Wedding Day Skin – Benefits of Lemon Water
Prior to my wedding day, part of my detox plan was drinking lemon water, which works wonders for your skin and for boosting weight loss!
I can’t stress enough the importance of drinking lots of water – it is imperative for good skin on your wedding day and every day! When you become dehydrated, your skin will reveal it.
For one your eyes will be puffy, because when you’re dehydrated your body will try to hang on to whatever it can and retain water in places you don’t want it to, like underneath your eyes and your belly.
You need water to flush toxins from your organs and to hydrate your cells, or your skin will look dull, drab and dry.
Adding fresh lemon to part of your daily water intake will not only boost weight loss, but it will detoxify your skin and help to give you a clearer and brighter complexion.
Water With a Side of Lemon – Yes Please!
Specifically upon waking, I would drink a cup of warm water (boil the water like you’re making tea) and squeeze one lemon wedge into the tea and plop the whole wedge right into the tea.
I would also add a lemon wedge to my regular water (one wedge for each 16 oz cup of water) through lunchtime, and then I’d switch to regular water during the evening.
I never used ice, I actually prefer it room temperature because it’s easier to drink, and easier on your body to digest. Since I get cold so easily, drinking ice water actually inhibits my water intake. Also, if you find that the lemon water bothers your teeth, use a straw.
If you’re wondering how much water total you should drink per day, here’s the formula: take your body weight and divide it by 2, and that’s the amount in ounces you should drink per day.
For example, if you weigh 140 lbs, divided by two is 70, so you should be drinking 70 oz. of water per day. Keep a jug of water on your desk, it helps!
What are the benefits of drinking lemon water? There are many, but here’s a few:
- Boosts Immune System – high in Vitamin C and potassium, helps to fight colds and other sicknesses
- Balances ph -even though lemons contain citric acid, it is one of the most alkaline foods around, drinking lemon water will reduce the acids in your body once metabolized
- Aids in Digestion – flushes unwanted materials, encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid required for digestion, healthy gut, healthy skin
- Helps with Weight Loss -lemons are high in pectin, which curbs hunger cravings
- Clears Skin/Acne – Vitamin C helps decrease blemishes and wrinkles and purges toxins from the blood, antiseptic properties clears pimples
Drinking plenty of water and incorporating lemon water into your diet is something you should do all the time for healthy skin, healthy body, and to keep from being dehydrated. It is also imperative to stay hydrated in order to keep your mind feeling sharp.
Nothing will drag you down quicker and leave you feeling lackluster than not having enough water, and you need to stay focused to complete all of the wedding tasks and checklists that I know you are overloaded with right at this moment!
So instead of grabbing that cup of coffee at 3:30, go for some more water instead. At the very least, chug a cup before and after you have that coffee!
Need an added boost to your weight loss plan for your wedding or otherwise?
Read my Fast Metabolism Diet Review to see how I lost 12 lbs in 5 weeks for my wedding and cleared my skin!
User Questions and Answers
User Questions and Answers
Q: I need to lose weight in my stomach only see I just had a baby five months ago so I just want to lose my stomach and nothing anywhere else -sharonda
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How does this equation work out work in metrics please?
Rachel Vrabel
Raewyn, do you mean drinking half of your body weight in ounces? If you weigh 150, drink 75 ounces of water per day. ~Rachel