Nue Science Reviews
There are numerous skin care products out there designed to help treat one or more common signs of aging. Dark circles under the eyes, redness and puffiness, fine lines, age spots, and large pores are just some of the signs that we struggle to get rid of as we age, and there are products out there that offer to help with this. Unfortunately, not all of them are effective. Today we will take a look at Nue Science, a product that promises to help treat all of these different signs of aging, and we will determine whether or not it is a product worth using.
How It Works and Ingredients
The ingredients are always the first place to turn when looking at skin care, as they can tell you almost immediately whether benefit is even possible. With Nue Science, the ingredients are simply stellar. Matrixyl 3000, which is a remarkable firming peptide, is a top ingredient, while CoQ10 and Goji berries can also be found. This helps to fill in fine lines and to eliminate free radicals in the skin. The company is quick to point out that this product works by actually penetrating deep into the skin, working to target wrinkles at their source instead of just providing effects on the surface.
The Nue Science website offers a great deal of information, but only if you go to the .com and not the .org version, which is rife with spelling errors and little information. From the .com site, you can easily order a trial of the product. If you are looking to make a traditional order, you will find that other web sources might be easier, but the site is still informative.
User Reviews
Reviews of Nue Science are incredibly favorable. Many are quick to use the phrase “Nue Science works!” showing that they, too, started with a bit of skepticism. Users seem to agree, however, that the results of using the product are both visible and beneficial.
Nue Science is one of those skin care products that is easy to say good things about because people seem to like it, however, the big downside to this product is that it’s sold as a short-term free trial which we don’t recommend. The science and research has been clearly explained and demonstrated, and there are numerous customers that can attest that the product works just as it was intended to. Fighting the signs of aging means working to eliminate them at their source, which is just what Nue Science does, and overall, it is a great product for helping to get rid of the signs of aging on the skin but just be aware of what you’re getting into should you decide to try it!
Check out our Top Wrinkle Creams
Have you used Nue Science? Leave your review below!
User Questions and Answers
User Questions and Answers
Q: What is the price of the product -Daisy
Sherry Ball Schoenfeldt
I am leaving my comments everywhere I can find as this company and it’s products should be avoided. It appears they are in business to bill you $98.16 a month, not to provide good products. So here goes:
First, their business practices are awful:
• Be sure you read the terms & conditions becuz dates start from the moment you order, NOT when you receive the product.
• If you contact them online, they not only do not respond, they ignore your request, so CALL if you do not want the product.
• Even when you call, the operators cannot do anything but the most basic transactions & there is never a supervisor present.
• They do not appear to care if the customer is happy.
Second, the products:
• I loved the feel of the spray toner but having to wait 5 minutes for it to dry doesn’t fit into my schedule.
• The age repair serum felt good going on but kind of clumped up when I tried to put makeup over it – perhaps I used too much.
• The moisturizer was AWFUL feeling. It felt just like putting on zinc oxide which is no surprise since that is the main ingredient. My skin felt like it was suffocating.
Third, the effects:
I already was using Estee Lauder products so I compared them on half of my face to the Nue Science toner & serum on the other half (I refused to put that moisturizer on more than twice). I saw no difference at all after a month so either they’re equally bad or equally good LOL
In which case I decided I would rather buy the products as needed than have them arrive every 30 days whether I needed them or not. Unfortunately, this did not fit into the time frame (see the first paragraph) as I misunderstood and thought I had a free 30 day trial.
In the meantime, they shipped more of the product and I have not been able to get full refunds for everything.
My recommendations:
Remember, there’s no miracle anti-aging cream. But if you’re looking for some help, go to a high end department store where they will apply products to your face & give you take home samples. That way you can see how the product feels & how it wears under your makeup before spending even $2.95.
If you do buy from Nue Science, please remember the dates & that you have to call them to cancel or return product.
yes I have tried the product and find it amazing!! I got compliments on my skin and especially my eyes the first week I was on it. the lines around my eyes are diminishing. the moisturizer though is dry and pastey.I only use it at night and put water on my fingertips to smooth it better, I have to admit I was upset that they charged my credit card before my trial was over. I phoned them and said that I wanted to keep using it but still had a lot of product so I wanted to cancel and phone to order if I wanted more. I did stop payments on my credit card to be safe. It’s been 2 months and I haven’t heard from them or been charged further. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones. maybe it’s because I gave them positive feedback instea of trying to send it back. All I know is that after spending hundreds on face products this is the first that’s worked!!!!!!!
