5 Ways To Remove The Bags Under Your Eyes
Have you ever woken up in the morning to find huge, dark bags under your eyes?
They just scream “I didn’t get enough sleep last night and I’m tired!” For anyone on the move, this is a big no-no.
Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to reduce the appearance of these pesky under-eye bags.
Of course, the best way to keep bags from forming under your eyes is to fall asleep early enough each night.
Routine and Sleep to Reduce Eye Bags
Establishing good sleep hygiene by following the same routine each night, avoiding caffeine in the evening hours, and getting a little exercise each day can do wonders to increase the quality of your rest and reduce the bags under your eyes!
Visit an Allergist to Uncover Hidden Factors to Puffy Eyes and Eye Bags
In addition, paying a visit to an allergy doctor can do wonders to improve the appearance of under-eye bags.
Taking medication, keeping your clothes clean, and avoiding going outside during allergy season will stop swelling from forming under your eyes.
Use Teabags to De-puff Eyes
Another great way to lighten the dark bags under your eyes is to use teabags. The tannins in the tea will calm down the swelling and help to make you look refreshed.
This is an inexpensive fix that will work wonders. It’s pretty amazing what a simple teabag can do!
Stay Hydrated for Healthy Skin and Eyes
Finally, and perhaps the best way to keep those nasty bags from forming under your eyes, is to stay hydrated.
Drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day will keep your skin looking supple and smooth.
If you don’t like the taste of plain water, you can use slices of fresh fruit to add some flavor as well as vitamins and minerals. Now that’s a good deal!
Take a Look at the Infographic for More Tips on Healthy Eyes
For more ways to reduce the bags under your eyes, check out the infographic on this post, created by the experts at Campus Eye Group.
It may take you some time to incorporate these changes into your life, but they will be worth it in the long run.
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User Questions and Answers
User Questions and Answers
Q: I m 43 , I m feeling there are puffiness under my eyes which really is concerning me , I m sleeping gud , water intake gud , exercising gud what else I should b doing to overcome pls tell me -Amit
Q: Puffy eyes has always been my concern..No matter what I’ve tried, nothing seems to work..I even tried cold press, creams for under eye bags...It just doesn’t seem to work..Any other suggestions is most welcome..Many thanks Charmaine -Charmaine Emmanuel
One Comment
Mira Herman
Very Insightful Blog.Thanks For sharing.