libigirl review
Female Enhancement

Libigirl Review – Does It Work?

Reading that Libigirl is something “designed to increase arousal, maintain a health pH, assist with sexual climax, keep you energized, and have a longer, stronger and more passionate sexual experience” really attracted our attention.

This was what the Libigirl product was claiming to do, and we decided to investigate it to see how valid such bold claims were.

We would consider the ingredients listed on the product packaging and also any consumer and professional opinions we could find as well in order to make a fair and reasoned argument for or against it.

libigirl reviewHow Libigirl Works and Ingredients

As soon as we hit the product homepage we realized that Libigirl was NOT going to be a product that could seriously deliver on its claims. Why not?

The Libigirl ingredients list included cranberry, damiana, muira puama, pomegranate, cordycpes, and evening primrose extracts. It really was a high vitamin supplement more than anything else.

Though we knew that the damiana would work as an estrogen stimulator, and that some of the other extracts might trigger mild sexual responses, there was just no way that a single pill could contain the concentrations necessary for the results desired.

In fact, the site itself says that most of the things in the formula are also in your regular daily vitamin! We decided to move on to the consumer opinions to see if our estimates were correct.

User Reviews of Libigirl

We found only scant reviews for Libigirl and none of them were good. Though very tame, they all pointed to the fact that the product just didn’t do anything for the user.

Some reviews pointed out that the dose of B12 vitamins would be a natural mood enhancer and that the presence of so much cranberry extract would fight off any urinary issues, there was nothing indicating that consumers were getting the sexual “charge” explained on the website.

A sample review of Libigirl we found:

This did so little for me that I thought they sent the wrong thing!

Abby, TN

To really get a sexually charged experience, you want to look for ingredients such as niacin, L-arginine, and horny goat weed for blood flow and DHEA and melatonin for an overall feeling of well being to get you in the mood.

HerSolution has all of these ingredients and is our top recommend female enhancement product and is worth comparing before you decide on a product.

Where to Buy Libigirl

The Libigirl supplement is available through online vendors and the main website. A single package of three costs $15 and there are no customer satisfaction guarantees extended by the maker or any of the affiliates and vendors selling the product. The manufacturer does extend special pricing with bulk orders available.


We don’t recommend Libigirl simply because it just doesn’t seem to deliver any of the benefits promised. It is a glorified vitamin supplement and even describes itself as such on the website.

There are certainly other products with ingredients that will serve the consumer much better and far more effectively.

Click here to see our Top 3 Female Enhancers that we’ve personally used with results!

Have You Tried Libigirl?  Leave Your Review Below!

User Questions and Answers

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User Questions and Answers

Q: did libigirl work -appril singh

A: Appril, I haven't personally used Libigirl. My top female enhancement product is HerSolution (pills) but if you'd rather have a topical cream, I recommend Vigorelle. I've used this one and it works great.

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Q: Can I order right now? -Jugen

A: Jugen, I am not affiliated with Libigirl, my top recommend female enhancement product is HerSolution. Thanks for your message. Rachel

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Q: How many hours work -Suriya

A: Suriya, I've not tried Libigirl. My top recommendation for a female enhancement product is HerSolution pills and cream. This one comes with the best ratings, the best feedback from users, and they offer a money back guarantee. These pills are fast acting and the cream works immediately to improve blood flow and sensation. Good luck! Rachel

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Q: Do this pill have side effects and do it really work -Deandrea white

A: Deandrea, these herbal pills take a little time to build up and work, but the one I recommend and am more familiar with is HerSolution (pills and gel). Thanks! Rachel

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Q: How long does it take to work -

A: Hi, my top recommendation for female enhancer is HerSolution pills and gel and they are quite effective and work quickly! I've never tried Libigirl so I can't say. Thanks, Rachel

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Rachel Vrabel

Rachel is Chief Editor of Women’s Blog Talk and writes reviews across the spectrum of anti-aging, health and beauty. She has an English degree from USF and worked in finance for 15 years before establishing this website in 2011. She loves having a place she can share her inspiration for health and beauty and continue to help others! She lives in South Florida with her husband and her hobbies include beach volleyball, HIIT training and combing the beach for sea glass and shells.


  • Ms.NjoiMe

    i am not please with this i have low stimina this didnt work i didnt fell butteflies,rollercoasters or anything. By it being 5.00 for one pill it should work like a Nodoz pill!

  • Tonja hayes

    yes i tried this several xs its bs to me i rather look at porn b4 my date cms over or beta yet he gets me there every xs he here i just want to c what it was about. NOTHING!

  • Melissa

    Tried libigirl yesterday and just trying to get some reviews on it. It did not increase my sexual desire at all. I thought u could only get these supplements at certain places, but service stations are now selling them for $5.99/(vitamin).

  • kis_my_Ash

    I have tried multiple supplements to increase my sex drive and have had NO luck. Then one day my boyfriend told ne try the “pink pill” and bit did it work wonders. It worked from the very first time I tried it and it does increase the pleasure if taken one a day for a week, ur body adjust and is able to produce without it afterwards. I would definitely recommend libigirl to anyone needing to increase their sex drive!!!!!!

  • Cynthia

    I tried libigirl one time and it didnt do much but when i tried it the second time, OMG….i couldnt get enough. I have always had trouble having an orgasm but with libigirl they come really easily. I would definitly recommend it but you need to try it more than once.

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