Zilis UltraCell 7 Day Challenge Results
Health,  Recommended

Zilis Ultracell CBD Oil Review – 10 Person Study and the Results are In!

Zilis UltraCell CBD Oil Review & Trial

This is a personal review. Click Here to Visit the Zilis Website

Women’s Blog Talk did its own independent, informal study on the Zilis UltraCell Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil and I’m excited to share our results and also to educate you on CBD.

When I decided to navigate the waters on finding reputable CBD Oils to try, I took the task very seriously and I’m just getting started.

If you haven’t noticed, CBD Oils, hemp products and medicinal marijuana are HOT topics and have been for a while.

Supplementing with CBD Oil has become a popular and naturally safe alternative (or addition) to pharmaceuticals which can potentially help with many health concerns.

I also have an interest in brain health. Having a sister with epilepsy, I’m always on the lookout for things that won’t disrupt her delicate balance of meds and that could help her. She is my inspiration for this post.

The hemp plant has been used since ancient times for healing, but sadly it’s been illegal for the past 80 years, so we have some catching up to do on research!

There are many promising studies to date on CBD however, some of which I’ll link to in this post and plenty of anecdotal evidence to support its popularity.

If you’re considering trying a CBD Oil for endocannabinoid nutrition, whether it be for pain, anxiety, relaxation, better sleep, or a host of other health benefits – you’ll want to keep reading.

Choosing a CBD Oil for our Trial

Choosing a CBD Oil can make your head spin, especially if you’re a researcher like me who demands quality and transparency.

There are varying MG strengths, differences in distillation processes, and huge differences in price because of quality standards.

I mean, do you really want to use a CBD that uses an alcohol distillation that requires boiling which can destroy its medicinal properties?  Or one that’s not organic? Hemp is like a sponge when it comes to absorbing toxins.

About Zilis UltraCell CBD

zilis ultra cell review

We used the Zilis UltraCell Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil for our study, in both the Berry and Lemon flavors (most people liked the Berry flavor best, including myself).

Participants took the UltraCell for 7 days and reported their results, and I’ve been on this product since June 2018.

Quick Stats on Zilis Ultracell CBD Oil

  • 500 mg, 1 oz bottle (30 ML)
  • *16.67 mg per serving, 4.2 mg of CBD per serving (1 serving = 1 ML = one dropper full)
  • Phytocannabinoid-rich Full Spectrum Hemp Oil (using the whole plant as nature intended and not an isolate)
  • Organic hemp grown in Colorado
  • No THC
  • Has a medical advisory board in place
  • UltraCell (liposome and micelle) technology for maximum absorption and bioavailability, water soluble
  • 94% maximum absorption and faster onset of action
  • Per studies up to 30x more absorption vs a typical CBD Oil
  • Independently tested for heavy metals, pesticides and CBD content
  • Contains Prebiotics
  • Infused with Acai berry for coloring and flavor (berry flavor)
  • Price: $149/bottle for a 30 day supply – $99 if you sign up as an Ambassador (which is what I did to get the discount)

Why I Wanted to Try CBD OilZilis Ultracell CBD review

My purpose in wanting to try CBD stems from my interest in holistic measures I can take to help me relax and get more restful sleep, and to see if it might help my body feel better.

Being in my mid-40’s, I’m really starting to feel the aches and pains. Sore knees, sore shoulder from swinging at the volleyball, tendonitis in my right arm, achy and stiff in the mornings. Being premenopausal doesn’t help either… night sweats, random bad moods, PMS type symptoms.

My hope was that CBD oil would be something that would fit nicely with my lifestyle to help my body just…feel better

What Can CBD Oil Help with and How Does it Work?

CBD Oil may provide many health benefits as our bodies are made with cannabinoid receptors;  we are hard wired to benefit from endocannabinoid nutrition to support homeostasis within the body.

Our bodies endocannabinoid system regulates many functions in the body including the central nervous system, cognitive and physiological processes (i.e., sleep, mood, memory, appetite, pain-sensation, fertility and pregnancy, and inflammatory responses).

CBD can effectively penetrate the blood-brain barrier to provide nutrition to our endocannabinoid systems (much like MCT oil can).

I should add that I’ve been supplementing with MCT oil in my coffee for over a year and love the brain benefits, intermittent fasting on MCT is my norm. The Zilis UltraCell contains MCT which is also why it has such a great taste.

Zilis UltraCell Full Spectrum CBD Oil – About the Blend

Unlike other CBD oil isolates, Zilis UltraCell is a phytocannabinoid-rich full spectrum hemp oil containing over 400 active compounds including CBD and a host of other cannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

Much like eating a full orange would be more beneficial if you’re low on Vitamin C (vs. taking a Vit C pill), a full spectrum CBD has an entourage effect.

Zilis utilizes all aspects of the hemp plant in its natural state and creates an environment where the compounds work together to create a synergistic effect.

Zilis UltraCell CBD Oil is Water Soluble

Have you ever tried mixing oil and water? It doesn’t mix… What’s different about Zilis UltraCell is that it’s water soluble, which means your body will absorb it more efficiently.

Zilis CBD Oil trial

UltraCell is processed with a proprietary technology using liposomes and micelles for maximum absorption and bioavailability.

Liposomes act as a time release delivery, whereas the micelles promote rapid onset.

Ultracell technology is only available from Zilis.

Here is a study on the Bioavailability of Zilis Ultracell

Is CBD Legal? Does it Make you…High?

ultracell cbd reviews

Zilis UltraCell CBD Oil is made from the legal hemp plant (not its female counterpart – the marijuana plant). Hemp was legalized when the 2014 Farm Bill passed and is legal in all 50 states.

