Boscia Luminizing Black Mask Review and Results

The Boscia Luminizing Black Mask is an innovative peel-off mask formulated to help boost skin clarity and help minimize the appearance of pores.
This jet black, mineral rich mask works by removing dirt, impurities and absorbing excess oil to reveal a healthy, glowing complexion.
It’s main ingredients are Montmorillonte Clay, Pine Bark Extract, and Vitamin C which work together to detoxify, protect, brighten the skin tone, and reduce the look of fine lines.
Today I was browsing in Sephora and decided to buy this product to give it a try and I must say, the Boscia Luminizing Black Mask is nothing like I’ve ever tried!
Imagine painting liquid latex on your face, allowing it to dry, and then peeling it off (along with all the hairs on your face!)
My experience with this product was very interesting to say the least, and as I sit here feeling the after effects of this mask, I’m laughing because as women, we will try just about anything for great skin!
Read on to see if the pain was was worth it and be sure and check out my video review to watch me try and remove it, it’s quite entertaining.
Boscia Luminizing Black Mask Ingredients and How They Work
There are three primary ingredients in the Boscia Luminizing Black Mask which enable it to detoxify pores, soak up excess oil, condition the skin and protect against free radicals, brighten the skin, and reduce the appearance of fine lines.
- Montmorillonite Clay – This is a clay of the Smectites family and is very similar to Bentotite, however it’s named after a region in France where it is mined. It is made up of soft minerals that form as microscopic crystals and is an advantageous method to drawing out impurities in the skin and absorbing excess oil.
- Pine Bark Extract – Known for its antioxidant properties, pine bark extract is a compound that blocks the action of free radicals, which are activated oxygen molecules that can damage cells. Just as it sounds, pine bark extract comes from the pine tree and it also carries anti-inflammatory properties.
- Vitamin C – The infusion of Vitamin C into cosmetic products is an age old treatment that helps the appearance of sun damaged skin, reduce inflammation, promote collagen production, lessen hyper-pigmentation, and enhance the effectiveness of peels and exfoliants. Also an anti-oxidant, Vitamin C works to brighten the skin.
This product is free of artificial colors and fragrance and is “ethanol” alcohol free, but it’s second ingredient is polyvinyl alcohol, which is an irritating form of alcohol that often serves as the main ingredient in peel-off facial masks.
The Boscia Luminizing Black Mask also contains witch hazel, honey suckle flower extract, eucalyptus leaf oil, rosemary leaf oil, jojoba and willow herb, which work to tone and sooth the skin.
While the Boscia line is proud that they do not include any preservatives in any of their formulas, what they don’t acknowledge is the research showing that preservatives can in fact make cosmetics better.
An effective preservative system can prevent the growth of bacteria and microbes and safeguard the integrity of fragile or unstable ingredients. The number of people who have an irritation to preservatives is far lower than the number of people who have irritations from ingredients such as eucalyptus oil.
Boscia Luminizing Black Mask Pros and Cons
For this review, the pros and cons list will be the easy part, because the cons were easy to identify, but I do have an afterglow that I’m enjoying even though my face still hurts two hours later!
A good way to make a decision on whether or not to buy a product that will be well suited for YOUR skin, is to compare the good points with the bad.

Advantages of Boscia Luminizing Black Mask
- It contains natural ingredients
- Removes impurities and debris easily with absorbent clay known for cosmetic use
- Refines pores
- May reduce fine lines and wrinkles
- Strips away dead skin
- Produces a radiant glow
- Contains no artificial colors or fragrances
- Packaging states that it’s suitable for all skin types
Disadvantages of Boscia Luminizing Black Mask
- It was painful to remove the mask and it removed a lot of my facial hair, hurts worse than waxing
- Getting the edges to lift was difficult, it really adheres to your face (applying a very thick layer is key)
- I disagree with the claim that it would be suitable for all skin types, this would kill someone with sensitive skin or a sunburn
- A peel that sticks so aggressively may actually damage the skin when you remove it
My Experience and Results Using Boscia Luminizing Black Mask
Why I chose this mask
It was the jet black color and shiny latex appearance of this mask that intrigued me today as I was browsing Sephora, and since I’ve used clay masks before with great results I thought I’d give it a try.
I was looking for a mask that could clean out the blackheads on my nose and shrink my pores. The fact that it can reduce fine lines and wrinkles was an afterthought; I wanted a deep pore cleansing in the form of a peel.
Applying the mask

