT Experience Pack – 200 OTG servings – 2 boxes each of all the flavors, in all Charged, all Decaf, or a mix.
- NAT Mini Experience Pack – 100 OTG servings – 1 box each of the five mainstay flavors.
Benefits of an Experience Pack
- Rank 5 pass for 1-year. What this means is that you earn a higher residual commission percentage from sales under you.
- The Go Fast Bonus normally pays 20% of the BV (each product has a “Bonus Value”) for orders placed during the first 30 days of personally enrolled Promoters. You can DOUBLE this to 40% for 30 days by purchasing an Experience Pack.
- Having SAMPLES to sell 5 and 10 day experiences – this is the key to my business. You can take a look at the samples I offer on my Keto Samples Blog to see what I offer.
Smartship Benefits and Pruvit Bucks
Smartship is a monthly auto-ship program where you get your ketones 22% off. No catches and you can change products or cancel anytime.
The Smartship is available to customers and Pruvit promoters alike, and so is the free product program.
Having an active Smartship for a Pruvit promoter is key, since it allows you to earn “Pruvit Bucks” (this is a bonus you earn on top of commissions).
Once you get two people signed up under you on Smartship (and you’re on Smartship yourself), your monthly box will be FREE – your Pruvit bucks will be swept automatically to pay for your Ketones – all you pay is shipping and tax.
Additional Pruvit Bucks you earn can be used for additional one-time orders, or you can beef up your Smartship, up to 500 Pruvit bucks per month.
For example, just this month I had a box of Keto//OS Chocolate Swirl, Keto Max Swiss Cacao charged, and Keto Max Swiss Cacao decaf. It was 100% FREE to me, all I paid was tax and shipping.
You can also use Pruvit Bucks to generate coupons for interested leads. I often give away $10 or $15 off coupons to new customers, friends and family.
You can generate these yourself in your Pruvit cloud. If someone doesn’t use a coupon, you can recycle it.
Earning Money with Pruvit
I’m going to keep things very simple. On customers you sell to (your Level 1), Pruvit promoters make a retailer bonus plus residual commissions.
If your customer sets up smart ship, you receive that recurring commission each month. You will also be paid a residual commission on the team underneath you (that’s what I mean by Levels 1-3).
GoPro and GoMVP Bonuses – Focus on These When you Start

There are also bonuses to hit when you first join as a Pruvit promoter. The first ones you’ll want to hit in your first 30 days are the GoPro and GoMVP bonuses.
Check out the Go Challenge FastStart video to understand exactly what is required.
Hitting GoPro in your first 14 days earns you an additional $250 cash/$100 Pruvit bucks.
The GoMVP earns you $500 cash/$100 Pruvit bucks (on TOP of the GoPro $250 bonus) and the accelerated GoFast.
If you’d like to see the full Pruvit Rewards brochure, I’m happy to send it to you.
Pruvit Champion Rank 6
I’m a Rank 6 Champion with Pruvit, which qualified me to earn the car bonus which is awesome! To reach Champion status, the volume requirement is 30,000 within the month.
Being a Champion also gives you access to the “inner circle” if you will. Champ-only calls, and champ-only meetings at Epik, Keto Kademy and More.
At the Epik convention in Boca Raton, I won an award for #3 Top Retailer. I was SHOCKED, and pretty sure I shed some tears before this big smile.

I’ve grown close with all my promoters and we have an active private Facebook promoter group. I have an AMAZING team leader who does a ton of training so I don’t reinvent the wheel when it comes to leading my own promoters.
He’s a high ranking Pruver (he just won the Lifetime Achievement award)… he’s great! If you want plugging in I can certainly lead you on the right path.
My strength in helping people in this business is the relationships I build, the questions I answer, and always being available to help you if you need it. I’m very comfortable talking about ketones and ketosis and will get on the phone with anyone.
Should you Become a Pruvit Promoter?
Becoming a Pruvit promoter is a personal decision. Some people have such an amazing personal experience, that it becomes second nature to want to share.
Friends and family start asking, and it doesn’t take much to earn some free ketones every month, and earn cash on top of that.