This is bad company and bad products.
They charged $2.99 for shipping and $98.00 for the shipment right to my account on the day the order was placed. It was not a free trial, they already took my money upfront, before I received the kit. I called and cancelled the shipment right away on the next day, but still received it in the mail few weeks later. I had to close my account to prevent future payments.
I used the product anyway hoping it worth what I paid for. They are chip stuffs like some spray gel for cleaning (they call firming/tone gel) , and and gel they cal repair serum. As I put them on, I felt burning on my skin. Then applied the thick moisturizer ( feel like the cream we used for diaper rash) . It left white marks on the skin, and my face is white like ghost and feel itchy all day, and have to wash all of them off my face. To me their product worth not even $5.
I would not put them on my face ever again. it would do more harm to the skin than helping me looking good with juvenile skin as they showed in the picture on internet.
Other than the fact that the “free” trial is not really free, has anyone tried the product and received positive results. A lot of these treatments are expensive, but if it works, it’s worth it — to me, anyway.
SCAM. The address they gave me to send the product back to them is NueScience Returns Department, 5300 Ontario Mills Parkway, Unit 400, Ontario, California 91764. I wouldn’t be surprised if this goes to an office on wheels.
I ordered my trial before reading these stories even though I know nothing is ever free and that no product produces the same results as botox, thermage, etc. I did hope for a really good hydrating product to compliment my other treatments that are done infrequently (I’m maintaining a heathly look with no goal of never having a line or aging skin; this can onlty be done with expensive procedures which I cannot afford plus I don’t earn a living based on my looks ;-0 Now, after reading all these stories, I’ve e-mailed Nue Science asking how to return the products promptly and did receive an e-mail with instructions to call them upon receiving the package so it can be returned. I also canceled the card that was used to purchase the product immediately so they cannot auto bill me. I did read on another site that a customer was able to purchase the product for $29 without commitment to buy ongoing so if they will do this when I call, that may be the route I take (so long as they send me this in an e-mail before I purchase the products).
I sent the products back over a year ago!! And they still have not issued me a refund!! I talked to customer service today and they refuse to give me money back–$300. They offered to send me the product back. All I want is MONEY BACK. Scam!!
There seem to be a lot of dishonesty in this company. I ordered the $2.95 trial and then turned around 3 minuets later and cancelled it. They told me I would still have to pay the $2.95, so I said okay, to save the hassle. Well three days later I have the produce on my doorstep. Immediately I call to find out why they sent it. They said I now needed to return it. So I took the unopened package to the post office. The postal worker sent it back and wrote the RMA number Nue Products had given me on the package. I sent it back unopened. A package I should never have received in the first place.
The whole thing was so suspicious that I cancelled my credit card. Sure enough I got an email saying that they were have trouble charging my card for the next shipment. Yes, this company is the biggest hoax and outrageously dishonest. This process started June 1 and in August I received a letter saying that I need to pay or they would send it to collections. I immediately call and the very nice woman I spoke with said, “You’re right, they never should have sent it. I’ll take care of it.” So after I think everything is all taken care of, TODAY I get another letter telling me that if I don’t take care of it in 10 days it goes to collections. I went ballistic. On the phone again, they say if I can’t prove I sent it back I have to pay. Wow! I then called back and said that I have the emails saying they cancelled it. That’s not enough, but she was authorized to cut the price in half. Now it’s only half price for something I don’t have. I’m impressed, NOT! I am not willing to pay anything I canceled before it should even have been shipped, nor for something I did not have. Calling the BBB in California is futile because they are not registered with them. Big Surprise.
Do Not Trust This Company!
