Welcome to Women’s Blog Talk
Hello beautiful! I’m Rachel, it’s nice to meet you and thanks for visiting! I started Women’s Blog Talk in 2011 as a hobby and it’s become my labor of love!
What’s different about this beauty and health product review site is that I personally test many of the products, along with help from a team of women who are contributing authors and testers.
Throughout the site, you will find recommendations we feel are outstanding products in their category based on quality of ingredients, reviews, price, manufacturer, and of course – results!
All of my top recommended products I either use on a daily basis in my own personal life, or I’ve used in the past with great results!
I will be vain here and admit that staying youthful, healthy and slim is a priority for me and the very reason I love to help others do the same!
I invest a lot of my own money to buy retail products so that I can review them, and I also partner with certain companies who I feel are top notch who I’m proud to represent, but I am never paid to do reviews.
Learn more about me here including my skin care routine, and how I stay healthy and fit in my 40’s.
Ever tried Microneedling, Microdermabrasion or Dermaplaning?
I love trying new skin treatments, and over the past couple of years I’ve tried all three of these!
Check out my review on what each of these skin treatments was like, how much it cost, whether it hurt (some are ouchie!) and which one brought the best results!
I’ll give you a hint at my favorite – it involved a bunch of tiny needles piercing my skin to rejuvenate collagen and elastin production and left my face all bloody!
I’m not gonna lie, it sort of felt like getting a tattoo on my face! However I did it twice so obviously it wasn’t “that” bad.
Read my review on Microdeeling vs Microdermabrasion here
5 Ways to Remove Undereye Bags
Ever eaten a high carb meal (pasta does it to me every time) or drank too much booze and woke up with puffy under eye bags?
Or do you chronically suffer from inflammation that causes puffy eyes on the regular?
This can make you feel like you’ve aged 10 years overnight! There are a few surefire ways ways to get that puffiness down with a quickness.
Learn 5 tips to reduce those bags under your eyes
Lifecell Anti-Aging Treatment
If you’ve followed my blog for the past 5 years, you’ll know that I love Lifecell for its ability to smooth wrinkles INSTANTLY!
Nothing works quite like it, and it’s been one of my top creams and personal faves for many years.
As a professional makeup artist, my sister Katie McCaskill of Beauty on Location also loves using Lifecell on brides and models to smooth those faces instantly and get them photo-fabulous!
Lifecell is a full spectrum anti-aging treatment, but doubles as a wrinkle filler so it creates a flawless, smooth finish instantly and works well for all skin types since it’s so gentle.
Keto Reboot – 60 hour Metabolic Fast
I wanted to tell you about Pruvit’s Keto Reboot I recently tried! I’ve actually done it twice now with great results!
This is a 60 hour fast (no food) using exogenous ketones, bone broths and teas.
If you’ve never done a fast – there are many health benefits – but fasting is not easy! Using these products with ketones in them suppresses appetite, keeps you energized and feeling great!
You will be in a deep, fat burning state of ketosis by the end of the 60 hours, and it’s a great jumpstart for any diet plan towards better health and fat loss.
I am a Certified Keto Reboot Coach and will be happy to be your guide if you’d like to reboot your body!
Read about my Keto Reboot Experience
Joovv Red Light – Is Red Light Therapy a Bright Idea?
Red light therapy has many anti-aging and health benefits since it increases collagen production, circulation, and super charges ATP (cellular energy) upwards of 200% to repair damaged cells.
Collagen loss is what causes wrinkles, sagging skin, loose jowels, crepey skin, you name it – collagen loss is what causes the skin to lose its youthful appearance.
Well, I got a Joovv Red Light in 2017 and hung it on the back of my office door, and it’s awesome!
The Joovv Red Light isn’t just any red light. It’s a full body sized LED red light that you can place anywhere in your home to treat your entire body! Sounds crazy, right?
It’s even helped my shoulder pain since it helps to repair damaged tissue and fights inflammation.