No matter what your goals are, whether it’s just free ketones and a little extra cash each month, or you really want to build a big business with a team under you, I can help you get there if you’d like to work with me!
If you have questions regarding becoming a promoter, please contact me here or email me directly at [email protected].
Join my Pruvit Team as a Promoter
Join as a Customer
Related Pruvit Links:
Pruvit Keto OS Review and Testimonial
This is my personal review. This content is not the opinion of Pruvit Ventures, Inc. Pruvit Ventures, Inc, is not responsible for any of the information, view, or opinions expressed on this page. Please visit their official site for details. You can find links on this page. I am an independent Pruvit Promoter.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Prüvit products are not intended to diagnose prevent treat or cure any disease. If you are under medical supervision for any allergy, disease, taking prescription medications or you are breastfeeding contact your medical provider before adding any new supplements to your daily regimen.
User Questions and Answers
User Questions and Answers
Q: Can U become a promotor in Belgium (Europe) or do U have to be In the USA? -Diana
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Q: I’ve tried doing a keto diet and couldn’t do it. I succumbed to carb cravings and felt so sluggish in workouts I gave up. Is this different? I don’t have much weight to lose but my skin is always breaking out, this is why I’m asking. Is this going to help? -Lana
1 out of 1 people found this question helpful.
Q: I work full time as a nurse. Is it possible to maintain my full time job and have the necessary time to put into being a promoter to make it a successful venture? -Alexa
Q: Which of these products, if any, can you take while breastfeeding -Angel
Q: I really want to try theae product, but dont know which ones to start with. I've never dine keto before. My promoter hasnt been extremely helpful. Just sent me the link and all the flavors. Even with questilns, still havent been pointed in the right direction. I may even be interested in being a promoter at some point. Can you help me please? -Traci
Hi Rachel i seem to struggle with finding someone who is a rep. I would like to be a distributor but want to start by even trying them. So do you give out samples and advise on what my first purchase should be?
Let me know and look forward to trying this out and becoming a experience distributor.
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Karri, sorry for the late response, my blog message center had a few hiccups as of late. Have you tried any samples yet? Check out my Keto Samples Blog here if you’d like to start with a 5 or 10 pack. Sorry they’re not free since they’re not free for me, and this is exactly what you’ll need to do if you want to promote. Buy product yourself and sell those samples back so that people can give a try! 🙂 If you want to try a full box, a great place to start is the Keto NAT Challenge Box just for yourself. It’s a full box of 20 in a mix of all the best flavors with half charged (with caffeine), and half decaf (which is great for an afternoon or evening serving). If you try and love the product, and want to take that next step into promoting, there are promoter packs you can buy, although it’s not required. But I do feel even a small pack is what will give you success in this business. Most people want to test drive and get a feel for the flavors before they buy a full box. Let me know if I can help or if you want to chat! You can send an email or chat me up on IG. Thanks! xo Rachel
Hello. Not really a question, more a comment/conversation I’d like to make/have (no need to publish it). I feel it is easy to mislead people into thinking that they can only start and stay on keto long term with the help of expensive supplements. There are many cheaper solutions out there to get all your minerals and vitamins. I’m not against supplements (I myself use some and they do help), I just disapprove of first labelling keto as “hard” then offering people a crutch in powder form. Keto requires a lot of willpower and community support, and needs to be advertised as a lifestyle and food rebalancing type of “diet”, not something anyone can achieve thanks to a little powder in your coffee – it requires self-education on the topic of food and dieting in general. If people aren’t doing that research work first then they sure will struggle and find keto impossible. I understand you are trying to sell here and I am not questioning your motives. I just think that Pruvit Keto//OS Max, because of its price tag, really should only be suggested to people already committed to keto and feeling/understanding the benefits, not just anyone, not even low carb folks, or it will just be a waste of their money. Hope this will be heard and understood the right way. Keep up the good keto work! 🙂
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Purple 🙂 I have no problem publishing your question because I think your opinion holds value and I don’t think my blogs were written to mislead, I think I am transparent in my writings about ketones at least I hope it comes across that way. If it doesn’t, I am doing something wrong….