I am among the throng who did not read the fine print. However, I called a couple of days after receiving the product and said that I needed to cancel – that I didn’t want it nor did I want any future shipments. The fellow I spoke to said he would take care of that. He didn’t say anything about my shipping the sample back or having a return number. I received my credit card statement today and went ballistic! I called and they said that the 30 day return was passed and …sorry! …nothing they can do… too bad. I called my credit card company and said that in all my years with the company, this is the first time I am in dispute over a charge. Amazingly, they said that they will remove the charge and stop payment on any future charges from this company. So ladies, I hope this helps. I am sending back their product tomorrow – never used it. The credit card company asked me to do that. Tomorrow I will call BBB. FTC etc. because this company is a high class scam and hopes that people do not read the fine print.It is indecent and outrageous – and yet we fall for it. Pretty scary stuff.
Yeah we get it – people don’t read the fine print. I had to order the stuff to see if it worked because everyone is too busy crowing about how they were surprised by how the trial worked and there was no info about the product itself.
I have not had a bad experience with this at all. Knew about the ‘trial’ not ‘sample’ and how it worked. The product itself is pretty amazing! I was expecting to be disappointed but its actually pretty great. I have seen a noticeable difference in a very short period of time. Lasts for about 30 days so the ‘subscription’ is actually pretty handy. I also like how there’s sunscreen in the moisturizer so you don’t have to add it later. The moisturizer does take getting used to – I used too much and my face was white but it soaked in. I realized I only had to use a relatively small amount to avoid that and to massage it in with small ciricles– you use less than most moisturizer. Had no bad effects on my skin only really good ones!
DONT DO IT!!!! HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE!! I cancelled my order while it was still pending after reading all these blogs. I got an email stating the shipment was cancelled then 2 days later I got an email that my shipment was mailed. I called and the woman said it was shipped but I can refuse the package. What a bunch of idiots!!!
This is an internet scam…the operators can’t assist you once you place an order. It’s all a scam to take your money and charge your credit card each month.
DON’T BUY THIS PRODUCT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was excited to try Nu Science and was pleased when the pakage arrived so quickly………. Upon opening the pacage, I notice that the pump on the Age Repair Serum did not work. I called the company and asked for a replacement since I was unable to use the product. After being on hold for over 10 minutes
I finally talked to a women(that I could barely understand) and explained the situation. She kept telling me that THIS BOTTLE DID NOT HAVE A PUMP ON IT !!!!!!!!! (I could not believe that I was arguing with her about this) I explained over and over that it did
INDEED HAVE A PUMP……….. After trying to explain this sutation to her for over 5 minutes she said that she would talk to her supervisor. Another 5 minutes on hold, she informed me that her supervisor suggested transferring the lotion to another bottle !!!!!!! I could not believe it !!!!!!!!!!!! I informed her that I wanted to speak to a supervisor and when transferred the supervisor informed me that they would replace the bottle for an additional $5.50 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was appauled……. I told her that this was a defective product and that it should be replaced for FREE since I was unable to use the product……… She just kept telling me over and over that they would replace it for me, no problem, but that I would have to pay the fee !!!!!!!!!!!!! When I informed them that I thought this was unexceptable and I wanted to send EVERYTHING back and cancel, she just kept telling me to transfer it to another bottle of somesort !!!!!!!!!!!!! I was furious at this point and had been on the phone for over 25 minutes trying to get this resolved. The supervisor FINALLY gave me a tracking number to return the product after I threatened to report them to the Better Business Bureau…………. It was a NIGHTMARE and I am so unhappy with how this whole situation played itself out…. AGAIN.. Buyer Beware and stay away from Nu Science !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scam with a capital S. Website said nothing about paying 98.16 a month. I hadInot even opened the sample, when I noticed the 98.16 charge on my credit card. Called the company and they did agree to take the charge off when I returned the product. We’ll see how that goes. They said, “5 days after they receive it back, my acct. should be credited”.Should I hold my breath?
SCAM!!!!!! Do not buy this product OR the trial! The product is crap & the company is a joke!
I was really amazed at the website. The lady looked beautiful after using their products. However, just being *scammed* by VIVEXIN and AURAVIE I read to the bottom of the page and this is what it said:
*The story depicted on this site and the person depicted in the story are not real. rather this story is based on the results that some people who have used these products have achieved. The results portrayed in the story and in the comments are illustrative and may not be the results that you achieve with these products. The depictions on this page are fictitious and indicitive of potential results. Actual results may vary.