Read about my experience using the Joovv Light
Beautycounter – Hello Safer Skin Care!
For years I’d been searching for a safe, natural skin care line that I could represent that I would feel good about not only using, but recommending to others.
When I found Beautycounter, it fit the bill ~ effective products, empowering women, and no bad chemicals!
I became a Beauty Counter consultant in 2017 and I’ve tried just about all their products!
Why do I love Beautycounter? For one they have a “Never List” of 1,500 questionable or unsafe chemicals that they’ll never use in their products.
Secondly, I LOVE many of the product that I’ve tried! The skin care is amazing and choc-full of plant based ingredients and anti-oxidants to nourish and protect the skin.
I especially love their purifying face masks which do a great job of shrinking those pores and their facial oils which feel fabulous on the skin and absorb nicely.
If you’re looking for a skin care line that puts safety at the forefront of its mission, you will love Beautycounter!
Read more about Beautycounter Masks and Facial Oils
Have you Been Scammed by a Free Trial?
When I started this blog 7 years ago, I was not seeing ads for free trials of skin creams all over Facebook and the internet.
Now I see them everywhere and my blog is flooded daily with emails from women asking for help on how to cancel.
Dr. Oz, Kelly Rippa, Shark Tank, Oprah Winfrey, Queen Kate – these companies use these celebrities and create fake ads to sell their bogus creams.
The kicker is it’s only a 12-14 day trial before billing and the companies are HORRIBLE and impossible to reach.
If you’re looking for a phone number, or need help cancelling, please read my blog on Skin Care Free Trials.
Hi Rachel,
I love your blog! I’m 25 years old and from Ireland, I also have blepharitis.
Did you find your eyes became less red/got whiter as you reduced the inflammation?
I’m not wearing makeup at all at the moment and I’m so worried about never being able to wear it again. Can you give more details about what makeup you wear that you find suitable for your blepharitis?
And what face makeup/foundation you wear? Do you wear it up to the lash line? I have very dark circles so It doesn’t look right when I stop my makeup at my cheekbones!
Would love to hear your tips!
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Amy, sorry you have to deal with this annoying condition! My eyes are so much better, I went from a stage 3 to a stage 1 to barely detectable. The ketones reduce all the inflammation in my whole body and have really made a difference with my eyes, so yes, treating inflammation is key.
I took a week off from makeup when I had that real bad flare up, I just wanted a break from anything that could irritate, washed all my brushes, etc. You will be able to wear it again, but I never wear eye liner on my water line anymore, it can’t be good to just line the insides of our eyes with eyeliner that has bacteria on it plus it could clog those glands.
I am using mostly Beautycounter eye creams and face creams, they don’t have any harsh ingredients or bad chemicals and are very soothing and non-irritating. Foundation I use Makeup Forever HD foundation (from Sephora), but I use the Beautycounter concealer pen for around my eyes, it’s creamy and blends nicely, it’s my favorite! I use it as an eye shadow primer as well and it doesn’t irritate. It works very well for covering under eye circles.
I do still use the Lotemax drops, but honestly rarely…and I still try to use my Refresh drops just at night but forget half the time. They just don’t feel dry anymore. So there is HOPE that your condition can improve with the right care. I do feel ketones have been key in treating eye inflammation…
I’ll link you to my Beautycounter site here if you want to check their products out. Their nascara is nice too, but since the eye problems I just buy cheap mascara so I can throw it out every few weeks and get a new one. Mascara is the worst breeding ground for bacteria and getting it into the eyes, so I don’t buy the expensive stuff anymore.
Good luck and feel free to email me directly if you need more help or have questions. [email protected]
LeAnn Yeargan
I discovered your website today and would really like to receive your blogs and emails.
