PlusCBD Oil Gummies Review – Cherry Mango Flavor for the Win!
Are you new to researching CBD Oils? Or maybe you’ve tried some CBD Oil brands that you didn’t like the taste of? PlusCBD Oil Gummies are a good alternative to CBD Oil drops and they taste just like candy!
I purchased the Plus CBD Oil Gummies Cherry Mango flavor and they contain 5 mg of CBD Oil (Cannabidiol) each serving, a great starting dose for most!
Please note: PlusCBD Oil™ by CV Sciences™ is their trademarked name, referred to as PlusCBD Oil for my review.
Visit the PlusCBD Oil website here
View Gummies here
For 15% off site wide, use code: WBT
My CBD Use & Study
I have been supplementing with CBD Oil since for about four months now, and up until now have been happily taking the Zilis Ultracell brand.
For my blog, I did a study with not only myself, but 10 other random participants and reported the results we experienced. I encourage you to read my Zilis study.
I love how CBD relaxes me at night and helps me wind down from the day and get ready for bed. I sleep like a baby and it works quickly to reduce aches and pains and anxious feelings.
Is PlusCBD Oil Legal?
PlusCBD Oil is an all natural, holistic remedy that can be used to treat many ailments and is non-addictive. CBD Oil is made from the hemp plant, which was legalized under the 2014 Farm Bill.
To be classified as hemp, there must be less than .3% of THC, which is why hemp oil is legal in all 50 states. So while the THC content is a negligible amount, there is a still a trace amount since it’s in the plant naturally.
CBD can also be made from hemp’s sister plant – the marijuana plant – which does contain the psychoactive THC component which is what makes you feel “high.”
Many consumers enjoy CBD because it works effectively without making you feel this way and has a favorable safety profile.
Not everyone wants to feel high. They want to feel chill with less pain, they want to relieve anxiety without altering their personality, and they want to sleep without feeling hungover the next day.

PlusCBD Oil – Why it’s a Stand Out Brand
Why PlusCBD Oil? Full Tracability from Seed to Shelf
I’m excited to share this PlusCBD Oil Gummies review with you! Many hours of research led me to this brand.
I decided to try the PlusCBD Oil brand because it has all the qualities I learned to look for in a CBD product and more. The quality is there, the strength is there, and it has an affordable price point.
PlusCBD Oil products are full spectrum, meaning they use the whole hemp plant which gives an entourage effect.
The entourage effect phenomenon of a full spectrum hemp oil results when the numerous components within the cannabis plant interact with the human body to produce a stronger influence than any one component alone – a synergistic effect.
The hemp that PlusCBD Oil uses for all its products are organically grown and Non-GMO.
The method of oil extraction is performed by using a the preferred C02 extraction method – not using toxic solvents or high heat processes which can destroy the medicinal qualities of CBD.
The “more” part is that PlusCBD Oil is extremely transparent in their labeling, which I totally appreciate!
I had been doing what seemed like the freakin’ Pythagorean theorem to try and determine how many mg of CBD are in these 6 other bottles sitting on my desk!
Consumers should not feel confused when shopping for a CBD – if you are, move on!
With PlusCBD Oils, you know exactly how many milligrams of CBD you’re getting in each serving, and they also post all of their third party testing results on their website for strength, quality, and testing for heavy metals and toxins.
PlusCBD Oil Gummies Ingredients

PlusCBD Oils contain:
- No artificial flavoring or coloring
- No high-fructose corn syrup
- No artificial sweeteners
- No gluten, dairy or soy
- No preservatives
- No gelatin

