lashem reviews
Eyelash Enhancers

Lashem Reviews From Real Women

lashem reviewsHave you ever noticed how Hollywood’s elite always seem to have perfect eyelashes?  All of them cannot naturally have those perfect eyelashes right?  Of course not.  Many in Hollywood use the exact same eyelash enhancers that are available to you.  Rest assured you do not have to pay an arm and a leg to get great lashes; you just have to make sure that you choose the correct eyelash enhancer to get the results that you desire.  Lashem has a patented formula designed to help eyelashes look longer, fuller, and darker after just a few weeks of use, or at least that is what the manufacturers claim.

Product Overview

One of the issues that has arisen with eyelash enhancers is the side effects associated with products that have prostaglandin.  Since Lashem is prostaglandin-free there is one of the itching and irritation that is often associated with products that do contain prostaglandins.  Lashem also uses a formula that has been shown to be more gentle than some of the other products on the market.  For best results it should be used at night, but can also be used during the day if for some reason the nightly routine does not work for you.

Consumer Review

One consumer that tried this product stated:

“The fact that Lashem is most effective when used at night already earns it bonus points since adding another step to the morning beauty routine will only result in being that many minutes later for work in the morning.  Did not see any real results after the first week, but happy to report that it was worth it to continue using it for the entire month.  The results were easy to see, from short, full lashes to noticeably longer full lashes within a month surpassed expectations for a product in this price range.  I’m definitely satisfied with the ease of use and results.” –  Jo, Florida

Pricing and Availability

Lashem checks in one the lower end of the price spectrum, if you buy it from Amazon that is.  Purchasing it from the company website is going to put you at about $85, which actually is not too bad considering that Lashem does actually work.  You can make it a much better deal though by  purchasing a tube from Amazon for about $40; you save more than 50% on the price.  It is also not available at many retail stores, so your best option for purchasing it is definitely through Amazon.


Lashem is a great product; it works and it is relatively inexpensive when you look at the price range eyelash enhancers.  The fact that it works better when applied at night is great for those who are not morning people who definitely do not need to add an extra step to what is likely already a rather rushed morning routine.  The full-sized tube of Lashem is actually much larger than most of the other eyelash enhancers on the market meaning that one tube will last you for a little over a month if it is applied every day.  An additional benefit of the formula is that it contains many natural ingredients including green tea, goji berry, cucumber, and grapeseed extracts which all help to not only strengthen the eyelash and promote growth, but also increase the shininess of the lash.  Who knows the results you see with Lashem may be so good that you do not have to buy mascara as often.

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Rachel Vrabel

Rachel is Chief Editor of Women’s Blog Talk and writes reviews across the spectrum of anti-aging, health and beauty. She has an English degree from USF and worked in finance for 15 years before establishing this website in 2011. She loves having a place she can share her inspiration for health and beauty and continue to help others! She lives in South Florida with her husband and her hobbies include beach volleyball, HIIT training and combing the beach for sea glass and shells.

One Comment

  • Tiffany Ho

    My friend recommended i try Lashem. I was skeptical at first because it was more natural then all lash growth products out on the market right now. But out I tried it on my lashes and I saw a difference within 3 weeks. My lashes are longer and fuller. I also recommend Lashem to my other friends.

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