bust boom review
Breast Enhancement

Bust Boom Reviews

bust boom reviewSome breast enhancement formulas look at the issue of breast size and estrogen levels early in life. They address the “lost opportunity” for larger breasts by triggering the mammary glands of an adult woman to begin retaining fluid and slowly increasing the size of the breasts instead of relying on estrogen to do the job. We read that the Bust Boom product was one such compound and decided to see what it contained and if it really worked to increase breast size.

How Bust Boom Works and Ingredients

We were immediately impressed by the level of information available at the primary website. The details included the reason that the formula will work to increase the size of the breasts and why it also helps reduce symptoms of PMS and some types of acne too! Basically we discovered that Bust Boom relies on a unique blend of herbs that include cnicus benedictus, cimicifuga racemosa, tumera diffusa, taraxaci herba, foeniculum vulgare, serenoa repens, nasturtium officinale, dioscorea billosa, and dong quai extract. Although some of those ingredients are the most well known mastogenics, others have not yet been used in many other formulas. This is interesting to note when you read that the company has many clinical trials proving the effectiveness of their formula.

User Reviews

With one pill needed each day and a 100% satisfaction guarantee, we were prepared for a lot of favorable reviews. We found them. The consumers who had used the Bust Boom herbal breast enhancement formula had experienced everything from lighter menstrual periods to an increase in three cup sizes during their use of the formula.

A sample review of Bust Boom we found:

“I used this for increased bust size, and it worked like a charm, but I have also noticed a huge improvement in my skin and hair too.”

Heidi, MA

Recommendation and Where to Buy

Though available through online vendors, we recommend using the manufacturer’s site in order to enjoy the 90 day money back guarantee. The site also makes some good bulk deals available including three bottles for $200 – which is a 180 day supply.

We recommend Bust Boom for its unique formulation, multiple uses, positive consumer feedback, and affordable price. If you are looking for something that is guaranteed to work in terms of natural breast enhancement, this is one product to try. The manufacturer has taken the time to ensure that customers are satisfied and also created a product that is innovative and which offers more than one beauty solution!

A Product to Compare

Whenever you’re deciding to purchase a product, it’s always a good idea to comparison shop. We recommend comparing Bust Boom to our top breast enhancement product, Total Curve. We like Total Curve because for roughly the same price, you get all natural pills and a topical cream containing clinically proven Volufiline to help increase your bust size, lift and firm. We like the one-two punch for bigger boobies!

Have you tried Bust Boom? Leave Your Review Below!

User Questions and Answers

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User Questions and Answers

Q: I have a blood clotting disorder called factor five liden. Can someone with this clotting disorder take bust boom. It says here ut has an estrogenic effect and added estrogen can give me blood clots. Thank you -Nicole

A: Nicole, This is definitely something you need to ask your Doctor. This is not something you want to play around with, and I'm sorry I can't answer your question. Your health is way more important than risking it to increase your cup size! Hugs! Rachel, WomensBlogTalk.com

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Q: Once you obtain the desired breast size do you lose them if you stop taking the pills? -Melissa

A: Melissa, the breasts may stay larger for a couple of months, but these pills have an estrogenic effect on the body, and that's what makes them grow. So once it gets out of your system, they will eventually go back to their normal size. Rachel~WomensBlogTalk.com

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Q: Hi can this tablet stop period ? Or effect pregnancy -Sadi

A: Sadi, you should not take Bust Boom or any other breast enhancement product if you are pregnant, nursing or trying to conceive. The natural herbs in these formulas do have an estrogenic effect on the body, and that's why they are able to increase breast size. They should not stop you from having your period however.

Rachel, WomensBlogTalk.com

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Q: Is it okay to take Bust-Boom Breast enhancer and Diane Pills at the same time? I hope you could answer me, thanks -Ella

A: Ella, I would check with your Dr. on this. Diane pills are a prescription birth control pill which contains estrogen. Bust Boom are natural herbs that have an estrogenic effect on the body which is how the breasts grow. From everything I've read, the herbs won't have an effect on the contraception pill, the birth control will still work. Rachel

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Rachel Vrabel

Rachel is Chief Editor of Women’s Blog Talk and writes reviews across the spectrum of anti-aging, health and beauty. She has an English degree from USF and worked in finance for 15 years before establishing this website in 2011. She loves having a place she can share her inspiration for health and beauty and continue to help others! She lives in South Florida with her husband and her hobbies include beach volleyball, HIIT training and combing the beach for sea glass and shells.