So, there you go ladies….the product and the website are a SCAM!!! Also, don’t get suckered in by Auravie and Vivexin. They will not accept the first package and are charging me almost $20 “restocking” fee!!! I am going to take Mary Bailey and DE’s advice and send a complaint to the FTC the products I mentioned above. These people are THIEVES and LIARS!!!
I actually tried the product for 4 months….liked the toner and the serum, although the serum doesn’t allow for as many applications as the toner or moisturizer. Was not a fan of the moisturizer, however. Called the above number to cancel and they answered right away and were quite professional. Tried to keep me as a customer by offering discount, but chose to cancel, mostly because it doesn’t make sense to pay for product I’m not completely happy with. They gave me a cancellation number and assured me I would receive no more product or billings. If this turns out to be true, I really have no complaints about the company.
Yea, before i buy anything i read reviews. i was going to buy it for the $2.95 shipping fees then i regreted it. when i tried to close the window, it gave me a “last chance” and said they would give it to me for only 99cents shipping. then i researched some more and i found this page! so thank God i did not order. I bet this stuff works like the $30 stuff from my local drug store
Do not buy this product unless you send cash for a free sample!!!
I ordered a free sample of Nue Science on February 12 and got it a few days later. On March 14 I discovered that my credit card had been charged $98.16 on February 28. I knew nothing about it. There was no mention whatsoever on the website that this would happen after 16 days.
I immediately phoned Nue Science and was told that it is written in the Terms and Conditions on the credit card page of the order form. I went there and it mentions T & C’s, but you cannot access the T & C’s. I looked around the rest of their website and could not find it there either.
I liked the product but I will never buy it again. If you have to resort to dishonesty to sell your product then there is something very wrong.
Was looking at their ad and Googled them just because I’ve been burned before….so glad I found this BEFORE I ordered. I thought it would be a great gift for my mom (the results on their site looked so amazing!) But my intention is not to spend $300 or more for greasy chemicals that are way over-priced, with horrible customer service, and a product that doesn’t work. It seems like anyone who posts a good review with a link to the site is an affiliate looking to make a little profit….thanks everyone for saving me!
I just called and they stated that the more calls they get on this company the more likely they are to check into the business for thier business practices. Please call its the best way to wage a complaint
Glad I didnt order it. Got suspicious the second I read small print of monthly billings are researched for reviews. I fell for exact same scam years before with a different company. It took me months before they finally cancelled my “membership” subscription to which they automatically signed me on upon my call and free trial order. They sent me the free trial, but before the trial even finished they sent me another set with double of needed product and kept billing monthly. I cancelled, they still billed me. It took several times for me to call and cancel, scream at representative who tried to propose other offers that I categorically refused and demanded full money back which in the end they did which was in total over $300 for products they sent without request and memberships they charged monthly in addition to product cost, without me wanting these memberships. My experience was not with Nue science, but principle they used is extremely close and just as deceptive. I emailed Nue Science to the FTC.
Sadly, I did not find any of these reviews before I bought it. I fell into the same trap as everyone else. Once I read all these complaints I immediately called to cancel my account with them so that I wasn’t getting billed the $98 a month. However, they only gave me the option of either keeping the account for the $98/month or canceling it and paying one fee of $29.41 (which I still didn’t know where that charge was coming from, but it was better than $98) I could not understand anyone that was talking to me and I was so pissed off, so i just stuck with the $30 fee. BUT when I checked my bank statement they charged me $42 instead of $29.41. So I called back and got the supervisor and she took off the $12 that they tried billing me for SHIPPING! They dont know what they are doing and you can definitally try and get as much money back as possible. I’m stuck with one trial so it better f*cking work.
I agree this is a scam and a half. I didn’t realize I had 16 days from order date…funny how their offer page gives you so much information but not the part where they are charging you for the ‘free’ and you need to return it quick.
I am contacting my credit card and refusing any more charges from this company over the initial ‘shipping’ cost.
