Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel Review – Is It Safe?
Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel Overview
There are so many skin whitening products on the market today, it’s enough to make your head spin. The biggest distinction among them is whether or not they contain Hydroquinone. The reason for this is that while hydroquinone is known to effectively lighten skin, it is also thought to have potentially dangerous side effects. Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel, as is the case with all the Fair and Flawless products, does not contain hydroquinone. It uses all natural whitening ingredients to give you you the smooth, light, even skin tone you’re looking for.
Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel Ingredients and How They Work
Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel, while not completely all-natural, uses only natural whitening ingredients, and prides itself on being gentle and nourishing to skin.
- Horse Chestnut, White Ginger, and Chamomile Extracts are all nourishing and healing for the skin. Their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help calm and protect skin against redness and irritation.
- Tamarind is used as a natural skin brightener.
- Malic Acid is a gentle alpha hydroxy acid that sloughs away the outer layer of skin to reveal lighter skin more quickly.
- Vitamin C lightens and nourishes skin
- Vitamin E soothes, heals, and nourishes skin.
With these good-skin ingredients in a perfect pH balanced oil-free gel, Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel claims you’ll see softer, smoother, lighter skin in just a few weeks time. It is recommended that you apply it twice a day after using a Fair and Flawless cleanser to prepare the skin to drink in all the benefits.
Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel Pros and Cons
Taking a look at both the upsides and downsides is a good way to make sure you’ve considered all aspects before spending your money on a product.
The Good About Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel
- It lightens and brightens naturally.
- There are many positive testimonials on the company website.
The Bad About Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel
- It is expensive.
- Skincare discussion forums are filled with complaints about the company’s customer service.
- Some Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel reviews talk of skin thinning that has occurred when using Fair and Flawless products.
- Some reviews suggest that the product quality is not consistent.
Where to Buy
You can find Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel on the Fair and Flawless website and through the retailer, Skintrium. A 1 oz pot sells for about $80.
There seems to be some confusion and concern surrounding Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel and the rest of the Fair and Flawless products. The website looks professional, and the products seem to be well-made. But lots of real customers have written unfavorably about them in skincare forums. They say the company delivers poor service to the point of being rude. They say the products have caused their skin to thin to the point of visible veins. And it is frequently stated that the products don’t appear to be of the same quality with each purchase. For these reasons, we would recommend you go with something other than Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel to lighten your skin.
Have You Used Fair and Flawless 80xF Face Whiten Gel? Leave Your Review Below!
User Questions and Answers
User Questions and Answers
Q: Do you know any additional skin care sites that is comparable to fair and flawless and Tonique skin care -Eugene
Emily Patel
This stuff works!! I’ve been using it for 8 years & ive never been disappointed. Here are the photos to prove it… Smh, the garbage people write these days on the internet is simply ridiculous…
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Emily, glad you’ve had a good result with this product, thanks for your comment. I guess the other person who left a review didn’t have the same experience. Thanks! Rachel
Maryann Deng
My experience is quiet the opposite. I have personally always received nothing but great customer service from Skintrium. I think sometimes it’s all about the way we approach people, I’m a soft spoken, respectful person by nature. Hence I very rarely encounter rude responses from anyone. I love Skintrium products
No complaints.
First of all ‘Helen’ either works for Skintrium/Fair and Flawless or she is just a compulsive liar. That company doesn’t have the decency to ever be kind to a customer. I have dealt with this company for many years. The products are generally good, but not consistent. One order can work well and the next order will not work at all. The customer service reps are mean, angry, hateful, sarcastic and rude – none of that is an exaggeration. They will talk to you like you are a dog, regardless of how nice you are. They are disrespectful no matter what. I was once threatened by a rep, who said she can make my order ‘disappear’, another named Miriam who hung up on me because I asked for her to repeat the email address she gave me. I really could go on. The jist of it is that these folks are mean and nasty and must receive very, very low pay, which causes this type of behavior and/or the owner and managers must be just as wicked as they people they hire. As they say, birds of a feather flock together – and nothing but evil is working at this company.
My experience with skintrium has been so much different. Very nice people and always great customer service. Products work magic on the skin! Don’t believe everything you read..
The products that I tried on caused facial skin reaction which the skin began peeling off. I called the company’s customer service more than several times leaving a callback number with a respresentative which they never returned my calls or email, nothing until a week later they called me only with an extremely rude and sarcastic attitude and no answers or resolution to the concerns I questioned them about it, and to top it off, they wanted to charge me a 20 percent restocking fee for shipping the products back. Now, I am concerned about my refund which has yet to be credited back to my credit card account. DO NOT purchase anything from this company! I am considering filing a chargeback through my credit bank in an attempt to recover the full amount of refund they still owe me.