keto os max
Fat Loss,  Ketones,  Recommended

Pruvit KETO OS Review & Results – Lose Your Muffin Top

Hello world! If you’re looking for a detailed Pruvit Keto OS review review driven by education and results, you’ve found it!

My name is Rachel Vrabel and you can find me on Instagram @womensblogtalk or on Facebook.

I started drinking ketones in 2015 when Pruvit first brought exogenous ketones to the market when the only flavor was Orange Dream, and now there’s a buffet of delicious flavors!

It’s 2021, and I continue to drink ketones daily since it gives me so many benefits and want to share my journey with you!

Pruvit Keto OS (Ketone Operating System) is an exogenous ketones powder you mix with water that comes in charged and decaf in a variety of YUMMY flavors! You just mix, shake, and drink 1-2x per day for optimal ketosis!

Visit Pruvit’s Website

drink ketones daily
Drinking ketones daily since 2015 – Still Better!

One serving of Keto OS elevates your ketone levels and puts you into therapeutic ketosis.  The skinny is – you help your body burn fat. It suppresses appetite, and is a great tool for intermittent fasting.

What I love most about drinking ketones is how they make me FEEL – LIFTED MOOD (happy) and with sustained energy throughout the day, focused, and much better workouts!

The 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge! *NEW*

Click Here to Learn More about the 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge, this is an awesome deal for new customers! 20 sachets in a variety of flavors in a mix of both Charged and Decaf.

The 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge

What is Ketosis?

Click here to watch a short video explaining ketones, ketosis and how Keto OS works

Pruvit Ketones Vs. Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic Diet will also put your body into ketosis, however it’s very strict – less than 20 grams of carbs per day. To put that in perspective – one cup of rice has about 48 grams of carbs. Three bites and you’re out of ketosis.

When you lower carbs to that level, your body makes “endogenous” ketones through a process called Ketogenesis. Your body turns fat into a fuel called a ketone body (BHB).

A ketogenic diet has many therapeutic applications and while it’s not new, it has become a very popular way to lose fat quickly.

A keto diet is NOT a ticket to eat all the butter, fat bombs and cheese you want! This would not be a well formulated keto diet if your goal is fat loss.

Fasting and other Keto diet regimens date back to 500 BC, and the ketogenic diet has been used to treat epileptic seizures since the 1920’s (NCBI study).

My younger sister was diagnosed with epilepsy at 8 years old (she’s 38 now), however following a Keto diet has not been something she can stick to, like at ALL, but drinking ketones still do help her in many ways (more on my sis…keep reading).

Pruvit results
Me and my sis! Best friends and #PruvitSisters

Ketosis in Under an Hour

The definition of KETOSIS is having elevated blood ketone levels. By drinking Pruvit Keto OS “exogenous” ketones you put your body into a much higher therapeutic state of ketosis and give your body a FUEL SOURCE, in under an hour. 

You DO NOT have to follow a ketogenic diet to benefit from drinking ketones!  Ketones bring compliance to any healthy eating plan since they help so much with energy and appetite suppression. I actually eat carbs often, just the RIGHT carbs!

Benefits of Drinking Ketones:

  • Sustained energy
  • Increased focus
  • Suppressed appetite
  • Better mood
  • Better sleep
  • Muscle preservation
  • Clear skin
  • Fat loss

Pruvit Keto OS Results – My Initial Fat Loss Results

The first time I started drinking Pruvit Keto OS (Orange Dream) was in Oct. 2015 and it helped me to eat healthier, snack less,  and get some fat loss going.  I lost about 11 lbs in six weeks!

keto os before and after photo
Results may vary

This was huge for me since the prior year I’d gained some weight going through fertility treatments. I went through 3 IVF cycles, lost a pregnancy, and went through a D&C surgery.

The hormones were no joke. No matter WHAT I did, I couldn’t seem to get any fat loss going, not to mention my mental state, I felt depressed.

However, after starting the ketones I noticed my clothes started to fit differently, I wasn’t as hungry, and my mood did a 180!

Like many lifestyle changes we get excited about starting, I got complacent after a while and stopped drinking them.

Sometimes you don’t realize how much something has helped you until you stop, can you relate?

I started drinking ketones again when the Maui Punch came out in 2016, and haven’t stopped since. I made the realization that a daily dose just helps me all around to stay on track in so many ways!

Keto OS Results – Committed to Ketones!

Pruvit Keto OS before and after
17 lbs lost on ketones…results may vary, these are mine!
Pruvit Keto OS results
Before and Better

Long Term Benefits of Drinking Ketones

When I recommitted to drinking ketones, I made some other lifestyle changes as well. I not only wanted to lose fat, but I wanted to shape my body.

I joined Orange Theory Fitness (which is HIIT training – run, row, weights) and I do that 2-3x per week and  play some beach volleyball on the weekends.

I did eat a strict ketogenic diet my first six weeks getting back on the ketones which helped a lot to get my body burning some serious fat for fuel.

But after a while, I just didn’t feel like following a strict Keto diet was for me. I missed fruit (and carbs) and I’ve never liked fatty meats. So now I just try to eat healthy most of the time but I still eat carbs and have my cheats! 

The combination of drinking ketones, eating healthy and exercising helped my body fat drop from 25% to 18% in four months and I lost 17 lbs!

Since being back on ketones, I have my energy back, my mood is lifted, my skin is clear, and I’m a LOT more focused and productive in life.

What Inspired me to Try Ketones

As I mentioned before, my sister has had epilepsy since the age of 8 and her Dr.’s have always recommended a Ketogenic diet, but she has a hard time with diet restrictions, who doesn’t?

Drinking ketones gave her energy and helped suppress her appetite so she was able to make better food choices and get to those yoga and Orange Theory workouts. She lost a little over 11 lbs in 3 weeks! She has never followed a strict Keto diet.

I thank her all the time for introducing me to ketones! We have both kept our results by continuing to drink them daily! Ketones are really good for your brain!

keto os before and after photos
Results may vary #pruvitsisters

How to Drink Ketones

If you’re just starting to drink ketones, don’t make any major diet changes overnight. This is a new lifestyle, give yourself time to adapt!

For your first week, just add the ketones once a day and see how it changes your appetite, and how it helps you FEEL. Then gradually move on to lower carb or Keto diet if that’s your goal.

I’ll say this again – you do not have to follow a strict high fat ketogenic diet to lose fat drinking ketones – ketones are going to light you up, make you less hungry and you can eat whatever macro balance you want!

Creating a calorie deficit is EASY drinking ketones and that’s all you need for fat loss. However I will say a low carb or keto diet is going to bring you the fastest results, and some do like the keto lifestyle as a whole.

Pruvit Keto OS Flavors – from Past to Present

Pruvit Ketones

Pruvit’s History

Pruvit brought their exogenous ketones to the market place in 2015 using Dr. Dominic D’Agostino’s patented formula of ketones + MCT (medium chain triglycerides, which is fat extracted from coconut).

The first two original flavors were Orange Dream and Chocolate Swirl, which have now been discontinued.

However, you can buy these flavors in the new  Keto//OS Pro shakes!


Keto Max

Next came Keto Max! Keto Max BHB salts were different from the original Keto OS salts.  Keto Max was 40% stronger than the original Keto OS.

All Keto Max/NAT flavors are gluten-free, dairy-free, Vegan and Kosher Certified and contain CMed 100 (AC-11) for DNA repair.

Keto NAT is NOW – everything is in the new Keto NAT formula!

Keto NAT samples for sale

Keto NAT

What is Keto NAT?