  • Vicky

    Hi Rachel,

    I have a question about the BustBoom pills product. I am currently 21 years old. I bought this products 3 years ago and I never finish or even open one of the bottle because I realized that my body is still growing. But since then my breast didn’t grow. I wonder if I can continue to eat the bottle I bought before ? Please help me out !!!
    I am really aprreciate

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Vicki, There should be an expiration date on the bottle, if there’s not, I don’t know if you can trust it to be effective. If you decide to buy something new, I highly recommend Total Curve breast enhancement pills and cream. Good luck! Rachel

  • Nicky

    Can the product harm you if you are under 18? I’m taking it because I thought I would help my breast size and I heard it helps with cramps. Also because it supposedly has estrogen in it, it should help my acne. Any input?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Nicky, honestly since you’re under 18 and you’re not fully developed, I would strongly advise to check with your primary Dr. to see if it’s safe to use this product. A better choice to help your acne may simply be getting on birth control, which can also increase your bust because it’s made with actual estrogen. Bust Boom does not contain estrogen, it contains herbs that have an estrogenic effect, so there’s a difference there. Good luck! Rachel ~WomensBlogTalk.com

  • Zoë-Lynn

    I just got the pills today and I’m going to start them tomorrow.. hopefully they work because that was be lovely!! 🙂 I’ll keep everyone updated! 🙂

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Zoe, I’m more familiar with Total Curve since I recommend it. To me, the Bust Boom website seems antiquated. Total Curve will help with acne and pms as well. Here’s a snapshot from their website: Total Curve

  • Zoë-Lynn

    You took 4 in total.. is that bad?!?! I want to go from a 34B to a 34C but no larger.. and I want it to be quick also do you completely stop taking the pills once you’ve reached your desired cup size or what? 😀

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Zoe, I’m not sure about Bust Boom, but it’s my understanding that once you reach your desired cup size, you could could reduce to a maintenance dose. These pills have an estrogenic effect, so if you stop taking them completely, the results will eventually subside. I’m more familiar with Total Curve, my top breast enhancer. Rachel ~ WomensBlogTalk.com

  • Zoë-Lynn

    Hi, I was just wondering if when you get to your cup size, that it will be permanent or do you have to keep taking the pills forever?!

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Erica, the natural herbs found in breast enhancement productss have an estrogenic effect on the body and that’s how they increase the bust size. Birth control pills are also made from both estrogen and progesterone so will also sometimes increase the bust size. From everything I’ve researched, the herbs won’t interfere with birth control, but it’s best to ask your Dr. if you’re unsure if it’s right for you.

  • Lisa

    Hi ! I am 17 years old and I was wondering if I stopped taking the pills when i got to my desired size will my breasts shrink back to the original size? Thanks !

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Lisa, Since you’re only 17, and your breasts may still be growing, I wouldn’t recommend a breast enhancement product without your Dr. saying it was safe for you. Breast enhancers work by increasing estrogen levels so the answer to your question is yes, I believe over time if you stopped taking the product your breasts would not stay enlarged because your estrogen level would subside. Check out my article “How Do Herbal Breast Enhancers Work” to learn more about them. Let me know if you have more questions.

  • cj

    I’m 21 and since puberty I have had to deal with asymmetrical breasts. It’s always been very inconvenient. I can’t wear cretin clothes, bras, swimsuits. And forget anything strapless. I wasn’t to know will this product help me?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Camiaz, Thank you for your question. Most women have one breast that’s slightly a different size than the other, so you are not alone. Breast enhancers can work safely and effectively to increase bust size, but you have to stick with it for 6-8 weeks, it’s not something that will happen overnight so you have to be patient, but they can definitely work! I recommend you read my review on my top 3 breast enhancement products so you can learn more about how they work. Top Breast Enhancement Review

  • Cindel

    Um, I am 21 I have a two yr old daughter, having had complications in the delivery room, I was deemed barren.. I took these pills to replace what breastfeeding had taken. I took them for one week… and I am now pregnant. Having had no luck with no protection or birth control for two whole yrs and all of a sudden? ?? Is this normal?

  • Alyssa

    Hi, I am 18 years old and 5’7″ I have been taking these pills for about 2 weeks and haven’t noticed any changes. Am I to young to be taking these pills daily? Will I see changes in a week or 2 or is it bad for me to take these pills?