I followed the directions and cleansed my face and patted it dry. Applying the mask was easy, and I was very careful to try and emulate the picture on the box, avoiding my eye area and my eyebrows (thank goodness I did this!)
I applied a rather generous layer of the product, as I wanted it to be thick enough to be able to grab the edges so it would peel off easily.
Once applied, I had a cooling sensation on my skin and it did make my eyes water for a couple of minutes. The instructions are to leave the mask on for 30 minutes which I did.
Removing the mask – and the pain that came with it
My face was so tightened by the mask that it made me talk a little funny, but that made me feel like it was working effectively. The 30 minute mark arrived and it was time to peel this bad boy off.
I had an extremely hard time getting the edge to lift and that’s when the pain started. Every little tiny peach fuzz hair on my face felt like it was being ripped off my face in slow motion, and literally it was – ouch!
Now I’ve never waxed my face, other than my eyebrows, but I have waxed other parts and this was right up there as far as the pain level goes. All I can say is thank GOODNESS I didn’t apply this product too close to the delicate skin underneath my eyes, as the result would not have been good.

So after a couple minutes of struggling to slowly peel the mask off, I finally got it off in mostly one piece. Holding it up to the light, I can see that it’s covered in peach fuzz hair, with some remnants of skin on it.
My face was a little pink but not as irritated as I thought it would be. I rinsed off a couple missed spots with a cool washcloth and I noticed that the pores on my nose had some gunk just begging to be squeezed out, so I went ahead and squeezed gently using the washcloth in between my fingers. I actually kinda liked this part!
After effects
The instructions also say to apply a moisturizer right after, so I applied my Kollagen Intensiv as I knew it would help calm my skin.
Now to be honest, I liked the afterglow that resulted from the mask and my face feels very smooth. My face looks and feels brighter and it definitely removed the impurities in my skin, especially on my nose.
However, here it is two hours later and my face is still very tender and my face is now very oily. I attribute this to my skin overproducing oil since the clay mask absorbed and stripped all of the natural oil from my face. This effect subsided once I cleansed and moisturized my face before bed.
The next morning
Well my face survived, however my skin still feels tender this morning. I’m pretty sure the mask removed several layers of skin and I hope that I did not cause any damage. This was no gentle process and for some, this mask could really be painful if you have sensitive skin.
Where to Buy Boscia Luminizing Black Mask
I bought the Boscia Luminizing Black Mask at Sephora today for $34 and I also found it on Amazon at a much higher price, $48.99. You can also find it on ebay, but I wouldn’t recommend buying skin care off ebay since there is no guarantee of freshness.
Boscia Luminizing Black Mask Conclusion and Recommendation