Keto NAT is Pruvit’s newest and current formula – the worlds first all natural, fermented ketones.

NAT ketones are even more bioavailable, and they are BIOIDENTICAL to the BHB ketone bodies your own body makes when in nutritional ketosis.

Berry Blue ketones


Read my other blog on Keto NAT here 

Keto NAT Flavors explained – these are all the mainstay flavors you can buy anytime!

  • Maui Punch tastes just like fruit punch
  • Raspberry Lemonade is a sweet and tart refreshing flavor which tastes just like it sounds
  • Splash is a light, citrusy, watermelon-grapefruit fusion
  • Lime Time reminds me of lemon/lime gatorade
  • Swiss Cacao – a mix between milk and dark chocolate
  • Heart Tart  strawberry sweet-tart
  • Tru Passion – tropical passionfruit flavor with hints of mango
  • Strawberry Peach – a perfect fusion of flavors, definitely in my top 3!
  • Blueberry ACAI – lighter berry flavor, almost like a blueberry tea on ice.
  • Berry Blue – tastes just like a blue slush puppy! My favorite!

We have had many special seasonal flavors so I can’t describe them all… but some of the best ones I’ve tried are these guys right here!

pruvit seasonal flavor samples

Whenever there is a new flavor release – it’s basically a beta test… they see how people like it and that will determine whether it comes back, disappears, or becomes a mainstay flavor. If you’re a regular customer on a monthly Smartship – you will always have first access and sales on all the new flavors!

Keto NAT vs. Keto Black Label

Pruvit’s Unleashed line – now called Black Label – are still “NAT” ketones but they are amped up with 30% more ketones and more caffeine than Keto NAT. 

You will definitely feel the difference drinking the Unleashed line! So if you’re caffeine sensitive, stick with regular NAT, or decaf.

The Unleashed Blue Ocean was always a favorite of mine. It used to be blue, but they’ve added black fulvic acid to the new formula (for brain health) so now it’s a much darker color.

Black Label Flavors explained:

  • Blue Ocean – Tropical Pina Colada flavor.
  • Ruby Rush  red, juicy grapefruit.
  • Eclipse black cherry flavor

pruvit black label

Keto Kreme with Functional Fat Technology (FFT™)

Keto Kreme is Pruvit’s fat coffee supplement powder you mix with your coffee or tea that’s great for boosting fat loss, an energy and brain boost, and is very filling and yummy!

New keto kreme from pruvit

What’s in Keto Kreme?

  • Healthy serving of fat (12 grams) made from coconut oil, MCT Powder (Medium Chain Triglycerides) and sweetened with stevia.
  • Four different patented collagen formulas, new “Functional Fat Technology” *FFT
  • Collagen, which benefits: hair, skin, nails
  • Can even mix with just water and ice as a shake
  • CMed 100 (AC-11) for DNA Repair
  • Great for intermittent fasting “fat fasting” or drink a Keto NAT in the morning and “break” your fast with a serving of the Keto Kreme at lunchtime, keep fasting until you’re hungry. Or, drink 30 minutes before dinner to fill you up (so you eat a smaller meal). I actually love using the Keto Kreme to make pancakes!

Keto Reboot 60 Hour Fast

keto reboot

Pruvit’s new Keto Reboot (on sale each month from 1st – 5th) is becoming a very popular way to reset your metabolism for a full body reset. A lot of changes can be made in 60 hours and bad habits broken.

The Keto Reboot was an AMAZING experience, and I’ve done it several times. Some people do it monthly and if you have weight to lose, do it!

Keto Reboot is a 60 hour fast (no food) using Keto NAT, Keto Pro, Keto Better//Broths, and Signal-OS capsules for DNA repair.

But don’t think of the Keto Reboot as a quick fix, you’ll definitely want to just drink ketones on the regular as well.

Read about my Keto Reboot Experience here

Testing your Ketone Levels

Drinking one serving of Pruvit’s Keto OS “Bio-hacks” your body into ketosis in under an hour. 

In fact, you can pee on a ketone test strip 45-60 minutes after you drink it to “pruvit.”

These are available at drug stores, and you can read about testing for ketones here.

pruvit results

However, don’t get too hung on on peeing on stuff. Blood ketone tests are far more accurate than urine strips but they’ll give you an idea when you’re first getting started.

Once you’re in ketosis for a while (especially if you are following a keto diet), your body will start to utilize the ketones more efficiently and they will be USED in your body vs. just peeing them out.

So don’t get discouraged if your test strip gets lighter over time – that’s actually a good sign you’re fat adapted.

The Keto Mojo is really good if you’re looking for a true blood ketone/glucose meter and they offer free shipping. I also test my fasting glucose levels with the same kit (just different strips).

Keto Max testing with Keto Mojo

Does Keto OS Have Any Side Effects?

Like any supplement, not everyone will have the same exact experience. If you’re sensitive to caffeine and drink the Charged version late in the day, then you may have trouble falling asleep, just like coffee may keep you up.

I can tell you I can drink a Keto NAT charged late in the day and have no trouble falling asleep, Unleashed will keep me up so I make sure to drink it earlier.

Some people report an upset stomach when they are adjusting to ketones. It’s ok to just use half a pack for as long as you need to if this happens, or eat a little something first.

If you’re worried about this, a great way to start is with the Keto NAT Lites – these are half servings of the regular Keto NAT’s, and they are all decaf. Super yummy flavors, and also parent approved!

Pruvit Keto NAT lites

How I Feel Drinking Daily Ketones

keto os reviews
Keto OS gives me a ton of energy for Volleyball!

I’ve been sailing through each day no longer experiencing those slumps of energy like I used to. No more brain fog, and no more afternoon coffee. Much more focused!

My workouts are much more powerful and I push myself harder whereas before I might just stop when it got too tough.

It gives me energy to get my butt to the gym when I would sometimes blow it off.…you know how that goes. Half the battle is getting there!

Even my volleyball game has improved. Having the endurance to play game after game has been easier, more fun, and made me more competitive! I never go to play ball without drinking a full Charged on the way!

It helps my MOOD tremendously…my outlook and productivity has completely changed. Happy, happy!


How to Purchase Keto OS & How Much Does it Cost?

The only place to purchase Pruvit Keto OS is online from their official website from an affiliated Pruvit partner like me. I help a lot of people on this journey and I would love to help you!

It comes with a 100% 30-day money back guarantee, and they will refund up to 90 days of sealed packages.

The cost varies depending on how much you buy, and if there’s one drawback to this product, it would be that it’s a bit pricey! It’s up to you to determine just how much it helps you and changes other aspects of your life to see if it’s worth it.

To me, it’s worth EVERY penny. They make the most natural and strongest ketone product on the market, with the best flavors.

Pruvit Samples

Visit my Keto Samples Blog once you’re done reading!

I have 5 & 10 day experiences if you’d like to “try before you buy.”


SmartShip – Get your Ketones 22% off every month

The Smartship option (just an option, not required) provides 22% savings on your monthly order. It’s like having a standing coupon in place.

This is the cheapest way to get your ketones monthly, and you can cancel anytime, or change flavors. Smartship customers also receive a FREE additional box every 4th month you’re on Smartship!

Keto os monthly ship

Visit My Pruvit Website

Buy Samples from Me Here

Becoming a Pruvit Promoter 101

This is my personal review. This content is not the opinion of Pruvit Ventures, Inc. Pruvit Ventures, Inc, is not responsible for any of the information, view, or opinions expressed on this page. Please visit their official site for details. You can find links on this page. I am an independent Pruvit Promoter.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Prüvit products are not intended to diagnose prevent treat or cure any disease. If you are under medical supervision for any allergy, disease, taking prescription medications or you are breastfeeding contact your medical provider before adding any new supplements to your daily regimen.