As far as what you said about there are cheaper solutions to get all your minerals and vitamins, exogenous ketones are not just vitamins/minerals. BHB (betahydroxybutyrate – the ketone body) is something very unique, that as you know, you can’t experience unless you’re in nutritional ketosis and your body is making them endogenously.
I personally do not follow a strict ketogenic diet… I do intermittent fast and I have found carb cycling works best for me. Keto is hard for a lot of people, it was for me….I missed fruit and didn’t feel healthy without certain things in my diet. And being very active and playing beach volleyball, I just feel better having some healthy carbs in my diet.
What works for one, doesn’t work across the board. Ketogenic diet is not for everyone….(but very beneficial for some). However, drinking ketones does provide a TON of benefits even if you’re not following a strict Keto Diet. I would say most of my customers who drink it probably don’t follow a strict keto diet.
I use for ENERGY and FOCUS, MOOD and it helps keep me on track with the diet I choose to follow, and keeps me from snacking too much. Fat loss is on my list of benefits I’ve experienced (I’ve kept the 17 lbs off that I lost easily), but having drank them for 3 years now, and seeing how it helps me with my day to day, with productivity and the mood boost it provides, I find great value in it for the other reasons even more.
It can and does stimulate fat loss, because if your appetite is suppressed, you’re not eating as much but it’s not a miracle weight loss supplement. You certainly can’t just think you can drink ketones and eat pizza and it’s going to benefit your body like nutritional ketosis would…. As you said, ketogenic diet may require willpower and community support, but drinking them gives me that… not to mention other health benefits.
My brain is so much sharper, my post-fertility brain (memory) has improved, my skin is clear and my blepharitis/rosacea of the eyes is non-existent (I literally went from having daily red, inflamed eyeballs to being diagnosed as no longer having “incurable” blepharitis). Dr.’s love to tell people they have incurable conditions…
This, by drinking the ketones, following a healthy eating plan but not being strict keto. Ketones aren’t a crutch, nor a cheat. They are a boost of ketones in your blood that you can FEEL immediately. I test my blood and stay in ketosis even without the ketones, just by intermittent fasting and keep my carbs lower.
But when I drink my ketones, that’s when my brain is lit up and get all my work done and have the best workouts and play endless hours of volleyball with a sharp, focused mind with no crashes. Sustained energy.
Some people do have a very hard time transitioning to ketogenic diet….think about how unhealthy most of the American population is…think about how carb and sugar addicted our society is, the diabetes, the list goes on. Metabolic syndrome is an epidemic. Ketones are therapuetic for this reason…you can avoid much of the keto flu type symptoms if you supplement with ketones, you’re just going to feel better.
Can you do it on your own just with diet? Of course…and many do. Some people find it easier once they get over the hump, but some get to that hump and give up. If keto wasn’t hard for you, then you wouldn’t say you need “keto requires a lot of will power and community support” those are your words.
My sister has epilepsy and has NEVER been able to adhere to a strict Keto Diet, even though it would be better for her if she did. But ketones provide her brain with an optimal fuel source, and they certainly don’t hurt. Whereas a lot of other supplements would be detrimental for her….
Of course it’s a personal choice…. if you’re on a hard core Keto Diet and your body naturally produces a lot of ketones, then drinking them may not be as beneficial. I know a lot of people who eat strict keto and can barely break .5 ketosis blood level threshold, but drinking them their blood ketone levels shoot up to 2-3… how do you think that translates in how they FEEL? It makes a huge difference.
Anyway, I know I’m rambling… Ketones are for everyone, but they are extremely beneficial for some. And I know there are plenty of strict keto dieters who turn their nose up at ketones…and that’s fine. I think ketones help more people who AREN’T following a strict Keto Diet personally… based on my experience and the thousands of people I have communicated on the subject over the last 3.5 years.
I have many athletes (Iron women/men) who love ketones for the FUEL SOURCE, or, just the average woman or man who want a great boost to their workout without resorting to unhealthy Monsters, Red Bulls, etc.
