Dr. Fred Palmer Skin Whitener Review

Dr. Fred Palmer Skin Whitener Review

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User Questions and Answers

Q: Please what are the likely side effects of using skin whitener considering hydroquinone as the active ingredient -Titilayo

A: Titilayo, I have a terrible reaction to hydroquinone. After one use, the next day I'm extremely red, itchy with welts and it takes a few days to go away and I have to use cortisone cream. I recommend against hydroquinone products because some say it's toxic and a carcinogen. This is why I recommend Illuminatural 6i for a skin lightening treatment. It's safe, all natural and contains no hydroquinone. It's a proven product that works, and it's worked great for me. You'll see best results after 3 months, and always use an SPF 30 or 50 to keep your results. Rachel

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Q: Where can I get this product -Sylvia

A: Hi Sylvia, this product has been discontinued. Sorry xo Rachel

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Rachel Vrabel

Rachel is Chief Editor of Women’s Blog Talk and writes reviews across the spectrum of anti-aging, health and beauty. She has an English degree from USF and worked in finance for 15 years before establishing this website in 2011. She loves having a place she can share her inspiration for health and beauty and continue to help others! She lives in South Florida with her husband and her hobbies include beach volleyball, HIIT training and combing the beach for sea glass and shells.

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