OMG don’t ever deal with this company – I tried refusing packages at the Post Office – I tried sending them with a signature to receive card and they just didn’t sign apparently. I have tried calling the company and was put on terminal hold waiting for a MERCHANDISE RETURN # which I finally received but of course they won’t pay me for the ones I sent back or refused only the last one shipped in December – I am so pissed. When I ordered the free trial I called immediately and cancelled any future orders. And sent an email – all were ignored over an over.
I will contact everyone I know and I will resend the cancelled orders with a return receipt with insurance so I can go to my bank and get my money back or at least file some sort of complaint – all the company says is they show no correspondence with me since my first trial order – LIES LIES AND EVASIONS – STAY AWAY AT ALL COSTS – DON’T CALL FOR THE TRIAL OFFER – IT IS A TRAP!!!!!!
I’ve just tried the web, but it does indicate the 30-days money back and it does say the additional recurring costs after the initial sign-up. But when they don’t mail it out on time, you’ve NO time to see if it really works. When I tried to use a prepaid VISA card it wouldn’t work…since they won’t be able to use it every month and jack me! So I didn’t go forward.
There was another company that had done the same thing with a certain type of tea. Didn’t get the product for 2 weeks, they billed me, I tried to send it back, they only refunded the membership. What a hassle! I did contact the BBB in Florida for that one.
Mary Bailey
The same thing happened to me. They do not give you the correct address to return to and will not accept without an RM#. They shipped my product on 12/12 by snail mail. It arrived several days later. I returned it on 12/29 (obviously within 15 days of my receiving it). They change websites and addresses constantly. I was able to contact them finally on 12/26 to get my magic RM number.
You call them, and get someone who cannot speak English and cannot understand this need for an address and an RM #. I finally was able to get an email from the very bottom of one of their “free offer” net ads. MOst of them quickly move and you find a 404 message when you click on the free offer. Their method is to hide from you. ONce they have your credit card number, they will charge your account — in my case over $99.
Here is a working phone number:
Here is their “new address” they just moved to the week after Christmas.
NUE SCIENCE – West Coast Distribution Center.
5300 Ontario Mills Pkwy, Unit 400
Ontario, CA 91764
1. File a complaint with the FTC.
2. File a complaint with your BBB and with the one in California
3. File a complaint with your states Attorney General and with the
Attorney General of California.
4. If they mail your product by US Mail, contact your Postal
Inspector. They are Federal Agents who get the same training as
FBI agents. They handle fraud causes. This is a fraud case.
5. Contact your credit card company; they will file a dispute for you.
As long as you return the product, they will help you remove the
6. Post about them every place you can find on the web.
7. Send them registered letters of complaint.
Any email you get from them is “no reply” but keep looking for a way to coantact them by email.
We all need to make these people our hobby. What they are doing is dishonest and a total scam. Working across state lines will not really protect them; they only will get away with what we as consummers allow them to get away with.
Dr. Bailey
hi- just wondering if this address is the current one (date- February 24, 2012)
Nothing special! Canceled and they continued charging my credit card.
You need to report this company to the Federal Trade Commission. You can do it online
WHAT A SCAM!! I JUST LOST $200. THIS WEBSITE SHIPS YOU 2 PRODUCTS. The Auravie and the Nue science apparenly for a free 30 day but you dont read the fine print where they only five you 10 days, and by the time you get it you only have 2-3 days to try the product. So i just recieved my $97.88 charge for Auravie and my $98.16 for Nue science. Do i know if the product works I DONT know bc i just open my box 2 days ago and to be honest I’.m too P..off to even tryit just bc i dont like when scammers take advantage of women.
I just want to know….does this product work?
I want to know the same thing. I get that the money portion is a scam and I went through the same thing with them sending it late, but I expected that because I asked them all those questions before I ordered. I can handle the customer service part, I just want to know if it works!