Have you tried ketones? Share your review or ask a question below!

User Questions and Answers

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User Questions and Answers

Q: How much weight should I expect to lose daily? -Terry

A: Hi Terry, everyone is different, but if you have more than 20 lbs to lose, some have reported up to a pound a day when they get started. For someone who is already closer to their goal weight, maybe closer to 1/2 lb. It also depends on your diet and whether you exercise. While you don't have to change your diet to lose weight using Keto, you'll always get faster results if you try to eat a moderate protein/high fat/low carb diet.

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35 out of 37 people found this question helpful.

Q: When I drink on an empty stomach in the morning I don't get hungry until sometimes 1:00. Is this bad to not eat for that long? It suppresses my appetite so much I almost have to remind myself/force myself to eat. I did read something about intermittent fasting but I wasn't sure if that was the best way. Should I eat even if I'm not hungry? I've lost 10 lbs in two weeks! And easily! Thanks. -Tiffany

A: Tiffany, sometimes I do that, drink in the morning and then don't eat until I'm hungry. It is called intermittent fasting and it's ok to do. Just make sure you eat by lunch time if you're going to skip breakfast. Rachel

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31 out of 34 people found this question helpful.

Q: I'm a 50 year old female. I had a large brain tumor removed August 4th. As a result I've lost a lot of cognitive ability, memory issues, and focus problems. I also gained 40 pounds from no activity. Steroids and stress eating. I heard Keto/os might help. I purchased and notice I am in ketosis an hour after taking it but get not a trace within 2-3 hours. Does this mean it's not working for me? is it safe to take several times a day? -Michelle

A: Hi Michelle, first of all, I'm so sorry you've had to endure so much! Are you peeing on the keto sticks? I never bothered.... I knew it worked for me because it suppressed my appetite, I lost weight, and I have great mental focus and energy. You can drink up to two per day (no more). This will definitely help keep you in ketosis longer and I've read that drinking 2x per day should keep you in ketosis for 24 hours, so maybe try again but don't get focused on the strip. One a day worked for me but everyone is different, and with more weight to lose, I would recommend two. I would do the decaf in the afternoon - the charged version may keep you up at night and you need your rest :) Good luck to you and I'd love to hear back from you to see how things progress.

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14 out of 15 people found this question helpful.

Q: Hi there. What kind of workouts did you do to lose 10 pounds in 4 weeks on keto? -Heather

A: Hi Heather, thanks for your email. I usually went to the gym 1-2x per week and I mostly did plyo body weight stuff in the back room along with some kettlebell swings (15 lbs),  and I like the ball slam (only use 10 lbs).  Some free weights also, but nothing with super heavy weights.  I also play beach volleyball 1-2x per week so that gives me my cardio. So I'd say on average, I was active at least 3 days per week with a pretty vigorous workout. But like I mentioned in my article, I had been doing all this and more and the scale was not budging! When I started drinking the keto, I got fired up with energy and it helped me to push myself a little harder in the gym and the weight finally started coming off. I'm not a gym rat by any means, but I do stay pretty active.   I will email you one of my plyo workouts, in case you're not familiar. I have a ton of these if you're interested in more. I find that if I go to the gym with a plan in hand, I do everything. I hate just wandering around the gym and never get as good of a workout in.    Thanks! Rachel

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7 out of 7 people found this question helpful.

Q: Ca I add a scoop of protein to my drink. -Jackie

A: Jackie, you can, but it's more effective if you drink it separately. I actually asked this question's not a huge difference but every bit helps! So if drinking it separately was 100%, maybe mixing it with a shake it would lose some strength so make it 80 or 90%. Personally I would drink 30 minutes before or after. Good luck! ~Rachel

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Rachel Vrabel

Rachel is Chief Editor of Women’s Blog Talk and writes reviews across the spectrum of anti-aging, health and beauty. She has an English degree from USF and worked in finance for 15 years before establishing this website in 2011. She loves having a place she can share her inspiration for health and beauty and continue to help others! She lives in South Florida with her husband and her hobbies include beach volleyball, HIIT training and combing the beach for sea glass and shells.


  • the help

    My parents recently got into the keto diet. They are so pleased with the results. The journey you are inspiring others with is remarkable..

    • Leah C

      I’m a little confused about the different products…. It mentions trying one drink a day. I have been on a low carb plan for a while but I feel this might help me jump start things. Would I not be able to have my coffee with cream in the morning if I have a drink when I get up.

      • Rachel Vrabel
        Rachel Vrabel

        Leah, yes you can have coffee. But the charged Keto does have caffeine, so as long as you’d be ok having more caffeine it’s just fine. Honestly I always have coffee first! xo Rachel

  • Karen Bailey

    I would really love to try this product!! But before I spend this kind of money, I was wondering if you have samples? I’m 60 years old and doctor’s have said I need to lose weight, due to blood clots. I hope you can help me. Thank you so much!!!

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Karen, absolutely. Check out the packages I offer on my Keto Samples blog, I have 5 and 10 day experiences you can choose from so you can try the flavors before committing to a whole box of one flavor. They’re not free but I just try to cover the cost of product and shipping, and you can check out via PayPal. Thanks for your message! Rachel

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Angela, if you want to order a full box of something, you can visit my Pruvit website. Or, if you’re interested in trying samples first you can visit my Keto samples blog and order a 5 or 10 day experience. Let me know if I can help! Thank you, Rachel

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Sheila, sorry you didn’t see the results you were looking for with Ketones… can I ask, how long did you take them and did you change your diet to cut some carbs? For weight loss it’s important to eat lower carb, and ketones make this easier. But I’m surprised that it did nothing for you. Inflammation is a biggie and we can’t exactly see that in the body, and most people feel the energy right away. Maybe you didn’t drink it long enough. Or if you just had samples you can’t really make that the deciding factor. If there’s anything I can do to help you have a better experience let me know, you can email me directly at [email protected]. Usually if you tell me your routine, how you were using and what your diet was like, I can tell you where you could maybe make some adjustments and see huge improvements. It’s not a magic pill, nothing is, but it’s a great tool for many health benefits if used the right way. Thanks! Rachel

  • Sania Keto Diet

    Thank you a lot for this article!
    It really helps me to understand some things about Ketogenic diet!
    I also saw that you got a lot of books about Keto diet.
    Will you make any giveaways soon? Pleaseee 😀
    Have a nice day!

  • jenna

    I need to clear with the schedule. Help me to understand when to drink KETOs and when to eat meals. I need a visual schedule where I’m able to follow it through. I’m not able to locate the FAQ on the bottom. I may overlook. Please assist me with this one. Thanks!