LeAnn Yeargan
Rachel Vrabel
Hi LeAnn, thank you! I went ahead and subscribed your email so that you’ll receive new blog post notifications. Check your email though, because you’ll have to confirm it. If you’d like to receive my free ebook, you can sign up here with your email. I keep your emails private, you will only receive emails from me. Thanks! Rachel
Suzi Marsh
Thank you, thank you for th info on FREE & CELEBRITY face creams, antiaging, etc. Hope u r real!!! Mucho love if so! Suzi Marsh, former radio show host on mental health issues. Atlanta. Now in Fla!!
Rachel Vrabel
Suzi, I’m for real! 🙂 I actually did an interview with CBS11 Dallas TX last week on these scams. Thanks for your message. Rachel
How long can you stay in ketos?
Isn’t ketos a bit unhealthy ?
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Jessie, I answered your question in detail on the bottom of my Keto OS Review. A ketogenic diet and lifestyle is one of the healthiest you can do. There are many health problems caused from inflammation in the body and a ketogenic diet is anti-inflammatory. You can follow a ketogenic diet forever and be very healthy. Keto OS supplement is a very safe and effective supplement to help put your body into ketosis so you can burn fat instead of carbs. Most Americans eat wayyyyy too many carbs, so their bodies never burn any fat for fuel. They just continue to be fueled by carbs and sugar. Let me know if you have any more questions, I’m happy to help. ~Rachel
Kathleen Gorman
I just got ripped off…I foolishly sent for a free trial of creme la miracle and wasn’t aware of the almost $100.monthly surprise fee which didn’t show up until my transaction was completed. So I need a phone number to call these deceptive bastards
Rachel Vrabel
Kathleen, sorry you got caught up in the Creme La Miracle cream scam. Please look at my Skin Care Free Trials Phone Number List to find the number, I know it’s there. ~Rachel
So I been looking for products for my skin. But my skin is very sensitive and using products it gets very dry plus I’m trying to keep blackheads aways. Is the Cindy Crawford products good for what I’m describing.
Rachel Vrabel
Sharonda, hi! Thanks for your question. Cindy Crawford’s Meaningful Beauty is great for dry, sensitive skin and does not strip the essential oils from your face. Most of the products are completely fragrance free made with sensitive skin in mind, and all of the products are hydrating. I have very sensitive skin as well, and my skin loves these products. You would love the skin softening cleanser (it’s so gentle I can even use on my eyes and they are extremely sensitive) and the creme de serum for hydration. Both of those come in the 5 piece introductory kit. She has a toner and an exfoliator that you could add to your kit that would help with blackheads. Once you receive your first order, you’ll receive a catalog and it makes it easy to pick and choose which products you want to keep, or omit from your order, so you can tailor it to your skin needs. Rachel~WomensBlogTalk.com
I just ordered skincomplexrx then I ran into your site. I was wondering if you know anything about this product and if they are part of a scam that you are talking about.
Rachel Vrabel
Sharonda, well Skincomplexrx runs the same as all the other short term free trials. It’s a 14 day trial only free during the trial period. On the 14th day, they’re going to bill you $89.95 and continue to ship you new product every 30 days. Here are Skincomplexrx’s Terms and Conditions which you agreed to when you purchased (you had to check the box that says you agree). Surprisingly, they do post their ingredients on the page, which most of them don’t. I haven’t used this cream so I don’t know if it’s any good or not, but usually these short term trials are nothing more than decent moisturizers. Just understand their billing procedures so you can cancel if you’re not happy with this arrangement. Personally, I would cancel, 14 days is not really enough time to try it to see if you like it. I really only recommend 30 day trials if you want to try before you buy. Day 1 is the day you order so you may not even get it for a week. Cindy Crawford’s Meaningful Beauty is a great skin care line that’s a 30 day trial if you would like to try a quality product. It runs about $40/month. Good luck! 🙂 Rachel~WomensBlogTalk.com
Myra Casey
I’d like to receive your blogs/emails.
Rachel Vrabel
Myra, thanks for your message. I went ahead and entered your email for my Free Ebook which also includes receiving emails from me every so often with product updates/reviews. Please check your yahoo email, you’ll need to confirm your subscription by clicking on the link I sent you. Thank you!