The Zilis UltraCell CBD Oil does not contain THC which is the psychoactive property in marijuana that makes you feel high.

The Federal Farm bill allows hemp products to contain as much as 0.3% TCH. However, all batches of Zilis Ultracell are independently tested to contain less than 0.0% – but since it’s derived from hemp, it can contain trace amounts.

So, while Zilis CBD Oil will not make you feel high, it does a good job of making some people feel “chill.”

Some CBD Oil blends are in fact made from the marijuana plant and do contain THC and may be beneficial for certain conditions.

Zilis UltraCell 7 Day Challenge

I heard about Zilis from a friend and decided to take the Zilis UltraCell 7 day challenge. using the UltraCell Berry Flavor, an organic full spectrum hemp CBD oil.

The directions are to not change anything else in your routine, simply take one dropper full a day. Even though I’ve heard CBD can give you energy, I decided to make it a nightly routine.

And for the record it didn’t give me energy, but I can see how if it reduces someone’s pain, that could make you feel better and result in more energy. Just my theory!

My Zilis UltraCell 7 Day Challenge –

Rachel (me), mid 40’s, good health w/ general body aches from an active lifestyle, premenopausal symptoms, trouble relaxing at night and falling asleep. 

Day 1

The night I decided to start taking my Zilis UltraCell CBD I was feeling AWFUL!  Bloated, miserable, achy, and felt like PMS was starting to hit, super cranky.

I was a little afraid at how this CBD stuff was going to taste…. I took one dropper full (1 ML) of the UltraCell Berry flavor and let it sit under my tongue for about 15 seconds before swallowing.

Zilis Ultracell serving size 1ML
1ML serving of Zilis UltraCell CBD 16.67 mg

It tasted good – sweet and every bit like berries and has a little “zing” to it. Definitely pleasantly surprised by the ease of consumption.

I felt it quick, within about 15 minutes.  As I was begrudgingly making tacos, I just started smiling and looked over at my husband and said “wow, I feel so much better, I feel like a I have some kind of a little buzz.”

But I couldn’t put my finger on the feeling. I just felt more relaxed, more chill, and my mood did a 180! My body wasn’t hurting as much and I didn’t cuss out my husband for wanting food – so far so good!

I felt sleepy and was ready for bed earlier than normal, and didn’t feel the need to take my normal dose of melatonin (I usually take about 3 mg liquid melatonin and have finally stopped!).

One thing I noticed was that I had some strange, vivid dreams (alligators trying to bite my sister), but I woke up feeling very rested, got a ton of work done the next day, and had energy to go lift weights. Good mood all day! Where did that PMS go?

Day 2

So I had a full day of activity and my body is sore from the gym, but I was in a much better mood today! I drank my ketones earlier, so I had lots of energy, per usual.

I took my UltraCell at 8:30 pm, and just like the previous night, I felt more calm within about 15 minutes.

Relaxed, but not falling asleep, just chill – I felt good!! I slept great and didn’t experience any weird or vivid dreams on night 2 and haven’t since.

Day 3

When I woke up this morning I seemed to feel a “residual” feeling from the UltraCell. I felt well rested, and wasn’t groggy, but I just noticed  an overall calmness and lighter feeling in my body (no aches or pains taking that first trip to the bathroom).

I have read that CBD “builds up” in your system before you’ll feel the full effect so I’m not sure if a week is really enough time to feel the full benefit.

Got my morning chores done without feeling grumpy about it and felt more patient and cheerful overall, no anxious feelings.

Got plenty of work done today, had a conference call with a prospect and felt sharp as a tack.

Took my UltraCell around 9:30 pm and felt like crawling into bed to watch Netflix, so it’s definitely helping me relax and stop working so much. Same as the other night, it took about 10-15 minutes to feel it.

Day 4

I played beach volleyball all day and by night time, my whole body hurt…like an OMG I’m hurting. So instead of taking my usual Advil and sometimes a vodka/club to kill the pain after diving for balls and falling in the sand, I took my CBD and it took the pain away…like ALL of it.

I’m pretty shocked actually at how it helps so much with my aches and pains. Slept great. I keep telling my husband he needs to try it since he pops Advil twice a day.

Days 5 – 7

Taking the UltraCell CBD at night feels like its become routine, overall I have nothing new to report that happened on days 5-7 other than I like the way I’m feeling.

I look forward to taking the CBD at night, it tastes good, chills me out quickly and I go on with a relaxing evening, and I especially like how it helps reduce my overall aches and pains.

I’ve taken no Advil in a week because I haven’t needed it. I haven’t really noticed much else but I don’t really have any major ailments either. I’m sleeping great and waking up rested.

6 Weeks Later – Summary of my UltraCell Experience

I’m going to sum up my experience since I continued to take the Zilis UltraCell long after the 7 day challenge and I’m still taking it nightly.

There is no doubt that the UltraCell CBD helps me relax at night and I like that. I tend to be a workaholic at night when I should be relaxing on the couch with my husband.

It has helped reduce general soreness (and sometimes really painful body aches) from beach volleyball and weight training, and helps put me in a good mood if I’m cranky and helps alleviate PMS type symptoms.

My shoulder pain is completely gone, however my tendonitis arm is still bothersome, but less. See my review on the topical at the bottom, I am loving it for my arm!

I took no other pain relievers during this six week period because I haven’t needed it.

Physically, that’s about all I can attest to. I like it – I like that the Zilis CBD oils are from organically sourced hemp and I do believe they make a good product.

Gave myself a concussion! Just a blip on the radar

does cbd help with headaches?