I used it on my stomach for my stretch marks and I saw results instantly. Pretty amazing, but I don’t like getting scammed so I intend to cancel my order and return my “free” trial. Hopefully this works. My shipment was late so I emailed them to ask where it was and they sent me an email back extending my trial and it was at my house a couple days later. This tipped me off that something was wrong. Hopefully they dont take any money off my credit card.
are they going to keep taking this money out of my account? how do i stop this crap?!! ughghghghg
Hey Joni,
You have to call to cancel the auto-shipment. Look through your order information, or contact your credit card company to get the cancellation number. Sorry to hear you are caught in a bind.
joni- I came very close to having them take money out of my account- I called them to cancel everything and I get all their stuff that I will get charged for the free trial product- if I dont return it- luckily I never opened- but I did close down my credit card and will get a new card- that is what alot of people recommended to do because they kept getting charged— very devious company!!
ps- what is their real return address -anyone know?
Nue Science and Alluskincare both using the same trap (free sample) to hook the customers. I was hooked and they charged my account hundreds, Nue science never answered the cancellation Emails. What a shame, a Scam trade in public.
I had the same problem. I ordered the trial and never received the product. Then I was charged the $100.00 for the product. When I called customer service they said it is clear on their web site. However, I didn’t see anything about them supplying me with a monthly supply of product and automatically charging my credit card. They gave me a tracking number for the product they supposedly sent me. So I now have to check this out. Once I return the product sample I will get a refund. Very frustrating.
Ladies its a scam!!!! I called them on 13 day to cancel, and they did (i was surprised how easy the cancellation process), but ion 17th day i check my bank account and i saw that i been charged for 98.16! So i called them again, and they told me that i canceled membership, but not charges, i supposed to cancel membership and charges for “risk free trail” in 16 days of try trail. But i am calling on 17th day to cancel the charges for “free trail”, which its against the policy… they told me its a my fold because i didn’t made clear what i want to cancel. do not not believe they advertising! its not a risk free trail.. the risk trail cost me $98.16… eventually they gave me rm number to return they “risk free trail” for full refund.. i will see what happen after, hopefully i will get my money back…
The ladies remarks about Nue Science are so right. Another SCAM is Ovvio. They have both been advertised to use these products together and they work so ” Great”! Neither of these so called companies products are worth the “SMALL” price for the “trials”. Nue Science’s “trial” price is $98.16, and Ovvio’s ranges from $75.?? to $78.?? When you try and cancel by email NO ONE responds and they bill you for another months supply of their crappy products. I had the same problem with the pump on the bottle also. The 1st time I pushed down on it it stayed down and didn’t come back up. I think these (2) companies are probably one in the same. I had to pay to mail everything back to both companies before they will refund my money. I had to insure the packages just in case they said they didn’t receive them, and I had to pay extra to make sure they had to sign for them also. It cost me $36.00 for both boxes, but a small price to get back the $698.?? back they basically stole from my account! Ladies BEWARE of NUE SCEINCE and OVVIO! Very hard to cancel these products! You must call to cancel! They DO NOT respond to emails!!!
Ive been trying to warn all women about these products for a long time, and I have posted numerous articles on this. The best way to spread the word is to go to these pages, AND LIKE THEM ON FACEBOOK. THIS WILL SPREAD THE WORD!:
Yes – I got scammed too! The website says FREE SAMPLE but customer service says they have never had free samples – it’s a “free trial”. When you order to try the Free sample you are linked to a page for the trial offer. Then the item isn’t shipped until your “trial period” is almost over. To add insult to injury you have to pay the postage to return the greasy products.
I just want to add a vote with Cindy. You have to make arrangements with their customer service to return your “free trial” product at your own expense within 30 days to get the refund of the $100 bucks the free sample really cost. This is a big scam and I don’t see how they are getting away with it. Also, the face cream is the worst I have ever used. It just sits on you skin, does not absorb and has an unpleasant odor. The toner is just an average toner and the highly touted serum is a tiny bottle with a pump that doesn’t work so you have to dig it out with something as it is too thick to pour out. I won’t go into my whole story but this is both the serum bottles I’ve received that have been like this. I tried to cancel out of this today. I hope it works.
Be very careful with this one! They start your “free” trial the day you place your order, then don’t ship to you until 2 weeks have gone by. So essentially you only have 4 days to try it. But they are quick to nail on that additional charge of $100 bucks.
Julie w
Exactly!!!was Not happy about that!