Shinto Clinical Hold It Tight Review – Does It Work?
Shinto Clinical Hold It Tight Overview When model, fashion designer, and entrepreneur Kimora Lee Simmons decided to branch out into the skin care business, she turned to her Asian grandmother’s herbal secrets for the inspiration and a leading Swiss chemist for the scientific know-how. What she came up with is Shinto Clinical, a line of products designed to work wonders…
Bliss Love Handler Review-Is it Real?
Bliss Love Handler is a gel that is filled with caffeine that helps to energize amino acids in your abdominal muscles to help lose fat cells and give a look of visibly tight abs. It also helps to keep the skin soft and because it has caffeine in it, it will work up to 8 hours. How Bliss Love Handler…
Smooth Contours Cellulite Cream Review – Does it Really Work?
Smooth Contours Cellulite Cream Overview Smooth Contours Cellulite Cream is clinically and scientifically proven to break down fat cells and will give the look of thinner, tighter and smoother thighs. It is the only contouring cream that holds a US patent. It is very easy and safe to use and can also be used with other medical procedures such as…
Celluthin Review – Is It Worth the Risk?
Celluthin Official Review Celluthin promises to target those unsightly cellulite problem areas and eliminate them in as few as three weeks. Optimal Therapeutics in New Jersey offers Celluthin to women everywhere as the answer to an age old problem. Celluthin is said to firm and tighten skin, eliminate excess water and dimples, reduce fat cells and create younger looking skin.…
Nivea My Silhouette Cream FTC Complaint Spurs $900,000 Fine
Nivea My Silhouette is a product that needs no real review at all. In a recent agreement with the Federal Trade Commission, Beiersdorf, the parent company of Nivea was fined $900,000 because their product, Nivea My Silhouette, did not live up to the claims of fat reduction made in a TV advertising campaign. In a market already full of skeptical…