One thing significant that did happen to me just after the six week point was that I gave myself a mild concussion hitting the side of my head on the corner of a dresser drawer! Klutz….

Immediately I got a terrible headache and felt very tired.  I stopped taking my CBD oil for about five days…headaches continued and I thought to myself, could these be rebound headaches from stopping the CBD?

Spoke to my NP and she said you wouldn’t get rebound headaches from stopping CBD and she said take it, that it should help with the headaches. So that night I resumed, and my headache went away completely. I’m so mad at myself for stopping during that time!

As a follow up, I saw my GP, she confirmed I probably gave myself a mild concussion…I declined the CT scan, and declined the “short term antidepressant that also helps with headaches” and instead will continue taking the CBD and over the counter meds if I need them.

There seems to be enough convincing research on CBD and concussions that it could actually help me recover and it definitely takes my headache pain away!

In fact the first big study on cannabinoid treatment for concussion is being done by the University of Miami which received a $16 million grant for the research. Pretty exciting since my sister’s epilepsy Dr.’s are at UM!

Women’s Blog Talk Zilis UltraCell CBD Trial Results

My UltraCell CBD trial for Women’s Blog Talk was just a casual one –not an official case study by any means  but a way to get some random honest feedback. I gave away 10 bottles of UltraCell to 10 participants to try for a week.

Some were friends and acquaintances, and some were randomly chosen from a CBD Trial Participants Wanted post on Women’s Blog Talk Facebook page.

Angie, mid 30’s, recent car accident with concussion, neck and back pain

What time did you take it?  between 8:30-9:30pm each night

What did you think of the taste?  I had the lemon…and wasn’t really a fan.

How quickly did you feel it (if you felt it):  I think it made me rather sleepy most evening…but a few nights I really couldn’t tell if anything was different.

Did it make you sleepy, calm, reduce anxiety?   Mostly just sleepy

Did it help you fall asleep faster or stay asleep?  I think it helped me to stay asleep…TOO well.  I overslept a few times in the last week.

Did it help reduce pain in your body?  I don’t think it helped me with pain, I take other medications for that.

What things do you normally suffer from and did it help with any of that?  Unsure

I’ll tell you though…I had some crazy dreams.  I’ve also had a few morning headaches…I’m not sure if it was from this…or a change in the frequency of my chiropractor and physical therapy appointments.

I hope this is helpful information for you.  I wish I had “felt” more.

Elesha (NP) late 40’s, triathlete, hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (results in lack of cortisol and aldosterone production, but well controlled with vigilant healthy lifestyle and meds)

Taste was OK. I went to sleep easily but I usually do once I actually get in bed and stay there. Looking back at my Garmen, the stress scores those days were about half what they usually are on work days, but I didn’t noticeably feel different. A Garmen is a triathlon watch called Fenix 5s. It measures heart rate and ratio of sympathetic : parasympathetic activity, and also records meals and how many calories eaten vs. burned.  9/25-9/28 were the work days during the week I took the UltraCell. Since taking the CBD didn’t cause any obvious problems, I bought more and will see if I notice anything else.

Garmen results taking CBD Oil

John, 35, muscle and disc pain in back 

This is John.  I really can’t give you much of a review. The first night I took the Zilis CBD I woke up the next morning and my back pain was minimal. I was ecstatic! After that i was in the same place I was. I honestly felt no results after the first day. I’m sorry I can’t give you more than that.

Melissa, mid 30’s, semi-pro volleyball athlete, trouble staying asleep

What time you took it: I took the CBD at night around 10:30 PM.

What you thought of the taste: The taste was good, fruity and wasn’t too sweet.

How quickly did you feel it (if you felt it): The first night I took it I felt it within 15 min. I felt very relaxed and fell asleep very easily. I only felt this way the first night, the following nights I fell asleep without any issues but didn’t feel the same feeling as I did the first night.

Did it make you sleepy, calm, reduce anxiety? It made me sleepy and calm the first night.

Did it help you fall asleep faster or stay asleep? The first night it helped me fall asleep faster and I also stayed asleep longer that night. The second night I woke up wide awake around 4 AM and had trouble falling back asleep. All of the following nights I fell asleep without any issues but still woke up in the middle of the night around 3 AM.

Did it help reduce pain in your body? I didn’t have any pain in my body so I cannot say this helped reduce pain in my body.

What things do you normally suffer from and did it help with any of that? I suffer from being able to stay asleep throughout the whole night. This seemed to help me stay asleep for longer the first night I took it but the following nights I still woke up in the middle of the night. I was hoping the CBD would help keep me asleep and I would stop waking up in the middle of the night like I have been but it did not.

Helena, late 40’s, Menopausal Symptoms, Pain and Depression, Has Tried Other CBD’s

I took it around 11am and I found the taste good.

This one didn’t make any change at all. I payed a very careful attention on all my symptoms and they remained exactly the same. The symptoms are:

Hot flashes.  I still have some despite the hormone therapy I am doing


Pain all over the body even if I am taking Lyrica

Poor sleep because of the pain

Lack of energy

Sadness because of the depression I think

Weakness and fatigue

I didn’t notice any change on those

Maybe this one isn’t strong enough or it is not recognized by my body as a medicine

I had some hope that maybe will work at least a little bit, because at this point a little bit means a lot, but I had no luck with this one.

I hope that it worked for the other ones! Thank you anyways for the opportunity to try.

Amy, 43, right hip bursitis, right knee patellar tendinitis, anxiety (panic attacks), difficulty sleeping at times

Yes I was able to finish the trial..  Here is my summary.

Day 1 : I took Cbd oil as directed about 8:30pm on Friday went to bed at 10:30 pm felt very awake almost hyper had to get back up. Felt like I had taken it but no change.