Again, there are many ways/reasons to use ketones and I’ll say it again, it’s not a miracle weight loss supplement but a TOOL that can help you achieve your goals and feel better… 🙂 I appreciate your comment and sorry for the long winded response. I think if you could see the messages from some of the people I’ve helped on ketones, you would see the flip side of the coin. I even have customers who have put their obese children on ketones and it’s helped them get on a better path, lose weight, not feel so depressed and addicted to food.
xo ~Rachel
How much is it for the promoter packs. I love this product!!!
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Melissa, thanks for your message! Glad you are loving your ketones, they are amazing! You can click my Pruvit promoter link on the website to take a look at the promoter packs. The smaller pack is $650 and it goes up from there, unless you wait for a sale 😉 Please let me know if you have any questions. It’s very easy to unload a promoter pack selling 5 and 10 day experiences. You get your money back and gain customers. It’s really the best way! Thanks, Rachel
Do you earn commission on your own purchases if you are a promoter? If so, how much?
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Colleen, I don’t get paid on my personal purchases, but I do earn the volume from those sales to rank up… which the higher the rank, the higher your overall commissions on Retailer Bonus and Residual Bonuses. And I get $500/month in free product by earning Pruvit Bucks from having customers on Smartship. Email me at [email protected] if you’d like to talk more about it. Thanks! Rachel
I was thinking of simply becoming a promoter to get a discount for myself and husband. Is there more money to put out than the annual $37? Is there a discount? Can yyou give me the badics if i was only planning to do it small time? Ty
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Anna, I will email you! No it’s only the $37 annual promoter fee plus whatever product you choose to buy… the new promoter packs are great though, it does bring the cost down.
Begin as a rep
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Deborah, did you have a question? I changed it from a question to a comment because I wasn’t sure. If you mean be a customer first for a while, I whole heartedly agree. You have to have some personal results and a story to share. You have to find that passion, otherwise promoting may not come easy. Thanks! Rachel
Courtney Dixon
What is the difference between being a promoter and using your “reference” for others to purchase?
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Courtney, as a customer you can earn free product. If you’re on smartship and you refer two friends to your link to sign up for smartship, you will earn Pruvit bucks and your monthly box will be FREE (you pay shipping and tax). Also being on Smartship, every fourth month you’ll get a box for free (they choose the flavor). If you get more than two people, it makes sense to pay the $37 promoter fee so you will earn both Pruvit bucks plus commission. I’ll link you to the customer free product program here. Let me know if you still have questions. Thanks! Rachel
If I were to join your team- what kind of support to you provide? I need the income, but not so great at “marketing” – I am already using the product, but I don’t get great support from the person i buy from. I need to pay off some student loans – so this as a second “job” is vital to my survival at this point. Also, i don’t have the $1,000 to put down- any suggestions- maybe just start with $37 and then try to get people on to start? what are your ideas and how can you help? thank you! *i tried to contact you via email, but it wasn’t working
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Taylor! Not sure why the email wasn’t working but you can feel free to email me directly at [email protected]. I have a great team with TONS of support, not only from me, but my mentor/upline. We have an amazing private FB group for promoters, and also another one for customers (and people interested in learning more) with over 4K people, and we post great content and keep them highly engaged. We always help people especially getting started with ideas on what to post, and we have an easy system to tag new people in the group to the campfire video and then you follow up with them by message. It’s an Add-Tag-Message system and it works very well. I am also available to help answer questions by phone/text/message and provide all the support you need. You can start with just becoming a promoter but I will tell you that getting those 5 and 10 day experiences in hands is the way to bring in customers. People want to try the flavors and once they try it, they usually become your customer so you make all your money back on the pack. However, if people trust you, then you can certainly just send them to your website to buy. I’m happy to chat with you more, just shoot me an email! Thank you! Rachel
Roxana Weldon
Rachel, I lived this article. I have recently started using ketones, and I love them; my daughter is a promoter and I’d like to be one too. Bring that this article was written in 2019, may I ask, are you still active as a promoter?
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Roxana, yes I am! Sorry I’m just seeing your message. I’ve been a promoter since Pruvit launched their products in 2015! 🙂