  • Danny

    Ok so, few months ago i’ve bought these pills. I’ve read all the reviews I could find and most of them are positive. These pills are all natural.
    I wasn’t afraid to start taking these because it’s all natural. And I’ve been using it for maybe 2 weeks now and i noticed the change but my breasts do not look asymmetrial, the one is little bit bigger than another one? I’m not really sure if it was this was before I started taking them but still should i continue using or stop? By the way, I’m wearing 36B, that’s my size.
    They do seem to work, but I’m afraid and very very skeptical. Please help.
    By the way, I’m 17, almost 18 years old and my breasts have been this size since I was 12, they didn’t grow anything, and also most of my family female members, especially my mom has small breasts too.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Vrabel

      Hi Danny,
      I think it’s fairly common for women not to be not exactly the same size on each side. Sometimes our hormones fluctuate causing these changes, and sometimes our breasts will fill up just prior to menstruating and become larger and plumper and more even looking only to deflate afterwards. I would say keep trying it for another couple of weeks and see how it goes, and if you continue to notice the uneven change in your breasts, I would discontinue taking it. Bust Boom does offer a 90 day money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied. You would need to return the empty bottle within those 90 days for full refund.

      • Smeths

        I have been taking Bust Boom for a week and I am feeling dizzy and spaced out with them, is this normal to start of with? I took some Breast enhancement pills a few years ago and they didn’t have this effect on me and they worked brilliantly for me, can’t remember what they were called, kind of the same name, are there any other pills I can try if these are not for me?

        • Rachel Vrabel
          Rachel Vrabel

          Hi Smeths, One of the ingredients in Bust Boom is Black Cohosh which may cause some dizziness because it can lower blood pressure. My #1 selling breast enhancement product, Total Curve, also contains Black Cohosh. However my #3 product, call Brestrogen doesn’t appear to have it, so you could try that. I would be careful to eat a meal when you take the Bust Boom, maybe that will help keep the dizziness away. Let me know how it works out for you.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hi Lacey,

      According to the Bust Boom website, you should gain about a cup size in 4 to 6 weeks. It takes about 10 weeks to get up to 2 or almost 2 cup sizes.


  • Trisha

    I just bought a bottle of bust boom and I was wonder if drinking alcohol on the weekend will interfere with the pills?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hey Trisha,

      Your growth stops while you’re drinking alcohol, but so your results will be slower. It shouldn’t send you backwards, but I have heard of it happening.


  • Pockets

    So, I just want a confirmation.

    Will my bust size stay the same if i stop taking them when im satisfied with the size?

    I need to know.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hey Pockets,

      They’ll get a little less full, but for the most part the results are permanent.


  • Farha Naaz

    I have bought bustboom today and the only thing that bothers me is will My periods get affected with this pills, or stop coming every month. Please tell me honestly

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hi Farha,
      Yes, your cycle could get affected, and you never really know if or how it will happen. It could make your period longer, shorter, lighter, or heavier. And it could make your period come early or late. It really does vary that much. Hope this helps.


    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hi Jenny,

      I recommend you wait till you’re sure you’re done growing.


    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hi Lisa,
      As far as I know, there’s no conflict with smoking cigarettes, and if you want to use a little caffeine, it should still work, just perhaps a little more slowly. Feel free to experiment.


  • Heather

    I was wondering could I take Bust Boom with an antibiotic? And I’m waiting on my shipment of new pills, is it okay if I miss a few days of not taking the pill?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hi Heather,
      I don’t really know how Bust Boom will react with antibiotics. You may want to call the company at 800-673-5831, or you can email them through the contact form on the order page of the website. As for missing a few days, once you’ve reached your goal, you can switch to a once a week dose for maintenance.


  • Heather

    I was wondering if it’s okay to take 2 pills? If I do is it the same results or better? If anyone else knows the answer feel free to answer!

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hi Heather,
      You can take 2 pills a day if you like. In fact, the Bust Boom website recommends that you take a second pill in the afternoon to help clear up severe acne. Hope this helps!


  • Cristi

    Few questions. Once you get the desired results will your breasts stay that size permanently? Or do you need to always continue use. And do birth control pills mess up the hormone balance?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hi Cristi,
      In order to maintain the results, you would have to keep taking the pills. As far as birth control pills go, there shouldn’t be an interference, but some researchers feel that there may be. I would recommend you talk to your doctor about it.