Day 2: took it in the day time sat 1:00 pm went to mall with son felt exhausted headache came then finally felt better after 40 min and felt pretty good. Still chest tightening noted (something that happens everyday for me ) anxiety without cause 🙁

I didn’t feel any changes at all with my pain..felt some difference with anxiety about 5th day but not for long.. Felt I did start sleeping better about 5th day .. So maybe 5th day is the trick.

It is also good to note that I have an active job in the healthcare field and am not over or underweight for my age and height.. I felt more difference with taking Keto Kreme than with any other supplement I’ve tried as far as mental clarity and pain goes.. I hope this answers all your questions if not please feel free to ask away..

Emily, 32, nightly anxiety, aches and pains from an active lifestyle
I tested the lemon UltraCell CBD oil and it tasted delicious.  It had a unique taste that was slightly sweet but definitely tasted like hemp.
I am in the middle of wedding planning and managing two jobs, my passion (a cardio dance fitness instructor) and fabric sales (to support my passion).  I have anxiety nightly and aches and pains from killing my body at the gym, trying to get ahead of the #winterbody.  My first wedding dress fitting the first week of January.
The CBD oil did help me relax, but it didn’t help me stay asleep through the night and I woke up groggy.  I had a couple bad dreams, one where a bird was stuck in my curly hair and I woke myself up swatting the air.  haha
It did help my aches and pains, but more notable was my lack of PMS symptoms.  Less cramps, less hunger cravings, less mood changes.
I like the Zilis CBD but the price point is a little steep.

Zilis UltraCell Conclusion

Zilis UltraCell CBD Oil is a quality, safe, non-pharmaceutical health supplement you would simply need to try to see how it helps you.

While our trial results weren’t consistent, one week is not long enough to measure the full potential benefits of CBD and some may need to play around with the dose (and increase if necessary). 

In fact, the first week is often a “loading” period where the CBD is just starting to build up, and some of my participants had some major issues they were hoping to relieve.

The body doesn’t repair itself in 7 short days (don’t we wish) and obviously no “real” studies were ever completed in only 7 days…

What one person feels on Zilis UltraCell CBD (or CBD in general) may not be the way YOU feel on it, but I would give it at least 30 days before you make a judgement.

For me personally I’m quite happy with the relaxation effect, good sleep and less body and headache pain, and how it alleviates PMS/premenopausal symptoms and puts me in a better mood!

And as I recovered from my mild concussion, I was thankful to have it as it’s helped with headaches.

My shoulder pain (that has bothered me for over two years) is non existent. To no longer have pain in my shoulder when I swing is huge for me!

I had enough faith in the way I’m feeling that I signed up to be a Zilis ambassador so I can get my CBD at a discount, and so I have a trusted brand to recommend to my friends and followers.

I think Zilis UltraCell is a quality product, it’s organic and full spectrum, distilled by cold methods and the company tests its quality regularly and has a medical board in place to make improvements or give suggestions as needed.

You have to be careful just choosing any brand off the shelf at a health food store or online. There are a ton of mom and pop brands and you really have no idea of the quality or the method of distillation. I’m sure there are plenty of GREAT ones as well…just do your homework.

I still have other brands that I plan on trying and will review and compare those as I can, but for now I’m happy with the way I’m feeling on this one and think that Zilis UltraCell is a quality CBD Oil to try.

And while it is is pricey, it’s standard for the true CBD dosage and it’s the only one I’ve found that has such an impressive absorption factor.

To join Zilis:

Click Here to visit my Zilis website

You can either just purchase retail as a customer, or you can join as an ambassador.

If you’d like to join as an Ambassador, you’ll need my referrer ID: 7130330

As an Ambassador, you’ll get your Ultracell or Topical at a deep discount ($99 vs $149), totally worth it for the long term regardless if you want to make this a business.

Zilis CBD Topical Gel – UPDATE!

The Zilis Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Topical was on my list of things to try and it just arrived! It smells amazing, like peppermint and basil.

Zilis Ultra Cell CBD Topical
Zilis CBD Topical

Quick update on the Zilis CBD Topical Gel:

IT’S STRONG!! …and it knocked me out today! I have tennis elbow (from volleyball) so there’s about an 8 in section on the top of my right arm that always sore and tight even if I’m just sitting, it really gets painful after playing.

So….per the directions I rubbed a generous pea sized amount on my arm…it feels great on the skin, first a cooling then a warming sensation and the pain was reduced, it absorbs fully and feels dry to the touch. 

But I didn’t stop there. 🤣 Since I could still feel the pain in my arm a bit, I went back and used a second dose about 2 hours after the first. I quickly felt relaxed, then sleepy, the arm pain GONE and I fell asleep in my husbands chair (comfortably numb). They say you need to play with a CBD dose to get it right so I’m glad I did this experiment, it was a little too much for me for daytime. 😃

However, if you are in a lot of pain and also have trouble sleeping – CBD could really be your solution…without having to reach for addicting pain killers.

THIS is why people are turning to CBD, it’s natural and not addicting and quite honestly, it works!

I hope you enjoyed my review and I hope you learned something! Please leave comments or questions below!

If you’d like to learn more visit the Zilis website

Plus CBD Oil – an Alternative Recommendation

I’ve been looking into alternatives and the Plus CBD Oil is worth considering if Zilis is out of your price range.

It’s organic hemp, full spectrum, non-GMO, gluten free, third party tested they use a CO2 distillation process.

A 2 oz bottle (160 servings) of the Plus CBD Oil drops are 750 mg with 5 mg CBD per serving – price is $80.96.

