Best Eye Treatments for Blepharitis and Ocular Rosacea
Around 2016 I found out I have blepharitis stemming from ocular rosacea. For years I’ve wondered why my eyes were often red, dry, and irritated looking. Visine would temporarily give me a boost but after about 5 hours I would experience rebound redness which is even worse! We all want those beautiful, bright white eyes. After all, your eyes are…
Top 3 Anti-Aging Creams
You’ll Love my Top 3! Let’s face it, you’ve probably gone through tons of anti-aging creams with a similar promise…to reduce or even eliminate wrinkles. Over the years, I’ve tried a plethora of creams that have turned out to be decent moisturizers, but do little for any real anti-aging effect. You should also be realistic about your expectations with skin care,…
Lifecell Review – Does it Really Make Wrinkles Vanish?
Lifecell Review Hello beauties! I am so excited to bring you my latest Lifecell Anti-Aging Treatment cream review which has been one of my go-to moisturizers since 2010 (yes, over ten years!), it’s simply an amazing product! Lifecell is an ultra concentrated formula of clinical skincare, a multi-purpose anti-aging treatment that’s like having 7 products in one! Lifecell diminishes the…
Keto OS Samples For Sale – New Pruvit Flavors!
Welcome to my Pruvit Keto OS Samples Page Hi! If you’re looking to taste some popular flavors of Pruvit’s ketones before you buy a whole box, you’ve come to the right place! I’ve been at this since 2015! Keep scrolling until you see my sample packs and you can check out securely via PayPal. I’m Rachel Vrabel and you can…
Pruvit KETO OS Review & Results – Lose Your Muffin Top
Hello world! If you’re looking for a detailed Pruvit Keto OS review review driven by education and results, you’ve found it! My name is Rachel Vrabel and you can find me on Instagram @womensblogtalk or on Facebook. I started drinking ketones in 2015 when Pruvit first brought exogenous ketones to the market when the only flavor was Orange Dream, and…
Beware of Free Trials for Anti-Aging Products – an Investigative Report
Get the Facts on Free Trials for Beauty Creams Have you been scammed by a free trial for an anti-aging cream? Keep reading! In this review about free trials, I’ll give you tips on how to cancel and hopefully get your money back! Before I go any further – if you’re looking for a phone number to cancel a free…
Free Trials for Skin Creams SCAM – Phone Numbers and How to Cancel!
Free trials for skin creams SCAMS are running rampant online, especially on Facebook! The ads for free trials for Shark Tank creams, Dr. Oz wrinkle creams, Oprah Winfrey, and other celebrity creams – they’re all bogus and only give you 12-14 days to try before billing and are impossible to cancel. Their deceptive ads lure you in to accepting free…
Keto Reboot Review – What to Expect During your Pruvit 60 Hour Fast
Pruvit Keto Reboot Review When Pruvit launched their Keto Reboot kit at the Epik convention in January 2018, I was able to buy it before it went public. I was also certified to be a Keto Reboot Coach! Feb. 11, 2018 was the first official Keto Reboot and thousands of participants joined, hence the excitement was at an all time…
Phentermine Alternatives – Don’t Risk Your Health Before Reading This
Phentermine Alternatives – Best OTC Weight Loss Pills People are searching for phentermine alternatives because there are some nasty unwanted side effects, but everyone wants a solution for quick weight loss! So, let’s face the cold hard truth. Losing weight shouldn’t be that difficult. Use more calories than you take in and you will shed fat. Basically, eat fewer cookies…
Joovv Red Light Review – Is Red Light Therapy a Bright Idea?
Joovv Red Light Therapy This is my personal review on Joovv Red Light Therapy, visit the Joovv Website here for more info. So what’s all this talk about red light therapy? How can a red light or near infra-red light at just the right wavelength make you look and feel younger? Red light therapy has many anti-aging and health benefits…