  • Marla


    I very interested in the product but I am an allergic person and want to know what are the ingredients of the product? to ask my doctor, so you can feel safer buying it, but I can not contact the manufacturers and I think that mail they have to contact them does not work
    I would appreciate your response

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hi Marla,
      I checked the website, and came up with what looks like a partial list. It includes Cnicus Benedictus, Cimicifuga Racemosa, Tumera Diffusa, Taraxaci Herba, Foeniculum Vulgare, Serenoa Repens, Nasturtium Officinale, Dioscorea Billosa, and Dong Quai Extract. I’m not connected to the company in any way, so I don’t have access to any more information than anyone else. I hope this helps.


  • Robyn

    Hi girls
    I have an answer to your question about how can you keep track? This is what I did I took a before picture with my webcam to see if the results will be more. I’ve had two kids and have breastfed both lost my cup size with the first one lost 2 cup sizes. I lost the fullness in my breasts gained it back while pregnant again ,but lost the weight ,but I still feel like I haven’t gained the weight back in my breasts I just ordered the pills I hope they work for me. It was depressing not fitting into my bra’s and sexy outfits I wear for my hubby they didn’t fit it was like my breasts deflated. I hope these work I want to gain the fullness back and then some.

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hi Erica,

      I’m sorry to hear that it doesn’t seem to be working for you. If you’re taking it exactly as directed, try for another couple of weeks. If there’s still no change and no tingling, return the bottles for a refund. Just make sure you do it within 90 days. Bust Boom is an herbal supplement, so it won’t work for everyone. You may be one of the unfortunate few.


  • Kimii

    I drank one glass of alcohol and my breast deflated. Like all the way back down. But it was just one glass. So taking the pills will it go back to the size and fullness that they were tomorrow if I just take the pill amd drink water? And will sex help the growth or massaging the breast. Or letting qarm water hit them?

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hi Kimii,

      Drinking alcohol does interfere with the breast growth you get from Bust Boom, but you must be extra sensitive to it because it’s only supposed to inhibit growth while it’s happening, not bring you back to zero. The good news is that yes, you can get it back pretty quickly. I don’t know about one day, but quickly, yes. Talk about massage, sex or water increasing breast size is all pretty much myth, so if I were you, I’d just start taking your pills again and your growth will be back soon.


    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hi Tanisha,
      There is no evidence that natural breast enhancement pills will reduce fertility now or in the future. On the other hand, there’s no evidence that they will not. These pills have an estrogen-like effect on the body, and if the effect is true enough, it may indeed affect things like fertility. The facts on the subject are simply not conclusive.


  • wayne

    my fiancee has bin useing bust boom 4 a cpl of wks now but were concerned becoz she was getting lumps on the inside of her thigh but theyve now gone and now she has a lump in her breast is this a normal side effect or sumthing worse

    • Rachel Vrabel
      Rachel Williams

      Hey Wayne,

      I would definitely have her discontinue use and go to the doctor and get that checked out right away.


  • Aliza


  • michelle

    i am a 26 yrold female who wants breast implants with all her might 🙂 but since i dont have the credit to finance nor the cash to pay out-of-pocket i decided to try bust-boom. i just ordered them last week and i have been watching for ups every second of every day since! ya’ll wish me luck because i really need these to work and plan to only take them until i have enough money in my 401k to borrow and pay for my surgery. i am also looking forward to the boost in my sex drive i’ve read so much about, i have 2 kids and my tubes tided and no sex drive at all! so wish me luck, i will blog agian with updates of my results!

  • Elle

    I’ve taken breast scupt and breast success. Years ago I took FG and other herb caps. Mine have increased a little bit and got bit fuller/rounder but it may also be because i’ve put on weight over 5 years. I want to get rid of my mid section/belly, get leaner but stil have breasts. I was on the pill so that may have done it, but I’m off it now. I’ve ordered BB from ebay – hope that my skin gets better too and no side effects \(bloating/confusion/depresson etc).