PlusCBD Oil Gummies Review – Cherry Mango Flavor
I purchased the PlusCBD Oil Gummies in Cherry-mango flavor, the PlusCBD Oil Gold in Peppermint flavor, and the PlusCBD Oil Hemp Balm in extra strength.
Today I’m going to focus on the PlusCBD Oil Gummies because that’s what I’ve tried so far!
The PlusCBD Oil Gummies come in a sealed tub and I bought the 60 serving gummies at a price of $55. They also offer a 30 serving tub for $33. Not bad at all!!
The taste of the gummies is really, really good. Fruity flavors are my jam, and the cherry-mango did not disappoint.
Yes, you can sort of tell it’s a hemp candy, but they are really yummy! Soft and sweet and easy to chew.
PlusCBD Oil Gummies also come in a Citrus Punch so there are two flavors to choose from. Unlike the Cherry-Mango, the Citrus Punch flavor is sugar coated, so if you want even more of a candy taste, maybe try that one!
How I Feel on PlusCBD Oil Gummies
Each PlusCBD Oil Gummie contains 5 mg of CBD per serving so I had no hesitation popping a whole one my first try.
The Zilis brand I’ve been taking has about 4.5 mg per 1 ML drops serving so inline with the strength I’m used to.
Within about 15 minutes of taking the gummie I felt relaxed and melted into my favorite spot on the couch. I was exhausted from playing beach volleyball.
My body was aching all over, I’m 46 so all that flopping around in the sand, jumping and running makes every inch of my body sore. Sunday fundays are the best, but they wipe me out completely. I also have bad tendonitis in my right arm (aka tennis elbow).
The gummie worked great to help me feel much better! I was honestly ready for bed about an hour after I took it, and was falling asleep on the couch which I normally don’t do. My body pains weren’t as noticeable.
I fell asleep with no trouble at all within 3 minutes of my head hitting the pillow, and slept soundly through the night and woke up feeling rested. I’ve been taking them about a week now and really like them. I no longer need melatonin to get to sleep!
PlusCBD Oil Benefits
Many people are turning to PlusCBD Oil who seek to try a natural method for pain relief, to treat anxiety, reduce inflammation and to help with sleep – and those are the main reasons why I take it.
There are many promising studies with CBD oil helping to relieve seizure activity as well. In fact, having a sister with epilepsy is what fueled my desire to learn more about it.
CBD helps to restore homeostasis in the body and our bodies own endocannabinoid systems are hardwired to benefit from the nutrition it provides.
I am so impressed with the healing and anti-inflammatory benefits of CBD, I even use a CBD skincare combo of drops and a cream (a different brand made for skin care and not oral consumption), and it’s shrunk my nose pores, good for wrinkles and even acne.
My Aunt, who’s owned an herb shop in Orlando for 20 years told me this recently: “if you would have told me a year ago that little old ladies would be coming in month after month to spend $100 on CBD Oil, I would have laughed. The truth is, it’s taking away their pain and it’s keeping them off opiates.”
That stuck with me, and it’s encouraging that CBD is helping so many people in a natural, non-addicting way.
For my purposes today I wanted to give you my PlusCBD Oil Gummies review to let you know they taste amazing, and they are a great quality brand to try at a great price point!
I feel GREAT on the gummies and would happily recommend this brand. I’ll post my reviews of the PlusCBD Oil drops and the PlusCBD Hemp Balm once I try those!
Visit the PlusCBD Oil website here
View Gummies here
For 15% off site wide, use code: WBT
*PlusCBD Oil ships internationally and provides free shipping on orders over $99. I received mine in under a week.
Disclaimer: These statements are my own and should not be misconstrued as medical advice. CBD supplements are not intended to treat, cure, mitigate, or ameliorate diseases or disease symptoms. If you are considering CBD for your health, please consult your physician.
User Questions and Answers
User Questions and Answers
Q: Will you fail a drug test on it? The clinic I go to has a paper posted up on the door that all CBD oils will be counted as a dirty screen -Timber
Q: Hi Rachel. I just came across your blog; you have a lot of great, THOROUGH reviews. I appreciate that you research information and give links to reputable sites (i.e. Mayo Clinic). Are you still using Plus CBD Oil; if so, how is it working for you. Also, please update regarding your use of Zilis Ultracell topical. Thanks and God bless. -Elena
I am sleeping really good these days and overall it's helped to relieve a lot of my aches and pains (tendonitis in right arm and shoulder pain from volleyball). I don't have a lot of anxiety issues so I don't take CBD during the day. But for those using CBD for overall help with anxiety you certainly can and probably should experiment with taking it both am and pm to see how you feel (not sure your reason for taking it).
The Plus CBD drops have a mint flavor, and it's good I just seem to just prefer the berry flavors, so I think next time I order the Plus CBD drops, I'd get the berry flavor or just more gummies - I really like those! I think you emailed me so I'm going to go check and respond to you there so we can chat more.
Re: Zilis Topical, I really like it...it dries to the touch whereas the Plus CBD feels like more of a salve. I think the Zilis topical is stronger feeling and helps my arm more. Sometimes I double up if my arm is hurting and do the drops or gummy and rub some of the Zilis on my arm. Some days I'm really hurting so that added dose seems to help! xo Rachel
Q: Hello Rachel Can you vape the zilis CBD oil? -Lisa
I wonder how long it will be before large pharma comes to takeover or try and smash the CBD industry
Rachel Vrabel
I doubt they could take over the CBD industry as a whole, if so you’re in trouble 🙂 Thanks for your comment. Rachel