Their best seller is the Peppermint flavor but they also have Goji Blueberry if you prefer fruity.

They also have sprays, rubs, soft gel caps (15 mg), oral applicators, and GUMMIES which are awesome! 🙂

Click Here to Read My Plus CBD Oil Gummies Review

Plus CBD Gummies review

User Questions and Answers

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User Questions and Answers

Q: I have a herniated disc. I am not sure if it can be totally fixed without some kind of surgery. I also have rheumatoid arthritis. I have pain all over my body and I do not know where is hurting anymore.Can this help with the pain? -Winnie

A: Hi Winnie, yes it can help, I find that's where CBD helps me the most - with pain relief. Of course I can't tell you how well it would work since everyone's level of pain is different but it's certainly worth a try. I would try the trial bottle and go from there. Let me know if I can help, thank you! Rachel (the trial bottles I sell on this blog)

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Q: does Zylliss use the carrier method, the solvent method, or decarboxylation for its Ultra Cell full spectrum hemp oil -linda

A: CO2 cold distillation process

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Q: What feedback have you gotten from diabetics? -Linda

A: Hi Linda, I can't say I have gotten any specific feedback from diabetics in regards to CBD oil use.

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Q: relieve pain -theresa

A: Theresa, yes it does a great job relieving pain for me. Tendonitis, and shoulder pain here... and I sleep like a baby.

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Q: I would love to be in a trail on this CBD oil. I have MS am 64 and have lots of aches and pains. Especially with my right hip and leg which are effected from my MS. -Janet

A: Hi Janet, the CBD trial I did was last August and I wrote about the experiences here in this blog. I would just buy some and see how you do, and do your own trial. It could help you quite a bit but you won't know until you give it a shot, everyone's different. Good luck! Rachel

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Q: How long will a bottle last if you use a full dropper daily? -Vickie

A: Hi Vickie, it would last 30 days if you're taking a full 1ML serving per day. The bottle is 30 ML.

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Q: I have RA and I am wondering if this would help. I also am considering it for my son who is bi-polar. -Betty

A: Hi Betty, there seems to be enough anecdotal and studies that show CBD can help with RA. But you won't find medical claims about CBD since it's homeopathic and not an RX drug with a gazillion studies. It's just one of those things you'd have to try to see if it would help. It helps me with my pain more than anything and it's good to reduce inflammation. I'm not sure about bi-polar... it certainly is something that "won't hurt" and could possibly help anyone with a number of conditions. I hope you'll give it a try. I do have the trial bottles available. Thanks! Rachel

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Q: I baught a bottle before of the CBD Oil full spectrim and I want to reorder but I'm having problems. Can you help -Katherine

A: Hi Katherine, sure. Are you trying to order the trial bottle from this blog post (via PayPal?) or a full bottle from my Zilis website? Feel free to email me directly [email protected] and let me know the trouble you're having. Thanks!

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Q: Can you take it pregnant -April

A: Hi April, I can't give you medical advice, that's something you'd want to check with your Dr. about.  I don't think there are enough sufficient studies on CBD and its effect on the fetus for even your Dr. to give you the answer you're looking for, so he/she may err on the side of caution. I wish I could give you more info... all this research and studies do take a lot of time. Good luck! Rachel

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Q: Do you know anyone who has benefitted from Ultra Cell who has Cancer or ALS? -Jay Church, Ambassador

A: Hi Jay, I don't know anyone personally, but there are a ton of encouraging studies being done. I think you'll find more anecdotal (which is powerful) evidence in stories online of CBD helping since we're behind on clinical trials. It's one of those things you really just have to try to see how it helps you and probably adjust the dose up for those conditions.  I do know a lady with Parkinson's and it's helped her tremors. Be sure and check out the new one I'm about to start using, it's called Plus CBD - the 750 mg is stronger than the Zilis 500 mg and it's a really good quality (organic, CO2 pressed, tested for quality, full spectrum, transparency in labeling, from Colorado hemp). It's $80 for a 2 oz bottle vs $149 for the Zilis. I haven't found one thing that hasn't impressed me with the Plus CBD although I haven't tasted it yet and I know the Zilis tastes really good and no doubt it's quality. Plus CBD offers pills too but I like the under the tongue method, since it goes into the bloodstream much faster and doesn't have to be processed. Best of luck to you and let me know if I can help. ~Rachel

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Q: I absolutely loved your blog on the CBD oil. I use another type of oil in my vape pen and it does seem relaxing. My problem is that I am a senior on disability since I was 50. My income is quite small and $99. is definitely out of my price range, even $30. though I have much faith in CBD. I just ran out of what I previously purchased. I have congenital and chronic pain issues that led me to become addicted to narcotics, also am bi-polar. What would you do if you were in my situation? -Betty

A: Hi Betty! Thank you so much, I really appreciate your feedback on my blog. I tried to really lay it all out there. With price being an issue, but quality of CBD also being very important, you won't get the same results if you go the cheap route. My best advice would be to give the PlusCBD Oil drops a try. I did write a review about the PlusCBD Gummies, but I also tried the drops, they work equally as effectively. I don't think the Plus works quite as well as the Zilis because the Zilis is water soluble and has the Ultracell technology, but the PlusCBD is a great brand. It's organic hemp, is third party tested, and distilled without high heat. You can read my blog about the PlusCBD Gummies here or visit the PlusCBD website here. You can buy a 1 oz bottle of the 250 mg for $37, or a 2 oz bottle of the 750 mg for $80. You could start with the 250 mg and see how that helps you.. although I've only tried the 750 extra strength so I don't know how effective the 250 would be. Good luck! Hope you can get some relief. xo Rachel

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Q: I found out recently disc 3,4,5 cartridge is about gone having blockers done in a few days . Can it help me with lower back pain (severe to bend , sitting to long I get stiff so forth ). -Nancy

A: Hi Nancy, CBD is helping a lot of people find relief from all kinds of pain, as it helps in so many ways. I hope you'll give it a try!

