Kollagen Intensiv on Dr. Oz?
Hello lovely ladies! I’ve had a lot of women ask me if I saw Kollagen Intensiv being talked about on the Dr. Oz show, and I wanted to reach out to everyone to see if they knew about it. From what I understand there has never been an official endorsement by him about it, but he has endorsed other eye and wrinkle creams before.
I have search and searched but can’t seem to find the episode where he was apparently talking about it. They were also saying that apparently said he specifically talked about combining Kollagen Intensiv and another anti aging product called Luminant. If anyone has used this combo or seen the Dr. OZ episode where he talked about it please email me, thanks!
If you’re interested in using Kollagen Intensiv you may want to check out my official review here. I have been using it for a little over a year now, and I personally think it is one of the best anti aging wrinkle creams on the market.