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Melanie, I always drink my Keto about an hour before I work out, but I work out usually at 4:30 pm. Might be hard to get in before 5 am! It does help you have better workouts and burn more fat drinking beforehand but you’ll absolutely still benefit drinking it after for recovery and energy to keep going…. being in ketosis anytime of the day is beneficial. Maybe you should drink it when you feel you need it most, like after lunch when most people crash. Hope this helps! Rachel

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Dolan, I can’t give medical advice…it’s best to check with you Dr. first. Keto does have a lot of sodium in it but it’s put there for a reason. When you eat a ketogenic diet or drink ketones, your body releases excess water and with that goes electrolytes. A high carb diet with high sodium is really the problem, not sodium itself. Email me if you’d like to purchase a 5 day experience [email protected], they are $35 and I can do decaf as well if caffeine has an effect on your blood pressure. Thanks! Rachel

  • Brandon

    Love the Maui punch, my workouts have really improved and are much stronger. Can’t wait for the Splash to be offered as a regular flavor, thank you for the samples it was delicious! Let me know when it’s for sale on the website. I want that AC-11 benefit. Thanks.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Par, I do know a customer who mixes the Maui punch with the Keto Kreme and loves it! You’re getting both the ketones (BHB) and the benefit of the MCT, coconut oil, and four different types of collage from the Kreme when you take both. Even if you don’t mix them, it’s good to drink both. ~Rachel

  • Sara

    Keto OS Raspberry Lemonade is really tasty! It gives me level energy throughout the day, and motivation to workout. It suppresses my appetite like crazy, and it’s helping me lose this stubborn baby weight – finally something that works!

  • Jody

    I am starting a low carb life style change and need this push but it seems like a lot of money to throw out there on something I haven’t tried. Is there a starter package or samples? I have right at 100 lbs to lose and need a good kick to get it going.

    Thank you!

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Jody, thanks for your message. I do offer a 5 day experience to try all the flavors, this is a great way to determine which flavor you like best and would enjoy committing to. I offer these for $35 and that includes mailing. So it would be one of each: Max Maui Punch, Max Raspberry Lemonade, Max Swiss Cacao, OS Chocolate Swirl and OS Orange Dream. I can do all charged or a mix of charged and decaf. Please send me an email to [email protected] if you’d like to go ahead. Thanks! Rachel

  • Mike

    Hi Rachel! Thanks for all the great information. I too along with my wife are doing Orange Theory. Just a week into the workouts. Quick question, I am very interested in the Keto OS product for fat burning. With this product in the body when you work out are you burning fat or just the OS supplement that’s been put into the body? Reading reviews it looks like there has been great success with this product. I am thinking in my case there is still sugar stored in the fat/muscle that would get burned before the fat does. Not sure how that works? I may have the terminology wrong. Once again thanks for the wealth of information and congrats on the success you’ve had in journey through health.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Mike, thanks for your message! That’s awesome you’ve started OTF, I absolutely love it, it’s the best workout and the most fun I’ve ever done…I’ve done boot camps before and they’re just too intense, I really don’t like flipping tires OR doing 100 burpees, LOL. Keto OS will throw you into ketosis which is when you’re body uses fat for fuel, so you’ll be burning fat. However if you have carbs/glucose in your system (which most of us do unless you’re following a ketogenic diet), then on Keto you’re body is able to duel fuel and use both. So you’re right, in the presence of both glucose and fat, the Keto will use both. Exactly which one first and how much is getting too scientific for me to explain. Dr. Andra Campitelli does discuss this, take a look at these Keto U videos, they’re all short like one minute. I know she talks about dual fueling in one of these, and you’ll probably have a few other questions answered by listening to these. I usually drink my Keto about 30 minutes to an hour before going to OTF, great energy! I definitely push through the hard stuff and keep running so much easier using ketones as fuel. Ketones are a superior fuel source, with more energy/oxygen than carbs. Let me know if you’re interested in a five day experience before purchasing. Email me at [email protected]. Thanks!! Rachel

  • Katy

    Hi there – some people in another company (health and fitness but NOT ketones) claim that its unsafe to push your body into ketosis with this product. Is there any truth to that or research to back that?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Katy, they’re just trying to sell their product… ketones are very safe. Ketones are a fuel source just like carbs and protein, your body uses them as fuel. Babies are born into ketosis and stay there if they are nursing. Ketones are also safe to drink if you’re pregnant or nursing. Being in ketosis is our native state, we were meant to be in and out of ketosis and our bodies make ketones naturally. Check out some of the articles in the research section of the Pruvit site. There’s a ton of third party research. If you see someone or a company bashing ketones, you can bet they are just trying to bait and switch you to their product. Ketones are amazing! I’m going on 9 months of drinking them daily and never felt better. 🙂 Rachel

  • Rhonda

    Can I drink it in a shot? What is the least amount of liquid recommended to mix it with? I just don’t like the taste and want to down it quickly.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      12 oz would be the minimum…and you should sip on it slowly over 20 minutes, not chug it. Have you tasted all the flavors? Raspberry lemonade is amazing…I crave it. 20% storewide until midnight in case you didn’t see. Thanks! Rachel

  • Tracey

    I am very interested to try this product but don’t see anyone offering a free starter package to know I want to spend that much money on it? Any ideas.

  • BJ

    What is KAN 30 and OTC 30?
    I had three knee surgeries, last one two years ago but I am still in extreme pain and have a lot of weight to lose. I read your blog and it said to use the Orange dream, which is great advice because I had no idea where to start on this Pruvit.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi BJ, thanks for your question. The Kan is literally a can of powder that comes with a scoop, and it’s more economically priced vs. the OTG (On the Go) envelopes, those are individual servings. It’s the same formula whether you get in a Kan or envelopes, but only the Orange Dream and the Chocolate Swirl come in either a Kan or OTG. The Maui Punch, Swiss Cacao and Raspberry Lemonade (once it’s released) are only available in OTG envelopes. The Orange is great because it contains MCT, however if you’re in a lot of pain you might consider the Chocolate Swirl – it contains a short fatty chain butyrate which is really good for inflammation. My fibromyalgia customers use that one mostly when in a crisis. They all work….there’s just some differences. Let me know if you have more questions or you can email me directly at [email protected] Pruvit is on sale today 20% off. Thanks! Rachel

  • Lucretia

    Curious how long can the headache portion last. First four days I felt great. These past two days a constant low to mid grade temple headache. I’ve upped my water intact
    Thank you

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Lucretia, you’re more than likely dehydrated, so definitely up your water intake to half your body weight in ounces.Remember ketosis flushes the body of water so with that goes electrolytes. Good to add a little Himalayan salt to your foods and/or a magnesium supplement. If you also changed your diet to a low carb diet, that could be a contributing factor, but Ketones themselves should not cause a headache. Good luck! Rachel

  • Casey

    Hi Rachel!
    I started out on Herbalife in January and lost 25lbs. in 4 months, but have plateaued the last 3 months. Thinking maybe my body has just gotten accustomed so I’ve been looking at ways to shake/shock my body and start losing weight again. I’m interested in trying Keto-OS but it’s super expensive and I’d rather try before I buy. I saw you had offered samples to some people and was wondering if you’re still doing that? And if so, may I try some?
    Thank you!

