eyelastin reviews
Eye Creams

Eyelastin Reviews – Does Eyelastin Really Work?

eyelastin reviewsGetting rid of puffy, swollen eyes and eliminating fine lines and dark circles is harder than commercials try to make it sound.  In order to really do anything about these symptoms, you need ingredients that are proven to work, but most of the stuff on shelves doesn’t really do much.  So when we saw Eyelastin, we decided to take a look at the product to see what was inside and whether or not it would really work.  The product promised great results, but if that was all it took everything out there would work.  Here’s what we found.

How It Works and Ingredients

We started by looking into the ingredients in Eyelastin.  It was a little harder than we thought it would be, as the product website actually doesn’t offer very much information.  They say that the ingredients were approved by a leading lab, but list neither the ingredients nor the lab until you click the button to order and are redirected to a different site. Upon further research, we found that the product offers Argireline, hyaluronic acid, a numerous peptides that are proven to help firm and cleanse the skin.  It made us wonder why they wouldn’t list such great ingredients on the main website, since they are indeed proven and effective options for anti-aging skin care, hydration, and wrinkle reduction.

How Much Does It Cost

From the order page, you can find an incredible range of information on the product and the science behind it, as well as order Eyelastin for $60 a bottle, with discounts for buying multiple bottles.  There are also beauty kits on offer.

User Reviews

It is equally important, when reviewing any product, to look not just at the ingredients, but at what users have experienced with the product.  Eyelastin users are incredibly satisfied people.  When referring to the changes in hydration, wrinkles, and skin tone, the word “dramatically” is used in almost every testimonial.  People are quick to say that they are amazed and that the moisturizing benefits of the product are “immediate”.

“I have been using eyelastin for about 3 weeks now, and the results have been truly amazing.  Not only is it helping my face look younger, but I think it smells great.  The only downside is the price, which for me you can’t put a price tag on your skincare routine.”
Mary, Florida


Eyelastin is a fairly easy product to recommend.  The biggest negative we have found was simply the information on the primary webpage.  As for the product itself, it seems almost impossible to find a dissatisfied customer and people are getting great results.  We know that the ingredients are excellent and that the research has been well conducted, which makes recommending this product for anyone looking to improve skin quality and to help reverse aging signs easy.

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Rachel Vrabel

Rachel is Chief Editor of Women’s Blog Talk and writes reviews across the spectrum of anti-aging, health and beauty. She has an English degree from USF and worked in finance for 15 years before establishing this website in 2011. She loves having a place she can share her inspiration for health and beauty and continue to help others! She lives in South Florida with her husband and her hobbies include beach volleyball, HIIT training and combing the beach for sea glass and shells.

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