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Q: Hi. I would like to sign up. Just wanted to know where I could get my questions answered or if u offer a guide thru to sell this product -Sherri brown

A: Hi Sherri, yes feel free to sign up and you can email me so we can connect [email protected], I'll be happy to help you.

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Q: Does this help with lowering my blood sugar -Dianne

A: Hi Dianne, I've seen reports that say CBD can help with insulin resistance, but I think you have to be very careful when weeding through the medical claims of CBD and diabetes. I would try the CBD, try to follow a lower carb diet and monitor your blood sugar to see how it helps you. I think everyone is different, but it's certainly worth a try. If following a low carb/low sugar diet is tough for you, then you may want to consider supplementing with ketones. Lots of research on ketones and diabetes.  Good luck! ~Rachel

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Q: I work at a Tribal school that is under the Federal government laws. Will I pass a UA if I use your product? -Dean

A: Hi Dean, Zilis is the one I recommend for anyone needing to pass a drug test. Most CBD's have to be under .3% THC content to be considered industrial hemp. By nature there are trace amounts of THC in hemp plants because it is related to the marijuana plant. However Zilis Ultracell has this to say in their Q&A section, so theirs is lower. Notice it says 0.0% - now that could mean 0.05 or 0.01 - I can't say for sure but at any rate it's much lower than .3%. I don't think any CBD will guarantee that you'll pass a drug test on their website because of the nature of CBD, but I've seen a lot of anecdotal evidence that Zilis does not pose a problem. Hope you can give it a try! Thanks, Rachel


The Federal Farm bill allows hemp-derived products to contain as much as 0.3% THC per dry weight. All batches of UltraCell are independently tested and verified at the time of bottling to contain less than 0.0% THC. Since UltraCell is derived from hemp, one should always assume there are trace amounts of THC in the product.

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Q: Do you have any samples I could try of the Zilis CBD oil before buying a full bottle? Thanks -Jackie Devine

A: Hi Jackie, I don't have any more trial bottles unfortunately... however I do have some extra full sized Zilis CBD Ultracell in the berry flavor if you'd like to buy one at a discount? They are $149 retail and I'll sell for $120 out the door. I've been on a monthly auto ship since June so I've accumulated some extras while I try other things. I still like the Zilis best! It's really the only one I've found that has the unique edge on being water soluble, which makes it more effective overall. If you'd like to connect, please send me an email to [email protected]

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Q: Is your company traded on the stock market ? if so what are the call letters? -Tom

A: Hi Tom, Zilis is not a publicly traded stock. But CBD companies would be a great investment right now with the recent farm bill update legalizing hemp! :)  You can become a partner with Zilis and invest in their company that way... just a thought if you're interested in getting into the CBD market. I love the Zilis brand, it's the best I've tried. It's pricey but good products always are. Email me at [email protected] if you'd like to chat more. Thanks! Rachel

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Q: Rachel, hi...I enjoyed reading your review of Zilis CBD. We just started our 44 year old special needs daughter on it. They said to give 2 doses a day for 2 week to get it in her system. It scares us to give that twice a day so we are going the 1 time a day route. Her issues are bi-polar and on the autism spectrum. Verbal but cannot tell us where she hurts our how she feels. Communication is the biggest issue our daughter has. Question..you mentioned the Plus CBD Oil. Have you tried it yet? The cost of Zilis stings a bit for our budget and wondering if you have done a review of the Plus CBD oil. You mentioned it is a bit less expensive rhN Zilis. Thanks Rachel. -Meldene

A: Hi Meldene, thanks so much for your comment, I'm glad you enjoyed the Zilis blog and I hope CBD can help your daughter! Honestly after getting more into CBD, I don't consider one dose of Zilis over the top strong by any means,  and my aunt told me the same thing as far as "dosing up" in the beginning, but do what you feel comfortable doing.

Zilis has roughly 4.2 mg of CBD (cannabidiol) per serving, and the Plus CBD Gummies I've been taking are 5 mg per gummie. While they relax me, they don't knock me out or anything like that. I think I feel roughly the same on a dose of Zilis, however I seem to be sleeping better on the gummies so maybe that small increase in dosage helps.

I will say I think the Zilis may have worked slightly better for body pain.. so it's a hard call. I'm still experimenting with the Plus CBD Oil. I did try the Plus CBD Oil in the Peppermint flavor - and it also has 5 mg per 15 drop serving (or half a ML dropper full), but it's a whopping 2 oz bottle for $80 so you practically get double than you do with Zilis, and the 60 count of the gummies is $58. Plus CBD Oil (like Zilis) is organic, non GMO, third party tested - all the quality standards are there and they are a bit more clear on the labeling as well. Zilis does post the mg dose, but on the website and not right on the bottle.

The main difference I can see between Zilis and the Plus CBD Oil brand is that Zilis has an edge on being water soluble. Zilis has the "ultracell technology" which is their proprietary technology using liposomes and micelles for maximum absorption and bioavailability. Liposomes act as a time release delivery, whereas the micelles promote rapid onset.

I am not a scientist so it's hard for me to quantify this, but I do know that it seems to be very important when it comes to supplements. Whether it's worth paying double for, the jury is still out because I am feeling good on the Plus CBD Oil. I felt the same on the Plus drops vs the gummies as well.