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Casey, thanks for your message, yes I do have samples! I’m going to email you personally, thanks! Rachel

  • Irma

    I am trying to take the Decaf Orange Keto OS. I started taking one in the mid morning after I have my caffeinated coffee. 30 minutes later, I want to take a nap. No energy at all. It does help with my constipation, which is good. That being said, if I am staying at home, I do take it before bed and it does help me sleep. As for energy or Ketosis (I have the sticks) have not seen any of that. I also do have to add that I have not started a routine due to the fatigue and what my plans are for the day.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Irma, I would definitely recommend drink the Charged for your morning dose. If you’re a coffee drinker already, I doubt the caffeine in the charged will be too much. It’s got about as much as a cup of coffee. The MCT powder in the orange also makes you feel more full which is great for suppressing appetite but it sounds like it’s just making you sleepy. Test with the sticks 30 minutes after drinking a full serving, you will see it register on the stick. If you wait for hours to test, it could be out of your system by then. Good luck! Rachel

  • VM

    I have hypothyroidism which means I have an under active thyroid. My metabolism is slow as a result and I have a sensitivity to caffeine. Do you have any info regarding results with people having metabolism issues? I also would like to know if the decaf products are as effective as those containing caffeine?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi VM, thanks for your message. Keto can help with thyroid and boosting metabolism. If you have the time, watch this FB live video with Dr. Heather Carden. It’s on the JustPruvit corporate Facebook page, so you may have to “like” their page first. She is super informative on all things Keto OS and she also talks about thyroid….it’s a 30 minute video and I’m sorry I don’t know exactly at what point she discusses thyroid, but it’s worth listening to and will probably answer a ton of other questions you may have. The decaf works just as well to put you into ketosis. You won’t get the caffeine “buzz” but you’ll still get mental energy and increased focus since the brain loves ketones, so you’ll still get some energy from it as well. I’ll also link you to the Pruvit Research section, if you scroll all the way down the page, there are a ton of great articles. Let me know if you still have questions. Thank you, Rachel

  • Bb

    I’m very interested in starting this ! Any good results over time of someone needing to lose a good 80 pounds ??

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi BB, yes! This product is changing lives. It’s just gone on sale today, it’s 15% off through Friday June 9th at midnight. Email me at [email protected] if you have questions. Thanks! Rachel

  • Geri BSantos

    I stumbled across this product and have been researching, thus seeing your site.

    How can I get samples as I am very interested to try this product.

  • Ginny

    Thanks for this great information. But, please stop saying that muscle weighs more than fat. A pound is a pound is a pound. Whether it’s a pound of feathers, a pound of lead, or a pound of muscle. Muscle is more DENSE than fat, so it takes up much less space, but it still weighs 16 ounces…and so does a pound of fat.
    Your review was great otherwise. Thank you!

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Ginny, you’re right a pound is a pound…I guess it’s a figure of speech that most can relate to while not technically correct. I think many people focus too much on the scale and may not lose weight but lose inches and still get frustrated. Thanks for your comment! Rachel

  • Dorothy Batton

    i haven’t drank coffee in over forty years, so in using this product with charged caffeine, it did a number on me elevating my blood pressure. I’d like to exchange for the regular and continue with the program. I am 85 with more than average energy for my years. I’m impressed with the information I have been given.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hello Dorothy, I’m sorry I am just seeing your message. I can see how the Charged maybe was a little too much for you since you’re not used to caffeine. You’ll need to send an email to [email protected] and tell them what you’d like to do, they are great about refunds and can help you figure out what you need to do to get some decaf. Let me know if you need any more help getting this accomplished. Thank you! Rachel

  • Rosa

    Hi I was liking the Max but I cannot tolerate Stevia, I think I am allergic to Stevia…Are they planning on making a Max with no sugar substitutes, it would be really good because there are many people whose stomachs do not tolerate Stevia…maybe monk fruit???

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Rosa, thanks for your comment. I know they are always working on new products and I wouldn’t be surprised if they added a new flavor sweetened with something else. That stinks you have a stevia allergy…I have not heard from anyone else with this issue. Sorry! Rachel

  • Carmen

    I thought you said that when your sister took it her stomach was upset for a couple days then she was fine and now you’re saying it took her about a week.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hey Carmen,
      I’m confused…did I say somewhere that it took my sister a week to keto adapt? I don’t remember that…some people do take longer however, depends how bad your diet is and what you’re used to eating. My sis did have an upset stomach for a couple days from the Orange Dream and then she was fine. Rachel

        • Rachel Vrabel
          Rachel Vrabel

          A few days….a week. I don’t feel that was a glaring discrepancy or intentional to mislead anyone, my point was that if you do get an upset stomach (which most people don’t at all by the way), it usually doesn’t last long, but everyone is different. If you are concerned about the orange giving you an upset stomach, or you’re sensitive to fats, the chocolate is the one I recommend because it doesn’t contain MCT oils and contains a prebiotic. Hope that helps. Rachel

  • Rachel Vrabel
    Rachel Vrabel

    Tonya, I just want to say – I love you! 🙂 I really appreciate your comment and support on this, you totally made my day – thank you! Pruvit is an MLM, so you do have to know someone if you’d like to purchase it, so why not from me? I promote it because I LOVE the product for so many reasons and I don’t hide the fact that I’m a promoter – I’m very proud to be! Some people are just miserable and love to complain. The same woman started commenting on a bunch of other posts so I decided to take the high road and ignore any more communication – just a Negative Nancy. I’ve worked hard on this blog for six years to make it what it is today and feel good about my recommendations. Thank you again for your encouraging support! ~Rachel

    • Tonya

      🙂 Absolutely! And chances are this Negative Nancy thought she was going to get rich quick by joining one at one time and expected it to “just happen” and when it didn’t, she got ugly. You are doing the work and hopefully have much success. Be blessed!

  • Casey

    Hey Rachel – you mentioned dealing with IVF and pregnancy loss, I’m in the same boat. I’ve done 1 retrieval and 3 transfers ending in 2 miscarriages and 1 failed cycle. Same as you experienced my body is kind of a wreck from all of it. I’m doing another retrieval in May and a transfer in August. Have you done Keto os while doing IVF cycles? Did you ever talk to a doc about it? I’m curious to try but I also don’t want to anything that may have a negative impact on our IVF.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Casey, thanks for your message. I’m really sorry for your losses, I know how painful that is…I’m not sure how being in ketosis would affect a cycle. I wouldn’t recommend drinking in once you start injections, but I don’t see any reason not to use it to your benefit up until then. It’s very safe in fact it’s safe for pregnant and nursing mothers. And for what it’s worth, drinking keto makes me feel happy again, I am seriously always in a good mood. I was extremely low after more than a year going through 3 cycles of IVF, so it definitely has made me feel like my happy, energized self again! You could talk to your Dr. about continuing on it once you start your meds (like decaf) but most Dr.’s like to say don’t add anything to the mix once your stimming. Good luck with your next cycle!! I know it’s so rough! Rachel

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Casey, p.s. I’m not sure if you saw in my review but it’s 20% off today and tomorrow (March 29th & 30th), so it’s a good time to grab some if you decide to try it. Rachel

  • Sarah Murphy

    Hi there,

    I just started taking this product this week. I am very active and at an ideal weight but am doing this more for energy and focus. I work out at 5am (HIIT and weights) and do my coffee post workout and then my keto OS chocolate swirl at 8am. My struggle is that I am usually hungry by 9-10am. Am I decreasing the effectiveness by eating so soon after? It is 3 whole eggs and cauliflower rice so still keto but I am wondering if this is okay or if I should switch the time I take my keto OS.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hey Sarah! Thanks for your question. You won’t decrease it’s effectiveness but if you want to do more of an intermittent fasting method, try drinking your keto in the morning before your workout and keeping everything else the same. You may not be as hungry so quickly if your goal is to wait a little longer to eat. Also, you’ll have a lot more energy for your workout! I realize this means probably drinking it at 4:30 and finishing up on your way to the gym but I love the maui as a preworkout. Sometimes I’m not quite finished with it yet and I’ll finish the rest during my workout, adding a little more water along the way if I’m thirsty. If you’re doing this more for the energy and focus, just give it a try pre workout one day and see how you feel. Either way is great! Personally I don’t really eat for several hours at least after I drink my keto….I like to be fueled by the ketones alone for a while because I feel great when I do that. Good luck and keep me posted. I’d love to hear how your workout is fueled by keto! 🙂 Rachel