  • yennguyen

    i wonder if it’s reliable and safe 😐 coz i’ve just read some comments on other websites and they said they couldnt find the website of “bust boom”. some women also sent email but had no reply :-s

  • Jen

    Well after about 3-5 weeks , you should feel definite soreness I have my boyfriend rub them a lot , but recently I was taking a breast enhancer called Natural curves which has similar everything but as far as Bust Boom I maybe am a 1/2 cup size larger ( so I think depending on each womans body since not all are alike it should take sometime between a month to two and half and I say that because u have 90 days to return them ) but , I’m a 36 B normally and now I’m a small C but not where I’d want to be yet, I want to be a very large C or small D ! If these pills don’t give me this in 6 months and it’s almost been 2 then I will go ahead and get them done , but as far as the arousal part : YES that’s true I’m always ready for it , and have noticed hardly any cramps and that’s a nice thing ! But , cut out Coffee, Carbonated drinks (NO SODA) , or high fat foods a lot of water , juice , gatorades help the pills work better And I agree with someones post the firmness, tingling, sore breasts are the first sign They’re working!! < Not saying anyone should do this but I started out with one then 2 daily but… I'm inpatient so now I'm taking 2 in A.M. And 2 in P.M . & " my boyfriend says theyre a full cup size bigger but I am not totally agreeable with that , so since the last ten days takin 4 pills daily I've noticed a lot more activity and am gonna continue plus buy some creams on amazon to help speed it up<3 hope this helped

  • Amanda

    I took this supplement a few years ago. It did work however I stopped taking it after a month bc of financial difficulty at the time….I ordered some more and today os my first day. I will keep you guys updated. Herw are my stats:
    Age:26 Height:5’4″ Weight:100 Bra size 34B…I cant fill up the bra so if I remember correctly the fullness comes first then the growth. See u in a week!

    • Angela

      Hi Amanda, I was wondering how your progress has been since you haven’t posted a response to your initial cOmment. When you say that it did work 2 years ago. Was that a permanent result? Say if you were an A cup and it grew to a B cup then stayed that way until now? Thanks!

  • Dessie

    Hello ladies!

    Im waiting on my pills to get to me! ahh! so anxious!! BUT im a little discouraged reading some reviews, My breast size (if gained) would go back to normal if i stop taking them??? id have to take them for the rest of my life to keep the size i gain or whats the deal on that?


  • miriah

    So I was pretty skeptical when I bought these because I didn’t think stuff like this actually worked. So I feel like I should let everyone who is curious know how it worked for me. I have always had double a’s and even that is being generous. After the first two days I noticed a size increase (even though that doesn’t say much for me) I’ve been on them for two months now and my breasts have at least doubled in size. I’m definitely going to continue to take them. I haven’t had any weight gain from the pills either and my skin has gotten sooooo much nicer. I was told to stop smoking and drinking coffee, but i still smoke and drink coffee way too much and it hasn’t effected my results although i’m sure quitting would speed up the process. Hope this was helpful!

  • Amanda

    I just started taking the pills today but I tried to email them more questions the email doesn’t work and there is no way to contact them, i’m worried that its a scam now admin any updates?

    • Rachel Vrabel

      Hey Amanda,
      You tried contacting them at info at bustboom.com right? I think you should try calling them, take a look at your credit card statement, there phone number should be on there. Let me know if that helps.

      all the best,


  • tiffany vanhorn

    i took bust boom and it failed. can some one help me get my money back i tried emailing them its not a working email…

  • Alex

    It’s been close to a month now since i’ve been taking bust boom and it appears to be working! i have now grown to a 32 B (i was originally a 32 A)…yay for progress!!!

  • Alex

    I’ve been taking these pills for about two weeks now. I am an A cup and hoping to become a C or a D. The results are not very outwardly noticeable yet…but I personally have noticed that my breasts are rounder, smoother and slightly bouncier! so far so good. According to the manufacturer it takes about a month to see concrete results so I will keep taking the pills and keep you all updated with any further changes 🙂

  • Darla

    Its my second day taking bust boom & already feel tingling & sensitivity. I really hope these pills work. By the way, does caffeine affect the results?

  • tracey

    hey guys ive tried these pill’s befor and now trying them again hopeing they work but when i tried them the 1st time i stopped after 2 days now have been takeing then for 3 days 2 tab’s a day hopeing they work as im not even a Acup!!!!! 🙁 lol but has anyone up there that tried them haveing results???

  • Jean

    Hi! I just got my bottle today and am very excited! Breastfeeding totally shamed my breasts. LOL. Im hoping my post children, 34B will go back to my 34C. Even half way would be awesome!

  • Jim

    i just want to know if this product have work on any men! an i have been taking naureday’s pills ,ream, liquid, an i have seen that it work, it going on two month now, an i was wondeing if i took ipill with the 3-pills of natureday, would they perform together?