To give you an idea of why I wouldn't be afraid of a 5 mg serving, is this. I have a bottle on my desk that's 20 mg for TWO DROPS. It's a brand being used in a cancer trial. I'm a bit scared to try it! But I will eventually. Also, I've read in some studies that for treatment of epilepsy and seizures doses are over 100 mg per day (don't quote me on that - nor take this as medical advise if anyone reads this). So... a 5 mg dose is not terribly strong when you're really comparing to some. It's a great starting point, and everyone will react differently to CBD doses so it's something you would probably need to experiment with. But don't feel like two doses a day is crazy strong... she may need it. I'll probably take 2 of the gummies soon and see how I feel.

Another difference is Zilis tastes better in my opinion compared to the Plus CBD Oil peppermint drops. Zilis uses MCT as its carrier oil, and I love MCT. If you're not familiar with MCT, it's a medium chain triglyceride - a specific fatty chain extracted from coconut oil. Something I've used for a while as a stand alone product in my coffee. MCT has a very small molecules so its able to pass the blood brain barrier to be used as immediate brain energy - literally food for your brain (there are MANY benefits to MCT oil). So, I really do like that about the Zilis Ultracell.

The Plus CBD Oil uses extra virgin olive oil as their carrier oil, and it just doesn't taste quite as good to me. I can let the Zilis simmer in my mouth and it has a really good flavor, whereas the Plus reminded me more of taking a tsp of olive oil. Don't get me wrong, it's very palatable and has a nice peppermint flavor, but if I had to choose one on taste alone, it would be Zilis. However the Plus CBD gummies are really tasty, no complaint there.

So, I think something to consider would be how your daughter responds to the Zilis flavor, is it enjoyable for her to consume? Or do you have any difficulties dosing her? If you think she'd be more apt to have a "candy" then maybe give the Plus CBD Oil gummies a try and you could work up to two servings, or give her one in the morning and one in the evening. The Plus CBD Oil also comes in a goji berry flavor if you think she'd prefer fruity over peppermint.

Sorry this has gotten so long, but I hope this response helps. I think it would be worth giving the Plus CBD Oil (or gummies) a shot with your daughter to see if you notice that either she likes it better, or that she feels better on it, especially if cost is an issue for you. If you decide you'd like to try it, you can visit the PlusCBD Oil website here.  Or, if you decide to stick with the Zilis, you should feel confident that it's a very good brand!

I'd love an update on your daughter as well, I'm very curious to see if CBD will help her. Good luck!! xo Rachel

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Rachel Vrabel

Rachel is Chief Editor of Women’s Blog Talk and writes reviews across the spectrum of anti-aging, health and beauty. She has an English degree from USF and worked in finance for 15 years before establishing this website in 2011. She loves having a place she can share her inspiration for health and beauty and continue to help others! She lives in South Florida with her husband and her hobbies include beach volleyball, HIIT training and combing the beach for sea glass and shells.


  • Pam

    Hi Rachel
    I have tried Zilis and love it…Has made a huge difference in my sleep and less brain fog during the day.

    You mention another oil Plus CBD? Does it absorb the same as Zilis? I can respect the price point difference but do you have to use twice as much to get the same benefit? Or is it really apples to apples? And the branding/marketing on Zilis is driving it’s price point?

    Please advise… 🙂 always looking for a way to save money…but it will be hard to change from Zilis…plus have you tried any other product line that offers boosters that compliment the oil?


    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Pam, I think Zilis has an edge on the PlusCBD due to the Ultracell technology making it water soluble – which means more absorbing into your cells. You wouldn’t have to use twice as much PlusCBD but I think it’s just something you may have to try to compare, it’s really hard to say because it’s not quite apples to apples. I still use both, but feel the Zilis works a little better all around, especially for body aches and pains… so to some that may prove to be a significant difference, others maybe not so much.

      Zilis tastes better to me than the PlusCBD drops – I like the fruity taste of the Zilis but I’ve only tried the PlusCBD mint flavored drops which I wasn’t crazy over (but not terrible by any means), but they do have a goji berry flavor and I’m sure I’d like that better. The gummies are really good but I think drops are probably more effective overall since you can put under your tongue where it will absorb right into the mucus membranes, whereas the gummies are chewed and must be digested so the effect may not be as strong as the drops. I’ve tried chewing them and leaving under my tongue but that didn’t work out so well, LOL, it’s just too much in the mouth so those are better chewed and swallowed.

      If you decide you want to give the PlusCBD a whirl, they’ve given me a code to use for 15% off: WBT

      Zilis does have some newer homeostasis supporting products, namely the Ultra Edge and the Ultra Ice, both of which I have in my closet still with shrink wrap on them so I haven’t tried them yet! I may actually try the Ultra Edge today…looks like it has a bit of caffeine in it so may give me a boost.

      Thanks for your questions, let me know if I can help or you can email me directly at [email protected]. By the way, that’s wonderful that the Zilis is helping you! I wouldn’t rule out trying the PlusCBD…if it helps you as well, then you’d be saving a ton. If you try and it doesn’t give you the same benefit, go back to the Zilis.