  • Vanessa

    Hi, thanks for your site and great info. I signed on to get this product, but the people are not knowledgeable and aren’t really motivated as you. I ordered 2 day shipment and paid extra, but no package. I’m Leary of sending others to this site now. How do I change referrers and get in touch with company. I’ll sign on under you since you are so supportive to your people.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Vanessa, thank you for the sweet compliments! If you send an email to [email protected] – you can request that they move your customer account to under me, Rachel Vrabel. I’m more than happy to help you as much as I can. 🙂 Did you get my other email? I wanted to be sure I understood your question fully. Thank you, Rachel

  • Valerie

    Tried it for the first time today. My friend swears by it and sent me samples. I am experiencing the worst stomach cramps ever. I tried advocare products in the past and it didn’t help. I was able to lose almost 40 on my own without suplements and keep it off for about a year but then started regaining and hit a plateu so tried this. I don’t think I will continue.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Valerie, are you drinking the Orange Dream? That is only flavor that contains MCT oils which for some can cause some stomach upset. It should pass if you’re able to push through it, but this is the only flavor I’ve ever heard of giving anyone stomach upset. You should try the chocolate flavor – it includes a prebiotic and anyone that has a reaction to the orange is better suited on the chocolate. You can email me at [email protected] if you’d like to talk more about or privately. Let me know if it’s the orange. Thanks! and I’m sorry…my sister had an upset stomach for a couple days on the orange but then it passed. Your body is adapting but I would recommend chocolate for you.

  • Tonya

    Hi Rachel! Thanks for the review, very informative. I already purchased some Keto Kreme and the Max but then read somewhere that the Ketone OS stuff isn’t in the kreme?? So if I drink the Kreme in the morning with my coffee, I’m still going to need to take the Max in the morning as well? I was planning on Kreme in the morning, Max in the late afternoon before my workout.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Tonya, thanks! You’re right, the Keto Kreme is a companion product just to get a nice healthy fat serving, it doesn’t contain ketones like the other Keto OS flavor (max, orange and chocolate). You can drink that in your coffee in the morning (or make pancakes with it for a meal), and then normally you’d want to drink your Max a short while after that. The keto kreme will help keep you full and rev your metabolism but it’s not going to put you into ketosis like the Max would. Personally, I would drink some plain water after you have your coffee with Keto kreme and then I’d drink a full serving of the MAX so you’ve got energy throughout the day and you’re burning fat. Then I would drink another half serving of the charged by 3 for energy for your workout if you feel you need an energy boost. This is exactly what I do most days. I’ll drink another half serving of the charged if I’m going to Orange Theory class or I’ll drink a whole decaf. I would not delay drinking your max until late afternoon. You’ll miss out on the all day energy and focus, fat burning, and it could keep you up because of the caffeine. Let me know how it goes! Rachel

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      A – not it’s not….it does not contain protein like a protein shake, it’s a drink you take in between meals.

  • Deanna Zryd

    Thank you for reviewing this product. I just ordered the chocolate swirl for a.m. and caffeine-free for p.m. I attempted to follow the keto plan back in early December and while I lost 5lbs, it was hard for me to reach ketosis. I’m excited to give this a try and will follow the low-carb lifestyle.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Deanna, thanks for your message. Following a strict ketogenic diet is very difficult, if not impossible for most people. This is where Keto OS is really going to make things a lot easier for you to stay in ketosis! And if you follow a low carb diet, you’re going to get great results. Even if you cheat with extra carbs, the Keto is going to stay in your system and keep you in ketosis for up to 24 hours. Best of luck with it and I’d love to hear back from you to see how you like it. ~Rachel

  • Lisa

    Hi there, if I exercise in the afternoons is it ok to still have the keto OS in The morning? Or should I have it an hour before training? Do you know how long our body stays in ketosis after having the supplement?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Lisa, absolutely it’s great (and best) to start your day by drinking Keto OS. If you’re drinking it early (between 7 and 9am) then you should have a second serving in the afternoon (between 1-4) and then go train. If you drink two servings per day your body will stay in ketosis for up to 24 hours. You can drink the decaf in the afternoon if you’re sensitive to caffeine or you find you have any trouble getting to sleep. I’m usually ok as long as I drink it before 3. Good luck and let me know if you have any more questions. ~Rachel

  • Rachel Vrabel
    Rachel Vrabel

    Hey John, I appreciate your comment even if you are giving a huge thumbs down to Keto OS. Kudos to you for losing 100 lbs! I’ve never been able to stick with a ketogenic diet, it’s extremely difficult. Like you said, even more restricting than Atkins. I disagree with you that 10 lbs in 3 weeks is not great progress, at least for me. Being only 10-15 lbs away from my goal weight, it was much harder to lose. I think it’s a pretty well known fact that those last 10 lbs are the most stubborn. And if you have a lot of weight to lose, as you did, then I could see losing 10 lbs in a week of water weight. Losing 10 lbs in a week for someone like me would be completely ridiculous, impossible without starving myself, and losing 10 lbs in a week is not even recommended. Losing 2-3 lbs per week is a reasonable amount for me to lose safely and effectively. You’re right that Keto OS can help with alzheimer’s, there’s a lot of research on the Keto OS website about it in their research section. Obviously, trying to eat clean while consuming Keto is the way to go. This supplement isn’t a miracle drink, I always recommend trying to eat a healthy diet and exercising to achieve your overall health and fitness goals. I think of this supplement as a boost, a boost to get off my ass when I don’t feel like going to the gym, an energy boost to power through workouts with more energy, focus and less inflammation afterwards, a little help to suppress the appetite when I feel like stuffing my face with cheese and crackers, and it does help your body burn fat quicker. This all still takes willpower, determination and a huge desire to better myself. I know I’m getting off track, but to me Keto OS is not “snakeoil” and I would probably not enjoy drinking a $3.99 jar of coconut oil 😉 Anyhow, it’s not for everyone but it’s helped a lot of people, including me and my sister… But I do appreciate you taking the time to comment. I don’t just approve “the good comments.” I feel there is value in these discussions. Have a great day and keep up the good work with your weight loss! ~Rachel

  • sherri sega

    I am concerned about the use of Keto OS (I ordered the chocolate swirl w/ caffeine for myself) for my husband who has diabetes. If the product is getting you in ketosis (more ketones) would this be dangerous for a diabetic? I need to lose 40-45 pounds myself, have no thyroid due to thyroidectomy bc of thyroid cancer, so I’m hoping this will help me loose the weight as nothing else has helped me significantly.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Sherri, thanks for your question. I want to refer you to the Research section of the Keto OS website. Scroll all the way to near the bottom until you see the section called “Still Wondering?” and there is a section under this called “Improving Insulin Insensitivity.” This is where you can read the Pub Med research regarding a ketogenic, low carb diet and its affect on insulin. Keto OS is not a replacement for a ketogenic diet but a supplement to help you stay in ketosis. It should not be dangerous for a diabetic, in fact it should help, but you should always check with your Doctor before starting a new supplement, especially if you’re on other medications. As far as it being safe for you with no thyroid, it shouldn’t be a problem for you. If you decide to try it, both of you should start very slowly, only drink one half of a pack (each) per day mixed with water. See how you feel on it for several days, 4-5 days before you drink a whole pack. If your husband checks his insulin he should keep a close watch on it for any changes. I would still recommend talking to your Doctor first. Good luck! Rachel

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Carro, you can take it to reach your desired weight, and then stop. However, just like with any diet plan – if you go back to eating bad you’ll gain weight back. Some people like the other health benefits of Keto OS so they continue drinking it long term. It has a lot of other benefits besides weight loss such as energy, mental focus, fights inflammation and protects the brain. But you can certainly just drink it for weight loss. Rachel

  • Catherine

    Hi! This question is kind of more for your sister. I’m also epileptic and have been struggling with the keto diet for a while. I was just wondering if the keto os has been successfully keeping her body in ketosis and if it has helped decrease the number of seizures she’s had. I appreciate any kind of response you can give me. Cheers!

