HTY Gold Review
Anti-Aging Creams

HTY Gold Review – Breakthrough Ingredients?

HTY Gold Overview

HTY Gold calls itself “A First in the World of Skin Care Creams”. What it is is a line of face and body creams, individually crafted and patent pending, and it’s all you need to replace the oils your skin loses as you age.  Using no preservatives, fragrances, or man-made chemicals, HTY Gold products claim they will conquer wrinkled, dry, crepe-paper skin.

HTY Gold is made by Pacific Specialty Oils Inc, a company headed by husband and wife team George and Patricia Kopas.  Patricia is a lifelong skincare devotee and George is a master chemist who specializes in oils.  When none of the products she tried could prevent her skin from showing its age, Patricia turned to George.  He spent 4 years researching and came up with HTY Gold based in part on the principle that aging skin needs more oil, not more water and more chemicals.

HTY Gold ReviewHTY Gold Ingredients and How They Work

There are 4 products in the HTY Gold line – Day Gold, Night Gold, Body Gold, and Eye Gold.  Though each is designed for a specific purpose, they all rely on the same core principles and ingredients.  As we age, our skin doesn’t produce as much oil as it once did, and it gets dry and crepey.  According to the Kopases, replacing that oil is exactly what aging skin needs.

The primary active ingredient in HTY Gold is Super Red Palm Oleins.  This rich oil is infused with antioxidants, Tocotrienols (which help build up skin’s connective tissue), Tocopherols, CoQ-10, Beta Carotenes, Alpha Carotenes, Vitamin A and Vitamin E.  In addition to the super-fortified Super Red Palm, HTY Gold also creams together other oils, like Palm Oil, Avocado Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, and Meadowfoam Seed Oil.

HTY Gold Pros and Cons

Advantages of HTY Gold

  • The ingredients are all natural.
  • The products are dermatologist approved.
  • There is a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  • Full company contact information is provided.

Disadvantages of HTY Gold

  • It is very expensive.
  • The creamed oil may congeal or harden in hot or cold temperatures.
  • Although non-comedogenic, it has been known to bring out blackheads.

Where to Buy

In addition to doctors’ offices and spas, you can buy HTY Gold products from their website and at Amazon.  The prices have come down somewhat, but they are still quite steep.  The 12 oz jar of Body Gold is $149.95.  The 3.4 oz jar of Night Gold is $99.95.  The 3.4 oz jar of Day Gold is $89.95.  And the 1 oz jar of Eye Gold is $49.95.


We tend to like HTY Gold for its main ingredient, Red Palm Oil.  There are plenty of older women out there using it to improve dry, wrinkly, crepe-paper skin.  We have 2 issues, however.  One is the fact that HTY Gold is completely oil, so we wonder how well it will absorb and how it can possibly not feel greasy.  The other is the high price tag.  If money is no object, we think you should try it (and come back to let us know how it went).  Alternatively, if you’re crafty, you could buy the ingredients and make a similar cream on your own.

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Rachel Vrabel

Rachel is Chief Editor of Women’s Blog Talk and writes reviews across the spectrum of anti-aging, health and beauty. She has an English degree from USF and worked in finance for 15 years before establishing this website in 2011. She loves having a place she can share her inspiration for health and beauty and continue to help others! She lives in South Florida with her husband and her hobbies include beach volleyball, HIIT training and combing the beach for sea glass and shells.

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