    • Courtney

      These are also sold on a large, well known online retail site, with hundreds of reviews. I believe two were from men transitioning to women. If I recall, their reviews said they were happy with the results and noticed a difference. The site is A—–.com

  • Brittnie

    So far it has been leas then a week and my friends and boyfriend say my boobs look a little bit fuller! I’m getting excited about this product 🙂

  • Brittnie

    I just received my 4 bottle shipment today. I am hoping for best results. I have seen that smoking and drinking caffeine will stunt the results. So let’s see if that makes a difference!

  • Ahycsa

    If it doesnt work where do i go to get a refund? Ive went on the website but couldnt find much help… Does anyone know ? Thank you.

  • karina

    hi ive been taking these pills for 3 weeks already and still havent felt or seen anythinh changing… but will continue taking them and hopefully il get bigger…. will i see faster results if i take 2 pills rather than 1?

    • Rachel Vrabel

      Hey Karina,
      Just stick with the manufacturers directions, I wouldn’t try to up the dosage without speaking to a doctor first.


  • Lisa

    hi, i just want to inform everyone taking these pills that just like ALL vitamins/pills, your body needs to become immune for them to work. They need time to adjust to your system, so make sure to take them longer than 3 months to see results! Dont give up after a month, it takes alot of time and patience!

  • Sam

    I’m looking at possibly getting natural pills for breast enlargement. However, I want to get pills that I can stop taking when I get what I want and don’t have to worry about the progress fading away. Can anyone tell me if this product will require me to continue taking the pills or if I could just stop when I am satisfied?

    • Rachel Vrabel

      Hey Gian,
      Well, it’s an all natural formula, so there shouldn’t be any major issues. But I would most certainly consult with a physician prior to using it.


  • Lucia

    Hi, i received three bottles last week but havent decided to take them yet, i’m a bit worried about them causing increase of weight, does anybody know if they cause any trouble?? Thanks!!

  • Stephen

    Hello, I cannot speak directly about the effects but my girlfriend has been on them for 2months now and we have both noticed a significant increase in size and fullness in her breasts. Nowhere near the “up to three cup sizes in 10 weeks” like the website claims but still very noticeable. She has been taking two pills a day instead of one. The second and couple of weeks after that she said she felt a tingling sensation in each of them. We just ordered three more bottles, will update again if anyone is interested 🙂

  • Toni

    I’ve benn taking them for a month now and still haven’t seen any results; i even up the dosage. I feel the tingle but that’s it. How long before I can see results?

  • Desiree

    i just bought 3 bottles and im praying this will work. after 4 kids i really praying this wil help increase my breats. i finally got my wieght down but unfortunally while loosing the weight i lost my breat too. i went from a c cup to an A cup!

  • Jeni

    I started thing this about 2 weeks ago. I have noticed some tenderness in my breast haven’t noticed much of a growth. Hoping this will even out the different sizes that 4 kids have caused.

  • Review

    I have been taking Bust Boom for about 3-4 weeks and I have noticed differences. My period was very tolerable – I usually have horrific cramps – I was in little to no pain. I have noticed a little bit of roundness in my breasts but no full on enlargement. My fiance and I have both noticed a bit of firmness – I am a tad bigger but not much. I plan on ordering another bottle to give it a fair chance, I would like my 34B to bump up a cup – after that I will discontinue using the pills. I will update after my second bottle. Hope this helps.

    • Maia

      Did you get any new results since you posted your review? Please let me know because I just received 2 bottles today and I’m very worried that it’ll not work. Thanks for your time.

  • Adriana

    Does this work? I just bought this, I am curious to see whether it works. How can I keep track of the results?

    Also, I am not on birth control right now but plan on getting on it soon. Do you know if this will have an effect?

  • Mirissa

    Ive been taking bust boom for about a month now and havent seen any results i was so excited to have these pills and couldnt wait for them to come n i feel like im gonna be dissapointed i know theres a 90 day money back gaurentee but i want bigger breast not the 30 dollars back. do u think uill c a result at all????

    • Rachel Vrabel

      Well, personally I have not used it, but I based my review on what other women were saying about it. Based on the feedback I have been getting, I may have to retract my review and give Bust boom a thumbs down. What quantity did you buy?


    • Rachel Vrabel

      I would say at least a month, maybe more. They do have a 90 day money back guarantee, so it Bust boom doesn’t work, you should be able to send it back.


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