  • Bonnie Fortenberry

    I’m 65 take Wellbutrin Ambien gabapentin Med for bladder leaks cholesterol Med seroquel and singular plus Tylenol every day how can cubs oul help me what can I take away using the cod oul

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Bonnie, I mainly use CBD for sleep, and also for pain in my shoulder and tendonitis in my right arm. I am not a Dr. so cannot give you medical advice, but I would encourage you to give CBD a try to see if it can help you will sleep and anxiety. I’ve heard scary things about Ambien and have friends and a family who have had bad experiences (night thrashing is a big one), loss of memory….so I think between the Wellbutrin and Ambien – if it were ME – that’s what I would try it for. Did you see the trial bottles I have offered on this blog? Maybe start there. Good luck and let me know if I can help! Rachel

  • Gail

    Are you still looking for participates in the trail? I am very interested. Very curious – I am 60 plus, very healthy – no medication, very anti doctor. Three weeks ago I had a fall, fell onto my right hand/wrist/elbow – it has been swollen from hand to armpit since……….I ice pack once in awhile, and take ibuprofen once a week or so. I try to workout daily and have continued but feel I have now irritated things worse, so stopped doing planks & any weight lifting. I have no pain, its just swollen? Please advise. Thank you.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Gail! Well that trial was back in August so that’s been done with for a while. I have some tiny sample bottles, just big enough for a dose or two just so you can taste it to see if you’d want to order a full sized bottle, but I don’t have any of the 7 day trial bottles left, I’m sorry. Email me at [email protected] if you’d like me to mail you one. Thanks! Rachel

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Jesse, CBD is for men and women. I just have a women’s blog so most of the people who responded to the trial happened to be women, I did have one man in there with back pain. Plenty of men on CBD as well, but you’ve brought up a good point. Maybe I should make it more clear on my review that CBD is for everyone. Thanks so much! Rachel

  • Ginny

    Thanks for posting your review. I am a Zilis ambassador because I wanted a quality product as well. I do have a question about dosing instructions you gave the reviewers. Were they told to take it in the evening or did they have an option to take smaller quantities throughout the day if needed?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Ginny, I tried to make it clear that CBD is one of those things that you have to play around with times and dosages to find what’s right for you, but I think most of my participants chose to take it an hour or two before bed. But you’re absolutely right, CBD can be taken any time of the day, depending on what you’re using it for. For me, I think it makes a little too relaxed for day time use but I love using it at night to unwind for bed, get relaxed and relieve myself of body aches and pains. If someone is trying it for anxiety or panic disorders, then absolutely taking it during the day would be beneficial. Thanks for your comment, Rachel

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Rosemary, visit my Zilis website and click Join. You’ll be taken to a sign up page where you enter your personal info and they’ll show you the packages you can choose from. I did the Bronze package to start which is either two bottle of the Ultracell or one bottle Ultracell and one topical for $199. I would do the combo, the topical is amazing. Then once you’re a member you can buy the Ultracell for $99 and receive discounts on all their products or set up an auto ship if you’d like. That’s what I do, I have a monthly bottle coming to me each month for $99 and I change the flavors and the products. I’ve tried several so far but I like the Ultracell Berry the best. Feel free to email me directly if you’d like to chat more: [email protected] Thanks!! Rachel

  • Phyllis

    Hi Rachel,I have been reading the comments concerning CBD and Zitis oils.I have just gotten from the doctor 2 bottles Zilis 7ml.I just started it this morning.My problems are rods and screws in my back from a bad back surgery,problems with my neck and head Pain,and TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA.I let 3 different surgeries be done to help with this horror.I have major pain caused by the microvascular decompression mess up.I don’t know if this oil will help but I have to HOPE.I really can’t afford it but with living with all these different pains I really have to try. I HAVE TO GIVE IT A TRY! Phyllis

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Phyllis, thanks for your comment. That’s great to hear that your Dr. is encouraging the use of Zilis CBD! 7ml sounds like the trial bottle if I’m not mistaken.

      Just keep in mind you may not feel the full potential in just a week, or even two but you should get an idea of how it may help. Don’t be afraid to take more than a 1 ML serving if you don’t feel much from it, some people do need more. It did help with my general aches and pains right away but everyone’s different and sounds like you’re dealing with some serious issues.

      I wish you all the best with your trial, and I’d love to hear if it helps. Zilis is pricey but it’s a very good quality oil, I really don’t have anything negative to say about it other than the price point.

      I’m still giving the Plus CBD Oil Gummies a go, and have also tried the oil, but I’m still experimenting to see if I like it as much as the Zilis. But it’s definitely a good one to try. Take care and hope you get some relief! xo Rachel

  • Christine Range

    I’ve been following your blog for awhile now and was curious when you might do a Hemp derived CBD review. Now we have one.

    Your trials with others was a different approach, but I liked that it wasn’t rah rah. Rather raw opinions from others using it.

    I’m an advocate for CBD Oils for those it can help. Even though we represent different brands, for buyers it’s important to know how it’s processed and ingredients. All our products have ingredient labels.

    Also while 500 mg may be fine for minor issues for more severe conditions, higher mg and longer periods may be necessary which can be pricey.

    So if one finds it is helpful, I would suggest sharing the love with others to help offset the cost. In the instance of my company we gave a 60 day empty bottle money back guarantee. So we don’t offer samples.

    Thank you for your honest review. Although it can help many it’s important to industry integrity not to promote it like miracle snake oil.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Christine, I really appreciate your comment. My trial was definitely a different approach, and I wanted to keep it 100% real by posting everyone’s experience.

      I definitely agree most people would need more time and quite possibly a higher mg dose for the desired effect depending on what they’re treating. Having a sis with epilepsy, I would never want anyone to mislead her so I take the same approach.

      Understanding the mg dose in CBD has been challenging because of labeling, and I’ve noticed the disparity in transparency already taking a look at some other brands so it’s important to find trusted brands for sure.

      I don’t give samples either, I actually bought $300 worth of product just to do this review…not the most economical approach for myself, but it gave me some data for my own inquisitions. 🙂 Maybe we can chat soon. Thanks again! ~Rachel

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