Made with a premier-quality clay, the Boscia Luminizing Black Mask has deep-cleansing properties which draw out dirt and oil. Other natural ingredients go to work to exfoliate the skin and refine pores.
Powerful antioxidants help to shrink pores, firm skin, and reduce inflammation. Once dried, the mask strips away dead skin, impurities and excess oil to reveal immediate and visible results.
Would I use this mask again? The answer to that question is yes, however I would strategically only place the mask on my forehead and nose to hit those areas where I have visible pores and where my skin is not as sensitive.
I would avoid my cheek area and around my mouth altogether because it was too painful and I didn’t like that it removed so much facial hair and removed layers of skin so aggressively.
Who would I recommend this product to? I would recommend the Boscia Luminizing Black Mask to someone with oily skin as I think it would work well to absorb excess oil and shrink your pores, but again I would not recommend applying it to your whole face, just the nose and forehead.
I would definitely not recommend this mask for anyone with sensitive skin, a sunburn, or anyone with acne. This mask would be extremely painful to remove if you had any kind of open sores or pimples and it could aggravate your condition.
I had fun trying this product, and it made for a funny video and pictures, but I’m not convinced that a mask that sticks to your face like superglue doesn’t do more harm than good. I much prefer a traditional detoxifying clay mask that dries to your face and washes off with water.
For a weekly mask I can use 2-3x per week to remove impurities, tighten pores, smooth and refine the skin, I love the Beautycounter No. 3 Balancing Charcoal mask, and here is my personal review.
Or you can see the Balancing mask on Beautycounter’s website here.
There is nothing toxic in it (it’s made with nutrient-rich kaolin clay and activated charcoal) and I feel it works better and won’t harm the skin. It’s good for all skin types as well!
Have you tried Boscia Luminizing Black Mask? Leave you review below!
User Questions and Answers
User Questions and Answers
Q: When the hair grows back it is obviopricklyis it prickly? -Lisa
6 out of 6 people found this question helpful.
Q: Is this product or it's ingredients tested on animals? -Tara
5 out of 5 people found this question helpful.
Q: Does this mask remove your extra facial hair? -Kat
3 out of 4 people found this question helpful.
Q: I wanted to ask about having a product reviewed. Just curious about the steps involved. Thanks! -Gabriel -Gabriel
2 out of 2 people found this question helpful.
Q: Hi how much did you buy the black mask for and where can I get it from in the uk -Nour bensadik
3 out of 5 people found this question helpful.
Hi Rachel,
I can totally empathize with you about how painful it was to get this mask off. Half way through the process I thought to myself “am I doing something wrong?” I also wrote a full review about the mask on my fashion and beauty blog. Do you have any face masks that you swear by?
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Liz, one of my favorite masks is Ligne St. Barths Cream Mask with Pink Clay and Passionfruit – it’s amazing! (It’s the third product I reviewed in the article, just scroll down). I discovered it on my honeymoon and bought like 3 tubs of it! There is also a $12 mask from Whole Foods that I love! It’s the Redmond Clay Facial Mud mask. It’s all organic, cheap, and works great to dry up blemishes and shrink pores. Thanks for your comment!
There is a message that I have received t before several times. It states that Ellen’s secret and Dr. Oz recommended. Each times it is a different product, this time it was regarding RVTL and Equinox. Same Brenda person giving her testimony just different products.
Same free trial different product. In fact, if I go out of that site and go back in, I cannot go back to the same product, different product. Extremely frustrating and actually upsetting if a person is looking for something that works. In looking at the reviews of this product, I never found out whether it works or not just the company’s disregard for folks paying for it. thus, bringing me to your site. Which you suggested that we leave that product alone. You recommend a lot of products. I just want one. You say many of the products are the best you tried so I am now confused. Please let me know what product you like best. I am looking for something to even skin tone, brighten, firm and tighten. I have one line on my forehead but that does not bother me as much as the darkness around my mouth. Do you possibly have an idea what I can use?
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Iris, steer clear of any of those creams “suggested by Dr. Oz” etc or Ellen’s secret – those are the biggest scams of all! Yes, they just continually rotate the creams, rotate the celebrities and the bogus claims. I’m sorry that my top choices confused you. It’s hard to pick just ONE so that’s why I have a top 3, however they are different in ingredient etc. I have this statement at the bottom on my Top 3 Wrinkle Creams. I hope this helps, they are all wonderful. If you’d like to tell me a little bit more about your skin I’ll be happy to narrow it down for you. What is your age? Is your skin dry/oily/normal? My first thought for you would be Dermology.
Need help deciding? Just a few tips….
Let me just add that while all 3 of these anti-aging treatments are worthy of a #1 position as being effective for treating ALL signs of aging and would work well with most skin types, if you need a little help deciding which one might be best for you and the problem you’re trying to treat, see if this list helps. This is a very general list, and I encourage you to read my full reviews for more information, but in a nutshell:
If your main concern is wrinkles, I would recommend either Lifecell or Dermology as they both have “tightening” and “wrinkle relaxing” agents in them and contain the most cutting edge anti-aging ingredients.
If your skin is more on the dry side, I would recommend Kollagen Intensiv as it is the “most” moisturizing out of the three.
If you need to treat wrinkles in addition to treating dark spots, then the best bet is either Lifecell (#1 choice) or Kollagen Instensiv, as they both can treat those conditions (if your skin is more oily, go with Lifecell).
If you have acne prone skin, I would recommend Dermology.
I have been trying to comment or ask questions but it will not go through. Did this one?
Rachel Vrabel
Hi Iris, see my other email, my apologies for the delay. I’ve had some health issues keeping me busy for the past couple of days.