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Catherine, thanks for your email. I’m sorry you’re dealing with epilepsy, it’s a very difficult road at times. The Keto OS had no effect on her seizure activity that we could tell, since she’s been seizure free for about 5 years from finally finding the right cocktail of meds (thank God). She hasn’t been drinking it every day since she lost some weight. She drank it pretty faithfully to lose some weight, and then she really upped her yoga activity so that’s been keeping her on track for the most part, although she’s gained back a few lbs so she’s been wanting to restart the Keto. She always did real well tolerating it and never had any side effects. As far as using it to stay in ketosis long term, I think you certainly could, but I don’t know that it “replaces” the ketogenic diet that Dr.’s recommend for epilepsy, in fact I know it doesn’t, it’s more of a supplement to the ketogenic lifestyle. It’s always best to talk to your Dr. about starting any new supplements when you have epilepsy, so I would just run it by him/her for some guidance. Good luck to you! Rachel

  • Jody Seaberg

    Hi, I was on their website and I don’t see the sample pack option anywhere. So I’m guessing they no longer offer that??? I really want to try this but is too expensive for me. ? Have the terrible over 50 menopausal weight gain and totally do not feel good about myself or like the way I look anymore…. Ugh…. ?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Jody, I’m sorry but I can’t find it either. I was actually searching for it the other day and it doesn’t appear that they offer it any more. I would recommend ordering a 15 pack of either the Orange Dream or the Chocolate Swirl to try it. They have a money back guarantee with good customer service so if you try it for several days and don’t like it, you can call and tell them you want to return it. They stand by their return policy 100%, but I guarantee you’ll love it! Rachel

  • Juliet

    I’m very interested in starting these supplements, I just want to know what happens when you reach your goal weight and stop taking the suplemments? Will it have an adverse effect on your motabilism?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Juliet, Keto OS won’t stall your metabolism at all. I took it and lost the weight I wanted, and then stopped. I didn’t gain any weight back until I started REALLY slacking on my diet again. So at that point, I started drinking it again. This is a great product that works! Good luck, Rachel

  • Elizabeth

    Does the chocolate with caffeine make you jittery? Is it safe product? I need to loose 30 lbs and am wanting only something safe that want make my heart race..

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Elizabeth, no the Chocolate Swirl Keto OS does not give me the shakes at all, nor does the Orange charged. It has about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee but it gives me more of a steady all day energy rather than a quick, jittery buzz. That’s what I really like about it. You could always order the smaller package to make sure you like it, but they do offer a money back guarantee, just to let you know. Great company and customer service. Good luck! I can’t say enough about the effectiveness of this product, it really works for weight loss, energy, and mental focus. Rachel

  • Deborah

    Hi Rachel, wondering what is the exact difference between the original Keto-OS and the new product. Are they both as effective? Appreciate your input. Have had the product for over a year and started taking it but didn’t notice much change and felt nauseas so stopped it. I had bought the 300. supply when the company was just taking off. So I have quite a bit of it left. Wondering if I should give it another try. But I’m curious as to the changes they made in the newer version and the difference in the effectiveness if any. Thanks for all the info you share.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Deborah, thanks for your question. There is a difference between the old Orange 2.0 and the new Orange Dream 2.1. They changed the ratio of the salts and the MCT powder and added a few things. I’m going to link a picture here of all three showing the ingredients on the back of the packets (Orange 2.0, Orange Dream 2.1, and Chocolate Swirl 3.0) so you can see the difference. I can only say they have improved the formula based on their science and research.

      The new Chocolate Swirl 3.0 has a much different formula, and I just got mine (it’s delicious!). You may do better on the chocolate since they added a prebiotic and it’s supposed to not give you an upset stomach. I’m going to copy and paste here a clip from my review that talks about the new 3.0:

      What’s Different about Chocolate Swirl 3.0?
      -Ratio of BHB salts for faster peak into the system which creates sustained ketone levels throughout the day
      -Added Ketogenic Amino Acids and Short Chained Fatty Acids which use the same transporters as ketones so you’re getting that same direct quick uptake into your system
      -Includes a Prebiotic – a food source for the good bacteria in the gut making them stronger and more able to fight off the bad bacteria and also helps with gastro intestinal upset
      -Vegan, Dairy and Gluten Free so now there’s a product suitable for everyone.

      You can read more about the Keto OS 3.0 Chocolate Swirl by clicking here.

      I’d hate for you to waste all that orange you have. You could give it another try. Try drinking half a pack for a few days, then go to a full pack. Did you start slowly last time? It’s very important. You should get over that stomach upset fairly quickly, that’s your body getting used to the MCT oil. I never had an upset stomach but my sister did, but only for a day or two.
      Let me know if you have any more questions, and good luck!

  • Axel

    Encouraged by your candid, thorough review. You look great! I purchased the product and I’m excited to try it myself as soon as it arrives! Will keep you posted.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Axel, hi! Thanks for your comment. Keep in touch and let me know how you like it. It’s really a stand out supplement on so many levels. Good luck! Rachel

  • Patrice

    I sure will. I receive my order in the mail tomorrow @nd since I ordered the no caffeine chocolate I’ll start as soon as I get it. Then I’ll leave a review after 7 days. I’m very excited about this product!!

  • Patrice

    How long will I stay in ketosis?
    I’ve only used it for 1 day. It tastes great and I went into Ketosis immediately.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Patrice, drinking two packs per day you’ll stay in ketosis for up to 24 hours. Glad you like it! I would love for you to leave another review in a week and let me know how you’re feeling on it.


    I have the original Keto OS. I heard that if you drink coffee before taking it, then it won’t work. Is this true? I need to lose 50 lbs, but the very first thing I do in the morning is have a cup of coffee. I don’t want to waste the Keto OS. But I do want to start taking it.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Susan! This is not true. This is exactly how I drink it. When I wake up, I drink my coffee and use cream in it (no sugar), then drink one plain glass of water, then drink the Keto OS and it takes me about 45 minutes to drink it slowly. I still have a bunch of the old formula that I’m using as well, nothing wrong with it. My next order I’m getting the 3.0 Chocolate Swirl though! If you put a lot of sugar in your coffee, that will hinder weight loss but the Keto will still work. Good luck!

  • Lisa

    Just wondering…do you feel/believe/think that this is something that you will have to continue to take for life, like for maintenance? or is it a shorter term thing, like when you reach your goals, then you discontinue? I have looked for an answer but haven’t been able to find one…

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Lisa, you don’t have to drink it for life. It’s a great weight loss tool to reach your goals. Some people like the energy and continue at smaller doses. But you could certainly take it for a few months, lose weight and then stop. The only thing that will cause you to gain the weight back is if you go back to an unhealthy lifestyle to be totally honest. I’ve taken it and lose weight but also taken breaks from drinking it and haven’t gained any weight back but I have to continue to eat fairly clean and stay active. 🙂 I just started drinking it again because I like the energy and I want to lose another 5 lbs. it also helps me to be a lot less sore between lifting weights and volleyball since it helps with inflammation. Rachel~WomensBlogTalk

  • Helen

    Is there a special diet as well? Or just take Keto//os, I am sick of diet plans that don’t work and deprive me of food, hate feeling hungry.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Helen, there is no special diet. That’s why people are raving about this product! They do have some information on their website about pairing it with a ketogenic diet (moderate protein/low carb/high fat) for optimal weight loss, but you don’t have to. Keto suppresses my appetite like crazy so you won’t feel hungry.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Neal, that’s awesome! You’re going to love it. The best diet to combine with Keto-OS is to follow a ketogenic diet, and there’s a ton of information and links if you look around on the Keto website: Moderate protein/low carb/high fat (good fats mostly). This is what brings optimal weight loss. But I wouldn’t go nuts with it….try to eat clean, no processed foods, no white flour, no alcohol, no added sugar or fake sweeteners. Add some good fats such as salmon, avocado, drizzle olive oil on steamed veggies or salad (oil and balsamic on salad), hummus and veggies, small handful of nuts. These are the things I eat when I want to increase my good fats. You can also cook your eggs and stir fry veggies in coconut oil. If you like smoothies, add some flax seed oil or ground flax seed, that’ll add some good fat too! Good luck and keep in touch. Let me know if you have any more questions. Rachel

  • Julie

    I wanted to order this product, I’ve been doing research (which is how I found this review) and would like to try this but I have to have an invite/invite code (?) to do so. How do I get that if I found the information on my own?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Julie, hmm I’ve never heard of that. When I initially purchased, I just ordered from my sister’s website. You can go directly to and order from me. Keto is sold as an “MLM” structure (like Beachbody) so you just have to know someone who promotes it, which I do. Let me know if you have any more questions. Rachel

  • Loretta

    Hi! I’m only on day 4 of drinking 1/2 a pkg of Keto in the AM (upon waking) and the other half later in the afternoon. Yesterday and today I’ve noticed a lot of stomach upset and not feeling the best. It kind of feels like what your stomach would feel like when it’s empty and hungry – with a lot of gurgling and growling, yet I don’t feel hungry. I’m just wondering if this will pass. I like that I have more energy and it’s definitely hunger suppressing. I’m just not enjoying how much stomach feels these past 2 days.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Loretta, thanks for your question. Tummy upset can happen in the beginning but it should pass. My sister had that experience when she started and it passed after about a week. Honestly from what they explain on the website, it’s your body getting used to the high fat content (the MCT oil) which is extracted from coconut. Did you start by just drinking half a pack a day for at least four or five days? You could always taper down to half until this feeling passes and then go up to a full pack. It’s also my understanding that the more gut issues you have, the more upset tummy you’ll have. So it’s probably not a bad thing entirely if that makes sense. Good luck!

      • Loretta

        Thank you very much for your response! I was doing 1/2 a pack in the AM and half in the PM, but yesterday I only did 1/2 the pack. I’m on day 5 now. I have always had other stomach/digestion issues so that would make sense as to why I am now. 🙂

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Reba, Keto should keep you in ketosis for up to 24 hours. Half a pack won’t though, that’s just the starting dose to get used to it. Some people need to drink up to two packs per day for optimal ketosis and weight loss. Honestly I never did the pee strips, and I only drink one pack per day. I never took two since I didn’t have as much weight to lose and one works for me for weight loss and energy. Try going up to one pack and test again.

  • Carmen

    Hi, Rachel, I just got totally engrossed by your review of the Keto OS. This sounds like a product that would be my saving grace! I am, like the Dr. says “morbidly obese”.. those are such dirty sounding words.. and honestly makes me want to cry even now as I write this message. How could let myself get to this point??..I have also just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.. my Dr. wants me to have lap band surgery.. for quicker results.. although there are lots of hoops to have to jump through to even get that surgery approved through my u think a person such as myself could benefit from this product?.. thank you for listening.. and good luck to you and your sister!

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Carmen, thank you so much for your email. I’m so sorry, I know it must be upsetting to feel the way you are right now, but you can change it! There is always hope and I would want to try everything before I resorted to surgery. I think Keto-OS could absolutely help you. Not only to lose weight, but to help with your diabetes. This is an excerpt from the website regarding insulin resistance and how keto can help.

      KETO//OS can enhance insulin sensitivity. In preclinical studies, exogenous ketones have been shown to do this. Richard Veech (scientist at the NIH) showed that feeding exogenous ketone supplements lowers blood glucose while simultaneously lowering blood insulin “research has demonstrated “ If more glucose is removed from the blood with less insulin that suggests that insulin sensitivity has been enhanced. We are experiencing this from testimonies of KETO//OS. As with any medical condition we recommend you consult with your physician.

      If you go to the home page of Keto-OS and scroll down all the way until you can scroll no further, you’ll see the “FAQ” section. This is where I quoted from, one of the questions. If I were you, I would get started right away, for your health and for your well being. I have seen some amazing results from some of the other posters, in fact one of the guys who started Keto was “morbidly obese” and that’s one of the reasons he wanted to get this product on the market. It’s very safe and it works quickly. You don’t “have” to change your diet, but it would always be of more benefit to eat clean while taking the keto. You don’t have to go nuts and follow the ketogenic diet (they recommend it) but that’s the beauty of this product – you will still go into ketosis within 15 minutes and stay there for 24 hours.

      There’s a lot more I could say, but you’ve read my review. I would encourage you to browse the website some more and watch some of the videos. Yes, it’s a bit pricey, but this is your health…there’s no price you can put on that in my opinion.

      I’d be happy to help you along in your journey, in fact I would love for you to try it and see how you like it. Be sure and keep in touch!


  • Stacy Bricham

    Hi Rachel, I’m 36 years old and need to lose 15-20 lbs of post baby weight. I could relate to what you said about hormones. I only have time to exercise once maybe twice per week with two kids.Do you think Keto OS could work for me? How much would you recommend I buy? And will I have to change my diet? Thanks, Stacy

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Stacy, thanks for your question. I KNOW this product will work for you. I’ve seen it changing many lives! With not a lot of time to work out, it’s easier to lose weight by diet/supplements, but even those 1-2 days of exercise can always help 🙂 To answer your question, I would start with buying a Go Pack since this is the best bang for your buck in the long run, and I know you’re going to like it and see quick results. Start by drinking half a packet for a few days to see how you feel, then go up to a full pack. You could drink one a day in the morning and see results, but if you want quicker results, you can drink up to two per day, but one is working for me! You don’t have to change your diet, but a ketogenic diet would melt the fat off even quicker. I haven’t adapted it yet, but Keto-OS does recommend it for best results. Good luck!

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hey Lauren, thanks for your question. I drink my coffee first thing in the morning (well actually around 9 – I have a very late schedule), drink a glass of plain water, then drink the Keto-OS, then I eat around noon.

      This is more of the “intermittent fasting” method, however Keto-OS can be taken on an empty stomach or with food. You will still go into ketosis.

      I’ve also done it where I drink coffee, drink a green smoothie or eggs and toast for breakfast, then drink the Keto.

      I would recommend you read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)- scroll down to the very bottom of the Keto website and it’s under Questions/Browse FAQ. There is some great info there!

      Would you like a sample? I’ll send you a separate email! 🙂


    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Alana, thanks for your comment. No doubt Paleo can work if you can work around the food restrictions i.e. mostly meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit, and excluding dairy or grain products and processed food. I’m not knocking it, but a lot of people don’t want to have to eat such a strict diet. 😉 Keto-OS brings an alternative to that, and it also has so many other health benefits. But that’s some awesome weight loss you’ve accomplished, congrats!

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